Most Palestinians Prefer Israel To A Palestinian State

Have you read the Hamas agenda lately? they quote the hadith that states that the end of days won't come until the Muslim will kill the last Jew.

Now you tell me, as an American, or Christian, or a human being or whatever, how exactly you are to speak (recognize?) with people that their most BASIC belief says that their God wishes them to kill you.

Really, I am curious of how your head works on that one:doubt:

Second of all, the blockade. Why do you think there is a blockade? because the Israeli government likes it? the blockade is because Israeli people DIED because of Palestinian terrorists (who have also harmed Americans, btw). If the Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all of them will give up terror, there will be no NEED of blockade. THAT is a PAINFULLY simple reason, really!

For last, you say that Hamas respected the 4 months seacefire. THAT, my friend, is not true at all.

Let me tell you, from A LOT of experience in that field. Hamas does NOT respect seacefires. EVER.

In Israel there is what we call "the range rings". The Missles from Gaza are known in differences of range distances. the area which is close to the strip, is called in Hebrew "Ottef Aza" literally translated "The envelop of Gaza" or "The Gaza vicinity". it is usually the distance of 0-7 kilometers from the Gaza strips. this area is known for being full of Kibbutzim and small agricultural villages, many of them next to the Gaza boarder, some of them hold no more then few hundred families, the area has about 20-30 of those villages. between them there is the town of Sderot, which became the symbol of Ottef Aza to the missle launching. before Cast lead, the missile launching hit a new distance, the city of Ashkelon, which is beyond the 7 kilometers distance, it is also a larger city compared to Sderot. in Cast Lead itself, the missiles got to Ashdod (which has the main port in Israel) and Be'er Sheva (The 'capital' of the south)

After those missles hit those new ranges, the Israeli policy changed. they began reacting to missiles being launched. from a few thousands under fire when missles hit the Gaza vicinity, suddenly the range became much farer. Be'er Sheva and Ashdod are both about 35-40 Kilometers from Gaza, the missiles threatened not a few thousands, but over a million civilians. so the Israeli policy now has "stages". When missiles are hitting clost to Ashdod or Be'er Sheva, Israel usually responds to them, since dozens of thousands live in those cities; But when the missiles are hitting only the narrow area of "Ottef Aza" only sderot or ashkelon, then there is no response. then people don't want to brake what is rediculously called "ceasefire".

EVERY DAY, and I mean EVERY DAY, because I KNOW it happened every day, before the targeting of the Palestinian leader, missiles fell in the area of Ottef Aza. 3-4 missiles anight. really close to the boarder. Mostly the cauncil of Eshkol or the council of 'Sha'ar Negev'. Only when entering the council sites you will hear of it. The national media didn't talk about it. but it happened EVERY NIGHT. the Israeli government ignored. people from Tel Aviv will get pissed when hearing about sudden explosion of an empty field in Gaza, saying, "why braking the ceasefire"? and southerners will also get pissed, asking back, "what ceasefire?". and indeed, Hamas does not respect ceasefires, they figured the thinking long ago. when the hit the tiny villages, no one says anything, they even mocked and laughed at Netanyahu's silence.

The last missile from Gaza was launched not even a week ago. I'm sure you didn't hear about it.

What we see from here, you aint seeing from there.:eusa_whistle:

The Christian agenda says that armageddon has to happen in the middle east before Jesus can come back, so that's pretty much just as bad as the towelheads who want every jew killed. So if Iran nukes Israel, you'll know that they had tacit support from the US Christian nutbars.
Have you read the Hamas agenda lately? they quote the hadith that states that the end of days won't come until the Muslim will kill the last Jew.

Now you tell me, as an American, or Christian, or a human being or whatever, how exactly you are to speak (recognize?) with people that their most BASIC belief says that their God wishes them to kill you.

