MSNBC Host Openly Strategizes with Liberal Democrat: How Do 'We' Go After Bill Barr?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
No one doubts that the liberal media acts as an arm of the Democrat party. But MSNBC's Yasmin Vossoughian has now provided an absolutely brazen example of the phenomenon. Usually, they refrain from using the royal We when discussing Democrat strategy.

Vossoughian subbed for Ari Melber on his MSNBC show The Beat on Thursday. Interviewing ultraliberal Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, Vossoughian three times asked Raskin which was the best way that "we" should go after Attorney General Bill Barr and/or the Mueller report and testimony by Mueller.

After Raskin called Barr's attitude "constitutionally intolerable," Vossoughian responded.

"You’re bringing up a really good point here. Because one of the, I think, directives here, and the big question here is, do wepursue the Attorney General until he provides testimony for the House? Or, do we pursue the unredacted Mueller reportalong with testimony from Bob Mueller? Is that where we put our energy?"

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Hay as whole Death RATE....Barr has made the whole report available to you if you gotboffvyour dead dying ads and walked over to a special room at the D. O Justice and read the 448 pages
Popped in to watch Morning Joe for just a second, and wow, that is some bizaare stuff. Joe was talking about when, not if, a Democrat wins 2020, all the people who supported Trump will be shamed. I can guess who would do the shaming.
No news here. Vosso’s just getting in step with the other MSDNC slime.

A couple weeks I ago was listening to Chris Matthews lamenting their options after yet another Trump “It” blew up in their faces. Thrill up his leg’s reaction was, “Well I guess we’ll just have to beat him in the election.”

So, dear dipshits, if you can keep a secret I’ll give you the strategery you should follow between now and election 2020. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing since June 15, 2015 and all will be well. Promise.
Well, it's been a while since they've really tried to hide it.

Mac, you're a level headed guy, as a democrat and a former news person, do you watch MSNBC and like shows, and think well, those are good points, or do you think to yourself, what in the world are they smoking. Does it seem sad that they outright call the president a traitor, go after his family, say nothing is going on at the border, ect. I'm curious if even democrats believe this stuff anymore.
I've got to add that they think the world will end in 12 years. Purge, do you think it is hard for reporters to support people like Waters and Nadler? At lunch, they pull out a cigar and say, dang, I have to prop this loser up.
Mac, you're a level headed guy, as a democrat and a former news person, do you watch MSNBC and like shows, and think well, those are good points, or do you think to yourself, what in the world are they smoking. Does it seem sad that they outright call the president a traitor, go after his family, say nothing is going on at the border, ect. I'm curious if even democrats believe this stuff anymore.
It's complicated. One piece of it is that the profession naturally attacks far more liberals. Another piece is that it is very, very, very tempting to put little touches on a story that slants it in your direction. Another piece is the way (or even if) a story is covered overall.

And also, Trump brought much of this on himself. There is one thing that is a higher priority for the press than advancing their political agenda, and that's when someone messes with their "journalistic integrity". That brings out the claws, and Trump has done that in spades.

Yes, when I watch MSNBC or CNN or FOX, the bias screams out at me like a ZZ Top concert, because I know the game.
When I watch Fox, I agree with most of what people like Tucker Carlson present, but I do wish they would play devil's advocate and point out weaknesses in positions I actually like. It also gets awkward when a position is pushed to a point where you are like, I get the point already, move on. The 4 PM guy, ouch. He couldn't contain how much he hates Christians. He said he just got breaking news on what a shooter in California said after an attack, and he was beaming from ear to ear like he won the lottery. When they got back from commercial, he said the shooter said Jesus. That gave him a real thrill. I will say this about Fox, they don't have to do many retractions or apologies. They may be biased for my team, but at least they aren't making things up. They also go after the rinos from time to time, like Romney.
The Media, well at least 95% of it, doesn't even try to hide they are a merely the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They were complicit in the recent failed coup attempt.
Trump's disdain for a free press isn't fake news -- it's very real and a threat to our democratic institutions. Hugging a flag is easy. A president must embrace the values that the flag embodies
The "Free Press" is 95%+ the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and complicit in a recent, illegal, failed Coup attempt.

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