More propaganda about Israel, “Israel left Gaza”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
not the case, Israel controls the water, electricity, and supplies into Gaza.

Israel dictates the way of life for the people of Gaza, they don’t let them have an airport. It’s a disaster imagine if Mexico dictated our lives to us. Imagine Jews in Mexico telling us Christians what to do and if we don’t listen they rifle butt our wives and daughters in the face.

Donald Trump supporters stop falling for Israel propaganda. Be a proud Christian. Think about what Jesus would do. Think about the Roman empire, think about the crusader states have some honor and dignity.

Most, especially for the second amendment people they keep talking about arming people this and that, what about the Palestinians who can’t even get their hands on a pistol to protect their family from the IDF?
not the case, Israel controls the water, electricity, and supplies into Gaza.

Israel dictates the way of life for the people of Gaza, they don’t let them have an airport. It’s a disaster imagine if Mexico dictated our lives to us. Imagine Jews in Mexico telling us Christians what to do and if we don’t listen they rifle butt our wives and daughters in the face.

Donald Trump supporters stop falling for Israel propaganda. Be a proud Christian. Think about what Jesus would do. Think about the Roman empire, think about the crusader states have some honor and dignity.

Most, especially for the second amendment people they keep talking about arming people this and that, what about the Palestinians who can’t even get their hands on a pistol to protect their family from the IDF?

I want to see the IDF sweep through Gaza and remove every human being as they have failed to do ever since the Jews returned from Egypt. It doesn't have anything to do with fellowship or compassion. How many more years will Israel fail to obey the last command they received from the Almighty.
not the case, Israel controls the water, electricity, and supplies into Gaza.

Israel dictates the way of life for the people of Gaza, they don’t let them have an airport. It’s a disaster imagine if Mexico dictated our lives to us. Imagine Jews in Mexico telling us Christians what to do and if we don’t listen they rifle butt our wives and daughters in the face.

Donald Trump supporters stop falling for Israel propaganda. Be a proud Christian. Think about what Jesus would do. Think about the Roman empire, think about the crusader states have some honor and dignity.

Most, especially for the second amendment people they keep talking about arming people this and that, what about the Palestinians who can’t even get their hands on a pistol to protect their family from the IDF?

Isarel is a burr in your bunghole isn't it

Just admit it and stop the crap
not the case, Israel controls the water, electricity, and supplies into Gaza.

Israel dictates the way of life for the people of Gaza, they don’t let them have an airport. It’s a disaster imagine if Mexico dictated our lives to us. Imagine Jews in Mexico telling us Christians what to do and if we don’t listen they rifle butt our wives and daughters in the face.

Donald Trump supporters stop falling for Israel propaganda. Be a proud Christian. Think about what Jesus would do. Think about the Roman empire, think about the crusader states have some honor and dignity.

Most, especially for the second amendment people they keep talking about arming people this and that, what about the Palestinians who can’t even get their hands on a pistol to protect their family from the IDF?
"Rifle butt our our wives and daughters in the face."

Many couldn't help but to notice how cruel the Zionist can be. It's beyond normal and it has to be propelled by their devotion to Zionism's extremes.
"Rifle butt our our wives and daughters in the face."

Many couldn't help but to notice how cruel the Zionist can be. It's beyond normal and it has to be propelled by their devotion to Zionism's extremes.

Ask Hamas how cruel they can be. Better yet ask the dead Israeli families
I want to see the IDF sweep through Gaza and remove every human being as they have failed to do ever since the Jews returned from Egypt. It doesn't have anything to do with fellowship or compassion. How many more years will Israel fail to obey the last command they received from the Almighty.

The Jews followed Gods law least of all.
When they invaded the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, after leaving Egypt, they massacred Canaanites, like at Jericho.
That is a horrendous evil.
Jews have no rights to the Land of Canaan, and never did.
not the case, Israel controls the water, electricity, and supplies into Gaza.

Israel dictates the way of life for the people of Gaza, they don’t let them have an airport. It’s a disaster imagine if Mexico dictated our lives to us. Imagine Jews in Mexico telling us Christians what to do and if we don’t listen they rifle butt our wives and daughters in the face.

Donald Trump supporters stop falling for Israel propaganda. Be a proud Christian. Think about what Jesus would do. Think about the Roman empire, think about the crusader states have some honor and dignity.

