AG Barr Becomes 'Hostile Witness' May 1, 2019 - Refuses to Testify May 2, 2019

You realize that Barr refused to testify before the House because Nadler changed the rules at the last minute and decided on the unprecedented step of having staff attorneys ask the AG questions, right? That is an unprecedented insult and procedure to require of an AG, so Barr was entirely justified in cancelling his appearance. He said he'd be happy to answer questions from House Judiciary Committee members, just as he did with Senate Judiciary Committee members, but that it was unheard of to try to force the AG to submit to questions by staff attorneys.

And it is sad that liberals are still claiming that Kamala Harris "drew blood" from Barr when Barr answered No when she asked him if he had read the thousands of pages of evidence behind the Mueller report. Why would Barr bother reading them when he has the Mueller report and can ask Mueller any questions he wants if he needs to clarify something?

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