Really, I am curious of how your head works on that one:doubt:

Second of all, the blockade. Why do you think there is a blockade? because the Israeli government likes it? the blockade is because Israeli people DIED because of Palestinian terrorists (who have also harmed Americans, btw). If the Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all of them will give up terror, there will be no NEED of blockade. THAT is a PAINFULLY simple reason, really!

For last, you say that Hamas respected the 4 months seacefire. THAT, my friend, is not true at all.

Let me tell you, from A LOT of experience in that field. Hamas does NOT respect seacefires. EVER.

In Israel there is what we call "the range rings". The Missles from Gaza are known in differences of range distances. the area which is close to the strip, is called in Hebrew "Ottef Aza" literally translated "The envelop of Gaza" or "The Gaza vicinity". it is usually the distance of 0-7 kilometers from the Gaza strips. this area is known for being full of Kibbutzim and small agricultural villages, many of them next to the Gaza boarder, some of them hold no more then few hundred families, the area has about 20-30 of those villages. between them there is the town of Sderot, which became the symbol of Ottef Aza to the missle launching. before Cast lead, the missile launching hit a new distance, the city of Ashkelon, which is beyond the 7 kilometers distance, it is also a larger city compared to Sderot. in Cast Lead itself, the missiles got to Ashdod (which has the main port in Israel) and Be'er Sheva (The 'capital' of the south)

After those missles hit those new ranges, the Israeli policy changed. they began reacting to missiles being launched. from a few thousands under fire when missles hit the Gaza vicinity, suddenly the range became much farer. Be'er Sheva and Ashdod are both about 35-40 Kilometers from Gaza, the missiles threatened not a few thousands, but over a million civilians. so the Israeli policy now has "stages". When missiles are hitting clost to Ashdod or Be'er Sheva, Israel usually responds to them, since dozens of thousands live in those cities; But when the missiles are hitting only the narrow area of "Ottef Aza" only sderot or ashkelon, then there is no response. then people don't want to brake what is rediculously called "ceasefire".

EVERY DAY, and I mean EVERY DAY, because I KNOW it happened every day, before the targeting of the Palestinian leader, missiles fell in the area of Ottef Aza. 3-4 missiles anight. really close to the boarder. Mostly the cauncil of Eshkol or the council of 'Sha'ar Negev'. Only when entering the council sites you will hear of it. The national media didn't talk about it. but it happened EVERY NIGHT. the Israeli government ignored. people from Tel Aviv will get pissed when hearing about sudden explosion of an empty field in Gaza, saying, "why braking the ceasefire"? and southerners will also get pissed, asking back, "what ceasefire?". and indeed, Hamas does not respect ceasefires, they figured the thinking long ago. when the hit the tiny villages, no one says anything, they even mocked and laughed at Netanyahu's silence.

The last missile from Gaza was launched not even a week ago. I'm sure you didn't hear about it.

What we see from here, you aint seeing from there.:eusa_whistle:

The Christian agenda says that armageddon has to happen in the middle east before Jesus can come back, so that's pretty much just as bad as the towelheads who want every jew killed. So if Iran nukes Israel, you'll know that they had tacit support from the US Christian nutbars.


The United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States said Tuesday that the benefits of bombing Iran’s nuclear program outweigh the short-term costs such an attack would impose.

In unusually blunt remarks, Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba publicly endorsed the use of the military option for countering Iran’s nuclear program, if sanctions fail to stop the country’s quest for nuclear weapons.

“I think it’s a cost-benefit analysis,” Mr. al-Otaiba said. “I think despite the large amount of trade we do with Iran, which is close to $12 billion … there will be consequences, there will be a backlash and there will be problems with people protesting and rioting and very unhappy that there is an outside force attacking a Muslim country; that is going to happen no matter what.”

“If you are asking me, ‘Am I willing to live with that versus living with a nuclear Iran?,’ my answer is still the same: ‘We cannot live with a nuclear Iran.’ I am willing to absorb what takes place at the expense of the security of the U.A.E.”