Most, especially for the second amendment people they keep talking about arming people this and that, what about the Palestinians who can’t even get their hands on a pistol to protect their family from the IDF?
Perhaps you should live in a country like Iran as a Christian, or Jew.
You're not allowed to worship, own a business or own property without paying Jizya special tax

Perhaps you should live in a country like Iran as a Christian, or Jew.
You're not allowed to worship, own a business or own property without paying Jizya special tax


The Jizya is only equal to the taxes paid by Moslems in the Mosque.
It is NOT an additional or abusive tax, but a tradition from the fact at one time government spent nothing on society, and it was the responsibility of the religion to do that.
It is not at all abusive.
Hamas has no choice, and is just responding desperately to a century of abuse by Zionist invaders.

Sure they have a choice. Killing innocents is a bad one

Did a Jew touch you in bad place or did someone teach your antisemitism?
not the case, Israel controls the water, electricity, and supplies into Gaza.

Most, especially for the second amendment people they keep talking about arming people this and that, what about the Palestinians who can’t even get their hands on a pistol to protect their family from the IDF?
You reap what you sow.
The Jizya is only equal to the taxes paid by Moslems in the Mosque.
It is NOT an additional or abusive tax, but a tradition from the fact at one time government spent nothing on society, and it was the responsibility of the religion to do that.
It is not at all abusive.

What Do You Know? Dhimmi,​

Jewish Legal Status under Muslim Rule​

"The Pact of ‘Umar has become a topic of controversy among scholars and outside the academic world. Some recent scholarship has emphasized that, historically, the rules were generally ignored. The fact that some new Muslim rulers re-applied the Pact of ‘Umar to prove their Islamic bona fides suggests that the rules often did fall into desuetude. Nevertheless, the Pact of ‘Umar, like the caliphate, kept its staying power as an Islamic concept of the proper relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims even after it was incrementally abolished by Ottoman decrees in 1839 and 1856, with Iran following suit in 1873.
Some combination of European ideals of political universalism and Ottoman realism about the need to widen the pool of potential military recruits likely provided the impetus for these moves. However, the Ottoman Empire did not control the whole of the Islamic world. In places like Morocco and Yemen, both of which had large Jewish communities, the Pact of ‘Umar’s rules maintained their relevance well into the twentieth century. Moreover, Istanbul’s attempts to do away with the Pact of ‘Umar, possibly as a result of the urging of European powers, stoked existing resentments of non-Muslims. The dhimmi framework of minority communities paying the Islamic state and casting a small shadow in exchange for the right to practice their own religions unmolested was the characteristic form of tolerance in Islamic civilization until the gradual breakdown of communal authority in the modern period and rise of new ideas of citizenship.
In the middle of the twentieth century the large Jewish communities in Morocco, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran left en masse for Israel, France, and elsewhere. In general, the post-colonial regimes of the Middle East and North Africa restricted the sphere of Islamic law to personal status issues and to a loosely defined source of inspiration for current law. However, among countries that underwent a period of radical secularization and subsequently experienced an Islamic reaction in the 1970s and later, the issue of dhimmis having exceeded their proper social roles arose again. Debates over whether or not Coptic Christians should pay the jizya have arisen from time to time in Egypt since the 1980s. In parts of Pakistan under Taliban influence, Sikhs are charged jizya. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Daesh) made similar attempts in places like Mosul in Iraq and in parts of Syria where Christians lived".
"Rifle butt our our wives and daughters in the face."

Many couldn't help but to notice how cruel the Zionist can be. It's beyond normal and it has to be propelled by their devotion to Zionism's extremes.
Stories like this below are repeated time and time again.
Sure they have a choice. Killing innocents is a bad one

Did a Jew touch you in bad place or did someone teach your antisemitism?

You are not following.
I am Jewish.
But I read history and look into things.
The Zionists lied to be allowed to immigrate into the British Mandate for Palestine, and once there, smuggled in weapons to murder the British and the Palestinians.
Palestine is not their ancestral homeland, and no one has a right to take land from others.
The Hebrew tribes came from Egypt, and have no history in Palestine before their invasion around 1000 BC.
But they irritated everyone so much, the Assyrians kicked them out only 150 years later.
The Babylonians, Seleucids, Romans, etc., could not stand their arrogance and all kicked them out.

There are no "innocents" in Israel except the Palestinians.
All the immigrant Jews know they are trespassing, living in stolen homes, and that they are murdering the natives.

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