Wolf Blitzer Practically Begs Democrat to Call Barr a Liar, Find a Way to Force AG Out

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
CNN leaves NO DOUBT that it is the media arm of the ABNORMALS!!!! FAKE NEWS LIVES at CNN!


CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer practically begged his Democrat guest to call Attorney General William Barr, a liar, and find a way to force him out disgracefully, during CNN’s live coverage of the AG’s testimony before the Senate, Wednesday morning.

That question was prompted by news that broke overnight, revealing Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not happy with Barr’s summary of his report, writing him a letter saying it didn’t fully capture the context of the report’s conclusions. However, Mueller did admit it was “not an inaccurate or misleading” summary. Regardless, that didn’t matter to the cable networks, who spent all morning hyperventilating that Barr had lied to Congress and the American people.

Shortly before Barr appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Blitzer brought on Democrat whip Dick Durbin to further CNN’s liberal agenda in discrediting the AG. “The stakes have gotten higher,” Blitzer gushed, adding there was a “huge uproar” over the news that Mueller objected to Barr’s summary. “So how will Democrats take this on today during this upcoming hearing?” he asked.

Wolf Blitzer Urges Democrat to Call Barr a Liar, Force AG Out

litzer described how Barr had told Congress he “didn’t know” if Mueller had “supported” his conclusion in his summary, during his April 10 testimony, after Mueller’s letter had been sent to him. “We now know Mueller stated his concerns to Barr on March 27th, a letter. Did Barr lie to Congress?” he asked.

Durbin didn’t directly answer, asserting that Mueller “made it clear at the beginning that Barr’s conclusions did not reflect the reality of that report" and had "whitewashed" the report. That wasn’t good enough for Blitzer who urged the Democrat again to call Barr a liar who had perjured himself before the Senate:

“So do you believe he lied? Did Barr lie in front of Congress which, of course, would be perjury, that's illegal!” Blitzer eagerly asked.

Durbin showed more caution than the CNN host, supposedly an impartial journalist, showed. “Well, I'm not going to say a crime was committed but he clearly misled [his Democrat colleagues,]” he stated. Blitzer tried one final time, this time acting as the judge and juror for the AG:

“Do you believe he should resign or be impeached?” he urged.

Durbin again didn’t directly answer but said the AG had “virtually disqualified himself” as an impartial actor.....but not AG HZolder when he declared he was the Surrender Monkeys WINGMAN!!!


So, that’s their MO! Don’t debate. Don’t put your plan out there, defend it and convince you have the right one. Just obstruct, insult and accuse. And when that fails, do everything in your power to force the other side to give in or get run out. Very adult of them. Good Lord. It’s no wonder things like ANTIFA, OWS, BLM, et al, exist. The supposed “adults in the room” are no better, if not worse.

If Blitzer is this insane, now, then they know there’s potential for disaster. We can only hope that all of this, now that Barr is in the game, will give him the motivation to take all these corrupt bastards down.
The mindless, no-need-to-check-the-record allegation against Barr goes like this: The AG testified on April 9 that he had no idea why Special Counsel Mueller was upset over the way Barr’s March 24 letter described Mueller’s report; but, in fact, Barr knew exactly why Mueller was upset because he had received the latter’s March 27 letter complaining about Barr’s missive.

The day after receiving Mueller’s March 27 letter, Barr called Mueller and pointedly asked whether he was claiming that Barr’s March 24 letter articulating Mueller’s findings was inaccurate. Mueller responded that he was making no such claim — he was, instead, irritated by the press coverage of Barr’s letter. Mueller suggested the publication of additional information from the report, including the report’s own executive summaries, to explain more about why he decided not to resolve the obstruction issue. But he did not claim Barr had misrepresented his findings. (See Barr’s Senate testimony, starting at 39-minute mark.)


Barr’s contact was with Mueller, not Mueller’s team. His exchanges with Mueller gave Barr no basis to know about any objection to his description of the report’s findings — from Mueller or anyone else. The fact that Mueller’s staff was leaking like a sieve to the Times, the Washington Post, and NBC News does not mean they were sharing with the attorney general what the Times described as “their simmering frustrations.”

Barr decided that his way of making disclosure — the findings followed three weeks later by the full report — was superior to the proposal of Mueller’s staff that their own summaries be released. You can disagree with Barr on that, but that’s not grounds for a perjury claim. And it raises a point Barr made in his Senate testimony: The regulations do not require any disclosure of the special counsel’s report (which is supposed to be a confidential Justice Department document, as is typical of Justice Department deliberations over whether to charge or decline to charge). The decision of what, if anything, to disclose, and how that should be done, is exclusively the attorney general’s, not the special counsel’s. Mueller’s job was to make a prosecutorial judgment — to charge or decline to charge obstruction. Mueller failed to do that. Since Mueller didn’t do his own job, isn’t it a bit presumptuous of his staff (through press leaks) to tell Barr how to do his?

Mueller received fawning press for two years on the expectation that he would slay Trump. Then, on March 24, Democrats and the media learned not only that there was no collusion case but that Mueller had been derelict, failing to render a judgment on the only question he was arguably needed to resolve: Was there enough evidence to charge obstruction?

Democrats are unnerved. Attorney General Barr is pursuing an inquiry into the Obama administration’s decision to conduct a foreign counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign. AG Barr is a highly capable official daring to press questions that would have been answered two years ago if an incumbent Republican administration had spied on — er, monitored — a Democratic presidential campaign.

Bill Barr's Testimony -- Attorney General Did Not Lie | National Review

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