U.A.E. diplomat mulls hit on Iran's nukes - Washington Times
The connection to your point was the "map" given few posts ago.

To your second statement I can agree, that's fair. Arabs and Jews, in a reasonable, could and should both live in Israel.

My own family was expelled from their fields in the earliest 20's. So It will be obvious that I could relate to a Palestinian family that was forced to leave theirs in the early war. right? that's fair.

However, I should remind you that the official Palestinian government is Hamas. Hamas does not recognize the rights of the Jews to be in the land as well. They want to destroy the Jewish roots on the land.

That's unacceptable.

That's what i'm saying.
Why should Hamas recognize Israel, when Israel won't recognize them? In fact, Israel started that illegal and immoral blockade right after Hamas was elected in a democratic election. Look, I'm no fan of Hamas. They've got their own set of problems. They're also guilty of war crimes. But the fact remains, they've stated on more than one occasion, they're willing to abide by a two-state solution. But Israel has got to stop fucking with them!

The way I see it, there is too much talk about Hamas and not enough talk about Israel. Case in point, there was a 4 month ceasefire that Hamas honored. However, Israel would not reciprocate. The ceasefire ended after the IDF did a commando raid into Gaza to kill some Palestinian leader. So, in this case, it looks like Israel is the one who doesn't want peace.
In answer to your brilliant summation, please read the 1st Principal of the Hamas Charter and tell us IN YOUR OWN WORDS what you THINK it means. Maybe I mis-interpret the meaning.Take your time and try not to parse the words.
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The connection to your point was the "map" given few posts ago.

To your second statement I can agree, that's fair. Arabs and Jews, in a reasonable, could and should both live in Israel.

My own family was expelled from their fields in the earliest 20's. So It will be obvious that I could relate to a Palestinian family that was forced to leave theirs in the early war. right? that's fair.

However, I should remind you that the official Palestinian government is Hamas. Hamas does not recognize the rights of the Jews to be in the land as well. They want to destroy the Jewish roots on the land.

That's unacceptable.

That's what i'm saying.
Why should Hamas recognize Israel, when Israel won't recognize them? In fact, Israel started that illegal and immoral blockade right after Hamas was elected in a democratic election. Look, I'm no fan of Hamas. They've got their own set of problems. They're also guilty of war crimes. But the fact remains, they've stated on more than one occasion, they're willing to abide by a two-state solution. But Israel has got to stop fucking with them!

The way I see it, there is too much talk about Hamas and not enough talk about Israel. Case in point, there was a 4 month ceasefire that Hamas honored. However, Israel would not reciprocate. The ceasefire ended after the IDF did a commando raid into Gaza to kill some Palestinian leader. So, in this case, it looks like Israel is the one who doesn't want peace.

In fact, Israel started that illegal and immoral blockade right after Hamas was elected in a democratic election.

That is not entirely true.

[ame=]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Washington Post: Why Palestinians Want To Be Israelis :badgrin:
One of the givens of the Middle East peace process is that Palestinians are eager to be free of rule by Israel and to live in a state of their own. That's why a new poll of the Arabs of East Jerusalem is striking: It shows that more of those people actually would prefer to be citizens of Israel than of a Palestinian state.

The awkward fact is that the 270,000 Arabs who live in East Jerusalem may not be very enthusiastic about joining Palestine. The survey, which was designed and supervised by former State Department Middle East researcher David Pollock, found that only 30 percent said they would prefer to be citizens of Palestine in a two-state solution, while 35 percent said they would choose Israeli citizenship. (The rest said they didn't know or refused to answer.) Forty percent said they would consider moving to another neighborhood in order to become a citizen of Israel rather than Palestine, and 54 percent said that if their neighborhood were assigned to Israel, they would not move to Palestine.

The reasons for these attitudes are pretty understandable, even healthy. Arabs say they prefer Israel's jobs, schools, health care and welfare benefits to those of a Palestinian state -- and their nationalism is not strong enough for them to set aside these advantages in order to live in an Arab country.

