MR are the President of the United States - ACT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Jesus Christ!!!
Jimmy Carter was tougher than this!!
While our embarrassingly mighty mouse President consults the U.N. - Libya continues to pound its citizens.
This President simply cannot or will not understand that the entire free world looks to America for leadership.
Mr. Obama - you are not just another leader in the global ARE the leader of the global community. Until America acts - no one does. The U.N. will negotiate and bloviate for months on end - you are the most powerful man on earth - ACT LIKE IT!!
Either get involved or say you are not going to get involved!!! For God's sake you don't say you will back the rebels...and then not do anything to help them!!
You don't tell a dictator that he needs to step down immediately - and then do nothing when he bombs his own people.
You are IT...there is NO ONE ELSE...if you do nothing no one else will either.

For f*cks sake - FRANCE - stepped up to the plate before we did !!!!:cuckoo:
Jesus Christ!!!
Jimmy Carter was tougher than this!!
While our embarrassingly mighty mouse President consults the U.N. - Libya continues to pound its citizens.
This President simply cannot or will not understand that the entire free world looks to America for leadership.
Mr. Obama - you are not just another leader in the global ARE the leader of the global community. Until America acts - no one does. The U.N. will negotiate and bloviate for months on end - you are the most powerful man on earth - ACT LIKE IT!!
Either get involved or say you are not going to get involved!!! For God's sake you don't say you will back the rebels...and then not do anything to help them!!
You don't tell a dictator that he needs to step down immediately - and then do nothing when he bombs his own people.
You are IT...there is NO ONE ELSE...if you do nothing no one else will either.

For f*cks sake - FRANCE - stepped up to the plate before we did !!!!:cuckoo:

We are broke, remember? We can't afford to help the Libyan people, asshole.
Jesus Christ!!!
Jimmy Carter was tougher than this!!
While our embarrassingly mighty mouse President consults the U.N. - Libya continues to pound its citizens.
This President simply cannot or will not understand that the entire free world looks to America for leadership.
Mr. Obama - you are not just another leader in the global ARE the leader of the global community. Until America acts - no one does. The U.N. will negotiate and bloviate for months on end - you are the most powerful man on earth - ACT LIKE IT!!
Either get involved or say you are not going to get involved!!! For God's sake you don't say you will back the rebels...and then not do anything to help them!!
You don't tell a dictator that he needs to step down immediately - and then do nothing when he bombs his own people.
You are IT...there is NO ONE ELSE...if you do nothing no one else will either.

For f*cks sake - FRANCE - stepped up to the plate before we did !!!!:cuckoo:

So, you thinkk the American people want the president to get us into another war? Something tells me you're not reading the American people very well. BTW, are you in the military? If not, you do realize that that just makes you a chicken hawk. If you want to throw the dictator out, go and join the military. Don't get brave with someone else's life.
You never have a clue do you?
Obama waited to get a hall pass from U.N. - and NOW he comes out..NOW - after Libyan forces have nearly driven opposing forces damn near to the Ocean.
He should have done this 3 weeks ago.
Why do Progressives see war as the only response?

I don't hear too many progressives clamoring for war. What I hear are chicken hawks. Sitting in the safety of their living rooms urging the president to send someone else's kids to fight.
You guys all don't have a clue.
This isn't about whether we get into a war or don't get into a war.
LIKE I SAID - as the leader of the free world - you make your position clear and back it up. And if Obama's position is to stay out of it - then say so.
It is unbecoming of a world leader to make a declaration - and sit by and watch while someone takes that declaration and stomps it into the ground.
If he does not want to engage forces and wants to stay out of Libyan actions - then say so!!
You don't come out and say "do this or face the consequences" - and do nothing when you are ignored.
Why not let the UN handle it, or France? Tell why does it always have to be us? Please explain that to me? We are already in two countries over there. I am sorry, there are many countries that are worse off than Libya. But I think it is time to let another country to take this one on.
You never have a clue do you?
Obama waited to get a hall pass from U.N. - and NOW he comes out..NOW - after Libyan forces have nearly driven opposing forces damn near to the Ocean.
He should have done this 3 weeks ago.
Attack Lybia without a declaration of war? So you really wanted the third Bush term here (in spite of the lessons learned after that goofy asshole's administration).
Why do Progressives see war as the only response?

I don't hear too many progressives clamoring for war. What I hear are chicken hawks. Sitting in the safety of their living rooms urging the president to send someone else's kids to fight.

Reagan demolished the USSR without firing a shot.

Only in the minds of the wingnuts. The reality that the rest of the world experienced is far different.
You guys all don't have a clue.
This isn't about whether we get into a war or don't get into a war.
LIKE I SAID - as the leader of the free world - you make your position clear and back it up. And if Obama's position is to stay out of it - then say so.
It is unbecoming of a world leader to make a declaration - and sit by and watch while someone takes that declaration and stomps it into the ground.
If he does not want to engage forces and wants to stay out of Libyan actions - then say so!!
You don't come out and say "do this or face the consequences" - and do nothing when you are ignored.
Short of war, what should he have done?

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