Mother Russia: What do the liberals think now

‘Plan B’ for Syria?

September 10, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


The Syrian crisis has taken another curious turn. Yesterday, before President Obama made his case to the public for some sort of military strike against the regime of Bashar Assad, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that his nation would push the Syrian government to put its chemical weapons cache under international control. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem claimed his nation agrees with the idea. “Syria welcomes the Russian proposal out of concern for the lives of the Syrian people, the security of our country and because it believes in the wisdom of the Russian leadership that seeks to avert American aggression against our people,” he said.

The surprise development came within hours of an ambiguous ultimatum issued by Secretary of State John Kerry, who said Assad had one week to turn over all of his chemical weapons or face a military attack. Kerry then said it was unlikely Assad would do so. Sensing a potential problem, the State Department quickly characterized Kerry’s comments as a “rhetorical argument,” not an actual offer. What Kerry really meant, according to Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, “was that this brutal dictator with a history of playing fast and loose with the facts cannot be trusted to turn over chemical weapons.”

Nonetheless, Lavrov promised that Moscow would attempt to convince Syria to do exactly that.


?Plan B? for Syria? | FrontPage Magazine
Mother Russia: What do the liberals think now

What they’ve always thought, during the Soviet Era and today, that it’s a brutal, repressive regime.

Something conservative allow themselves to admire and respect now that Russia is no longer ‘communist.’

Salunsky would call you lame, you need to come up with some better propaganda...:eusa_angel:
The saul alinksys of the far reactionary right merely demonize the mainstream of American politics and the president concerning Syria.

The situation is looking better all the time for the USA as the Syrians will have to give up gas muniiton and comply with international conventions.

In the maintime, the far right and the left have left themselves way open to cries of "commie lovers."
After all these years of calling Democrats commies and fascists, Republicans are coming out in support of a communist country for locking people up for "gay propaganda". This shit is priceless.

Almost but not quite as priceless as how our resident anti-commies have come to an agreement with the CHINESE COMMUNIST MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT whereby we get to hire their SLAVES to make their products.

I'm telling ya, mate the US conservatives have some truly FLEXIBLE
MORAL VALUES when it comes to choosing business partners.

Sir, it's all about MONEY. That's how the world turns.
The saul alinksys of the far reactionary right merely demonize the mainstream of American politics and the president concerning Syria.

The situation is looking better all the time for the USA as the Syrians will have to give up gas muniiton and comply with international conventions.

In the maintime, the far right and the left have left themselves way open to cries of "commie lovers."

I guess old dogs can't learn new tricks/propaganda...:eusa_shifty:

CNN poll: Public against Syria strike resolution
By Paul Steinhauser and John Helton, CNN
updated 12:49 PM EDT, Mon September 9, 2013

CNN poll: Public against Syria strike resolution -

Snarkey, did somebody steal yo mommy...
AJ, does not understand that bombing Syria was never BHO's real motive.

He wanted to flush out the extremists who put partisan politics above love for country and doing the right thing.

Both the national Dem and GOP campaign finance committees now know who to support in the primaries.

The extremists on both sides of the spectrum, like you and rdean, are going to get flushed out.
AJ, does not understand that bombing Syria was never BHO's real motive.

He wanted to flush out the extremists who put partisan politics above love for country and doing the right thing.

Both the national Dem and GOP campaign finance committees now know who to support in the primaries.

The extremists on both sides of the spectrum, like you and rdean, are going to get flushed out.

You have a lot in common with the dear leader, bull shit peddlers...:lol:

What do you want to bet that photographers in Russia won't be sued and forced to attend commitment ceremonies?

Whoever thought that Russia would be the country that protects religious freedom and the United States would be the country destroying it?

Which Jesus said that it's okay to persecute gays?
Syrian Peace Deal Signals Moscow's Growing Prestige

Wed, Sep 11 2013

Syria: President Obama can take all the credit he likes for Moscow's deal on Bashar Assad surrendering chemical weapons. In fact, Russia is filling the U.S. power vacuum on its way back to superpower status.

According to the surprise new peacemaker on the global stage, ex-KGB officer and Russian ruler Vladimir Putin, Syria will only follow through on his agreement with the terror state to get rid of chemical weapons "if the United States and other nations supporting it tell us that they're giving up their plan to use force against Syria."

That is the opposite of the Obama White House's claim that Assad's concession is, as White House press secretary Jay Carney put it Tuesday, "a clear result of the pressure that has been put on Syria by" the president's threat of limited strikes.


But just as Assad is not going to give up all of his chemical weapon stockpiles as civil war rages, Tehran will cheat on some pact forged by the same Russia that built the Iranian nuclear infrastructure over the decades.

President Obama thinks his sometime pal Vladimir has just saved him from becoming a lame duck president for three years, that he just gave him the "flexibility" Obama infamously asked him for over a hot mike last year.