PostPartisan - Why Palestinians want to be Israeli citizens
Loinboy has a very fine brain. How can Israel say they want peace when Israel refuses to negotiate with Hamas, the duly elected government by the Palestinian people themselves?

Israel should prove to the world they want peace by not only inviting Hamas leaders for peace talks but encouraging them & rewarding them to attend. Only then can Israel tell them personally that from now on, any time they kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. A few rounds of this & there will be a lasting peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

The connection to your point was the "map" given few posts ago.

To your second statement I can agree, that's fair. Arabs and Jews, in a reasonable, could and should both live in Israel.

My own family was expelled from their fields in the earliest 20's. So It will be obvious that I could relate to a Palestinian family that was forced to leave theirs in the early war. right? that's fair.

However, I should remind you that the official Palestinian government is Hamas. Hamas does not recognize the rights of the Jews to be in the land as well. They want to destroy the Jewish roots on the land.

That's unacceptable.

That's what i'm saying.
Why should Hamas recognize Israel, when Israel won't recognize them? In fact, Israel started that illegal and immoral blockade right after Hamas was elected in a democratic election. Look, I'm no fan of Hamas. They've got their own set of problems. They're also guilty of war crimes. But the fact remains, they've stated on more than one occasion, they're willing to abide by a two-state solution. But Israel has got to stop fucking with them!

The way I see it, there is too much talk about Hamas and not enough talk about Israel. Case in point, there was a 4 month ceasefire that Hamas honored. However, Israel would not reciprocate. The ceasefire ended after the IDF did a commando raid into Gaza to kill some Palestinian leader. So, in this case, it looks like Israel is the one who doesn't want peace.
Loinboy has a very fine brain. How can Israel say they want peace when Israel refuses to negotiate with Hamas, the duly elected government by the Palestinian people themselves?

Israel should prove to the world they want peace by not only inviting Hamas leaders for peace talks but encouraging them & rewarding them to attend. Only then can Israel tell them personally that from now on, any time they kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. A few rounds of this & there will be a lasting peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

See? All you want to do is to exterminate the Palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :D
Loinboy has a very fine brain. How can Israel say they want peace when Israel refuses to negotiate with Hamas, the duly elected government by the Palestinian people themselves?

Israel should prove to the world they want peace by not only inviting Hamas leaders for peace talks but encouraging them & rewarding them to attend. Only then can Israel tell them personally that from now on, any time they kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. A few rounds of this & there will be a lasting peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

See? All you want to do is to exterminate the Palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :D

What's a palestinian?

Former PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen :badgrin:
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israeli occupation wouldn't end, even with a UN-recognized Palestinian state. Everything will go on pretty much as it is now. As long as Palestine is occupied, all that the Palestinians do against Israel is justified, even if not effective.

They are not against Israelis.

They are against all those who are not Muslims.

People won't understand that until reality "blows up" in their faces.

Don't bother with Ariux he's fucking dumb as dog shit.
And you take it upon yourself to insult dog shit like this?
Jeeze Ima, are you daft? Learn from history boy. Far less Palestinian lives were lost by Jordan massacring around 20,000 of them just once to communicate with them in the only language they understand & respect to achieve a lasting peace than if Jordan let their conflict go on forever like those Zionists in Israel do. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

Loinboy has a very fine brain. How can Israel say they want peace when Israel refuses to negotiate with Hamas, the duly elected government by the Palestinian people themselves?

Israel should prove to the world they want peace by not only inviting Hamas leaders for peace talks but encouraging them & rewarding them to attend. Only then can Israel tell them personally that from now on, any time they kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. A few rounds of this & there will be a lasting peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

See? All you want to do is to exterminate the Palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :D
jeeze ima, are you daft? Learn from history boy. Far less palestinian lives were lost by jordan massacring around 20,000 of them just once to communicate with them in the only language they understand & respect to achieve a lasting peace than if jordan let their conflict go on forever like those zionists in israel do. When will israel ever learn? Let there be peace already.

loinboy has a very fine brain. How can israel say they want peace when israel refuses to negotiate with hamas, the duly elected government by the palestinian people themselves?

