Moscow and Brazil courts outlaw anti-Islam hate film

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Nov 22, 2010
A court in Moscow ruled Monday that an anti-Islam film that has sparked violent demonstrations around the world can no longer be shown in Russia.

Tverskoi court's ruling follows a similar local decision taken last week by a court in Grozny, the provincial capital of Russia's Muslim-dominated province of Chechnya.

In Moscow, Justice Ministry spokeswoman Marina Gridneva said the film was deemed extremist because it could incite ethnic and religious hatred.

Russia's communications minister had warned that authorities would bar access to YouTube if its owner, Google Inc., failed to abide by a court order to block access in this nation to the U.S.-produced film, which mocks Muslims and the Prophet Muhammad.

The RIA-Novosti news agency quoted mufti Shafig Pshikhachev, head of the Coordination Center of Muslims in the North Caucasus, as welcoming Monday's court ruling in Moscow.

"This is a positive step in defense of believers," Pshikhachev said. "Unfortunately, we are witnessing such events regularly, so I think the adoption of a law is good. We need a legal method of protecting the faithful and our holy places."
Islamophobia Watch - Documenting anti Muslim bigotry - Moscow court outlaws anti-Islam*film

The case against the controversial film was brought by a Brazilian Muslim group, the National Islamic Union, against Google Inc, the owner of YouTube, for posting on the internet a film it said was offensive and a violation of the constitutional right to freedom of religion. In his decision, Judge Gilson Delgado Miranda said the case juxtaposed freedom of expression and the need to protect individuals or groups of people from action that might incite religious discrimination. Miranda concluded that banning something illegal should not "offend" freedom of thought and expression, according to the ruling posted online by Estado de S. Paulo newspaper.

Brazilian court orders YouTube to remove anti-Islam video
I am SHOCKED that you support the squelching of free speech.

Of course, Moscow and Brazil aren't covered by the American Constitution and its First Amendment guarantees.
CaféAuLait;6088620 said:
I am SHOCKED that you support the squelching of free speech.

Of course, Moscow and Brazil aren't covered by the American Constitution and its First Amendment guarantees.

And Brazil arrested a Google executive over the film too.

Google Executive Arrested as Brazil Bans Anti-Muslim Film

Read more: Google Executive Arrested as Brazil Bans Anti-Muslim Film | NewsFeed |

Arresting a Google exec over it is disgraceful.
CaféAuLait;6088620 said:
I am SHOCKED that you support the squelching of free speech.

Of course, Moscow and Brazil aren't covered by the American Constitution and its First Amendment guarantees.

And Brazil arrested a Google executive over the film too.

Google Executive Arrested as Brazil Bans Anti-Muslim Film

Read more: Google Executive Arrested as Brazil Bans Anti-Muslim Film | NewsFeed |

Arresting a Google exec over it is disgraceful.

American values aren't extended to other countries so Moscow and Brazil have every right to make such laws.
American values aren't extended to other countries so Moscow and Brazil have every right to make such laws.

They have the power to do it.

They have no Constitutional bar prohibiting them from doing it.

The "right" to do it is a sketchier proposition.

Indeed. They unquestionably have the right under their legal system, but that doesn't ensure compliance with natural law.
American values aren't extended to other countries so Moscow and Brazil have every right to make such laws.

They have the power to do it.

They have no Constitutional bar prohibiting them from doing it.

The "right" to do it is a sketchier proposition.

Indeed. They unquestionably have the right under their legal system, but that doesn't ensure compliance with natural law.

There is no such concept such as "natural law" unless you mean natural rights?
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They have the power to do it.

They have no Constitutional bar prohibiting them from doing it.

The "right" to do it is a sketchier proposition.

Indeed. They unquestionably have the right under their legal system, but that doesn't ensure compliance with natural law.

There is no such concept such as "natural law" unless you mean natural rights?

No, I mean natural law. The idea of natural rights is derived from natural law. Your usernamesake actually hints at the idea in Rhetoric.
Indeed. They unquestionably have the right under their legal system, but that doesn't ensure compliance with natural law.

There is no such concept such as "natural law" unless you mean natural rights?

No, I mean natural law. The idea of natural rights is derived from natural law. Your usernamesake actually hints at the idea in Rhetoric.

Ah I see... Been awhile since I've read that book.
Originally posted by High_Gravity
I think its retarded but they can do what they want, I am surprised to see Brazil of all places buckling to the Muslims.


Dude, the country doesn't even have muslims to appease. :D

Population: 200 million

Muslims: 27.000

Even the US, with its tiny muslim population (2.5 million = 0.8%), looks like Saudi Arabia when compared with the latin american giant.

Now let me find an obscure judge in a small town in Minnesota, desperate for publicity, who banned a KKK march and pretend the ruling was issued by the US Supreme Court so I can portray America as the graveyard of freedom of speech. :D
José;6092780 said:
Originally posted by High_Gravity
I think its retarded but they can do what they want, I am surprised to see Brazil of all places buckling to the Muslims.


Dude, the country doesn't even have muslims to appease. :D

Population: 200 million

Muslims: 27.000

Even the US, with its tiny muslim population (2.5 million = 0.8%), looks like Saudi Arabia when compared with the latin american giant.

Thats whats surprising, why did the Brazilians do this? their life style down there is completely incompatible with the Islamic life style.
José;6092780 said:
Originally posted by High_Gravity
I think its retarded but they can do what they want, I am surprised to see Brazil of all places buckling to the Muslims.


Dude, the country doesn't even have muslims to appease. :D

Population: 200 million

Muslims: 27.000

Even the US, with its tiny muslim population (2.5 million = 0.8%), looks like Saudi Arabia when compared with the latin american giant.

Thats whats surprising, why did the Brazilians do this? their life style down there is completely incompatible with the Islamic life style.

There a lot of important diplomatic ties between Latin American and Arab nations.
High_Gravity is absolutely right, Polk...

Brazilians are a bunch of ultra-secularist motherfuckers... : ) In many ways the country is even more secular than America...

America was colonised by ultra-religious settlers who had sex fully clothed. They don't have this puritan heritage in Brazil.

That sorry excuse for a judge represents nobody but himself down there.
Russia and Brazil are both taking the right direction in defending the rights of people not to have their beliefs attacked or defamed by people who practice religious discrimination. :cool:

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