But Obama has, thanks to Putin, just "ruined the American position in the Middle East, our patrimony of the last seven decades," as the Weekly Standard's Lee Smith warns.

Vladimir the "Peacemaker" is on track to replacing America with his Mother Russia as the world's lone superpower.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Syrian Peace Deal Signals Moscow's Rising Prestige At U.S. Expense -
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AJ, does not understand that bombing Syria was never BHO's real motive.

He wanted to flush out the extremists who put partisan politics above love for country and doing the right thing.

Both the national Dem and GOP campaign finance committees now know who to support in the primaries.

The extremists on both sides of the spectrum, like you and rdean, are going to get flushed out.

You have a lot in common with the dear leader, bull shit peddlers...:lol:


Let's stay on OP, please. The fact remains that BHO played the far right and far left, and the fact is that you sided with the Russians.
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AJ, does not understand that bombing Syria was never BHO's real motive.

He wanted to flush out the extremists who put partisan politics above love for country and doing the right thing.

Both the national Dem and GOP campaign finance committees now know who to support in the primaries.

The extremists on both sides of the spectrum, like you and rdean, are going to get flushed out.

You have a lot in common with the dear leader, bull shit peddlers...:lol:


Let's stay on OP, please. The fact remains that BHO played the far right and far left, and the fact is that you sided with the Russians.

You still have a lot in common with the dear leader, bull shit peddlers...:lol:


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AJ continues to spread manure and is stuck in it, having sided with Russia.

AJ and those who endorse his opinion are no longer viable in American national politics. :lol:
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Russia Rising

September 12, 2013 By Joseph Klein



The problem for Kerry and his feckless boss is that, to the Russians, this is little else but a game. And the Obama administration is being played. Putin helped Obama get out of the corner in which he painted himself – at least temporarily – but at a steep price. Sensing Obama’s ambivalence and the likelihood that he would lose a vote in Congress for authority to launch a punitive strike against Syria, Putin pounced. The wily former KGB agent has managed to gain the moral high ground while Obama looks like a combination of a paper tiger and a deer caught in the headlights.

Russia is demanding that Obama foreswear the future use of any military force against Syria. It opposed a draft UN Security Council resolution put forward by France, with U.S. and British backing, which would have authorized the use of force if Syria reneged on the transfer of all of its chemical weapons to international control. Give peace a chance, Putin is telling Obama, all the while chuckling as he outflanks the Nobel Peace Prize-winning U.S. president as the anti-war world leader.


The Assad regime buys significant time. Russia increases its military presence under the pretext of providing security for the transfer to international control. The rebels, including the so-called “moderates” whom the Obama administration says it is supporting, are marginalized.

In short, Russia wins. And the United States, under President Obama, looks weaker than ever.

Russia Rising | FrontPage Magazine
Either HRC or, hopefully, CC will win the election, and we can watch the far reactionary right and the far radical left begin moving to Moscow.
Vladimir Putin: Leader of the Free World?

September 13, 2013 By Robert Spencer


When even the New York Times admits that Barack Obama has been outfoxed, outsmarted and outplayed, you know he has really been outfoxed, outsmarted and outplayed.

But there it was, in Wednesday’s edition: “suddenly Mr. Putin has eclipsed Mr. Obama as the world leader driving the agenda in the Syria crisis.” Putin, wrote Steven Lee Myers for the Times, “appears to have achieved several objectives, largely at Washington’s expense.” Chief among these was that “Russia has at least for now made itself indispensable in containing the conflict in Syria, which Mr. Putin has argued could ignite Islamic unrest around the region, even as far as Russia’s own restive Muslim regions, if it is mismanaged.”

Barack Obama, meanwhile, has been revealed as being spectacularly dispensable. The Syrian jihadis who were counting on his aid are bitterly disappointed that he has (at least for now) backed off on committing the U.S. to intervening militarily; true to form as ever, they are blaming it all on Israel. He and his administration’s top officials, most of whom spent years excoriating George W. Bush for lacking sufficient evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, are definitively unmasked as hypocritical, self-serving and partisan in repeatedly glossing over the fact that Obama still has not proven his central contention, that it was Assad who used the chemical weapons unleashed in Syria on August 21.


What happened this week could prove to be just as accidentally momentous. Russia has suddenly reemerged as a major player, if not the major player, in the Middle East and on the world stage in general. And it has happened not because Putin’s plan for a resolution to the Syrian conflict is particularly imaginative, or even workable (how will anyone be able to be sure that Syria has turned over all its chemical weapons?). No, Russia’s reemergence is due not to Russia’s power or Putin’s statecraft, but because Barack Obama left the gate open for them. The consequences of their rushing into the city have yet to be determined, but they’re unlikely to be good in the long run for free people.

Vladimir Putin: Leader of the Free World? | FrontPage Magazine
We have seen BHO out maneuvering Russia diplomatically and forcing Syria to bow when we flexed our military muscle.

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