Israel should prove to the world they want peace by not only inviting hamas leaders for peace talks but encouraging them & rewarding them to attend. only then can israel tell them personally that from now on, any time they kill an israeli, israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 palestinians. A few rounds of this & there will be a lasting peace. let there be peace already!

see? All you want to do is to exterminate the palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :d

fuck off
Love your rebuttal Theliq. So highly intelligent & unemotional.

Seriously, were you born an imbecile? Or did you have to work on it?

jeeze ima, are you daft? Learn from history boy. Far less palestinian lives were lost by jordan massacring around 20,000 of them just once to communicate with them in the only language they understand & respect to achieve a lasting peace than if jordan let their conflict go on forever like those zionists in israel do. When will israel ever learn? Let there be peace already.

see? All you want to do is to exterminate the palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :d

fuck off
Don't bother with Ariux he's fucking dumb as dog shit.
And you take it upon yourself to insult dog shit like this?

Because it's still a more intelligent conversation than he has with his wife. :D

IMA DUNCE, your page says you "suck off goats" Do you swallow or do spit on the goats?

[ame=]Sex with Animals in Islam - YouTube[/ame]
Jeeze Ima, are you daft? Learn from history boy. Far less Palestinian lives were lost by Jordan massacring around 20,000 of them just once to communicate with them in the only language they understand & respect to achieve a lasting peace than if Jordan let their conflict go on forever like those Zionists in Israel do. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

Loinboy has a very fine brain. How can Israel say they want peace when Israel refuses to negotiate with Hamas, the duly elected government by the Palestinian people themselves?

Israel should prove to the world they want peace by not only inviting Hamas leaders for peace talks but encouraging them & rewarding them to attend. Only then can Israel tell them personally that from now on, any time they kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. A few rounds of this & there will be a lasting peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

See? All you want to do is to exterminate the Palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :D
So how many Pallies do you think need to be whacked before they'll live in peace?
Jeeze Ima, are you daft? Learn from history boy. Far less Palestinian lives were lost by Jordan massacring around 20,000 of them just once to communicate with them in the only language they understand & respect to achieve a lasting peace than if Jordan let their conflict go on forever like those Zionists in Israel do. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

See? All you want to do is to exterminate the Palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :D
So how many Pallies do you think need to be whacked before they'll live in peace?


Why do pals boast of killing each other? :bow3:

[ame=]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]
You make it all seem so complicated with mountains of dead Palestinians. Really all has Israel has to do is just whack their leaders & keep on whacking their new ones until the Palestinian people want peace with Israel.

Jeeze Ima, are you daft? Learn from history boy. Far less Palestinian lives were lost by Jordan massacring around 20,000 of them just once to communicate with them in the only language they understand & respect to achieve a lasting peace than if Jordan let their conflict go on forever like those Zionists in Israel do. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

See? All you want to do is to exterminate the Palestinians. You say it over, and over and over again. And it's not like you're going to do it yourself, you want others to do it for you. Do you know what that makes you?
And what's at the root of your hatred? You get your balls blown up on a bus? :D
So how many Pallies do you think need to be whacked before they'll live in peace?
You make it all seem so complicated with mountains of dead Palestinians. Really all has Israel has to do is just whack their leaders & keep on whacking their new ones until the Palestinian people want peace with Israel.

Jeeze Ima, are you daft? Learn from history boy. Far less Palestinian lives were lost by Jordan massacring around 20,000 of them just once to communicate with them in the only language they understand & respect to achieve a lasting peace than if Jordan let their conflict go on forever like those Zionists in Israel do. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
So how many Pallies do you think need to be whacked before they'll live in peace?

Israel has been playing whack-a-mole for over 60 years. How long can this take?

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