More news about the flood of evil occurring in the latter days


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I beg to differ with the dude claiming 'child molesters aren't monsters'. They are monsters and some of the nastiest things on earth no matter what religion they adhere to.

Hopefully those who have righteousness in their hearts to stand against 'monsters', their enablers and their minions will also learn that the "Church" is not one that is of the world but that spirit with Believers that are in the world. The Popeness needs a good ass kicking for allowing and assisting in the flood of wickedness coming out of the church.

"The irate student then took a swipe at Jenkin’s name-brand degree.

“Frankly, only an ‘Oxford-educated philosopher’ could possibly see anything in this heinous mess other than a thick coating of demonic filth, a filth that now covers the Body of Christ and obscures her God-given mission,” Kathawa stated.

“Institutions that churn out moral illiterates, bereft also of common sense, do not deserve our respect, regardless of how ‘prestigious’ they are,” he continued.

“‘For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?’ (Matthew. 8:36).”

The student insisted that there is nothing “nuanced” or “ambiguous” about the clerical sex abuse tragedy.

“Rather than give of themselves fully – spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically – these priests selfishly indulged their own twisted, sinful desires and abused those they were to love, even unto death – like Christ,” he wrote.

Kathawa urged Father Jenkins to repent, “retract his tone deaf comments,” and apologize to the Church....... more at the link"

Notre Dame president says child abusers aren’t monsters. Student asks, ‘Is this a joke?’
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?
omniscient and omnipotent or not?
OMNI = All, but that is of the spirit of life. That which is dead to the spirit of life is not one in the same. Such as a rock or a painting has no true life in it. It portrays something that looks like yet is not. A beast is merely akin to the walking dead (again dead to the spirit of life).
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?
Are you? or are you merely a dead thing that appears to have life? You will have to examine yourself to figure that one out.
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?
Are you? or are you merely a dead thing that appears to have life? You will have to examine yourself to figure that one out.
So are we made in god's image or not? Just some of us? What about retarded people?
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?

You were made in the image and likeness of a jackass.
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?
Are you? or are you merely a dead thing that appears to have life? You will have to examine yourself to figure that one out.
So are we made in god's image or not? Just some of us? What about retarded people?
A portion is. Have you discovered that portion yet? By what you post it does not appear that you have and you are still asleep as the dead in that little garden you are currently residing in.
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?

You were made in the image and likeness of a jackass.
So you're saying that god is also a jackass?
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?

You were made in the image and likeness of a jackass.
So you're saying that god is also a jackass?

Noo, I am saying that YOU are a jackass that does not reflect the image and likeness of a holy God.

Maybe now you will get an inkling what blind means?
Last edited:
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?
Are you? or are you merely a dead thing that appears to have life? You will have to examine yourself to figure that one out.
So are we made in god's image or not? Just some of us? What about retarded people?
A portion is. Have you discovered that portion yet? By what you post it does not appear that you have and you are still asleep as the dead in that little garden you are currently residing in.
So which portion of this baby is made in god's image?
omniscient and omnipotent or not?
OMNI = All, but that is of the spirit of life. That which is dead to the spirit of life is not one in the same. Such as a rock or a painting has no true life in it. It portrays something that looks like yet is not. A beast is merely akin to the walking dead (again dead to the spirit of life).
Wrong. Those are words with very specific meanings. Do they apply to goD or not?
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?

You were made in the image and likeness of a jackass.
So you're saying that god is also a jackass?

Noo, I am saying that YOU are a jackass that does not reflect the image and likeness of holy God.

Maybe now you will get an inkling what blind means?
So why did your invisible god make me in the image of a jackass.
God made men lust after children. The question is WHY?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?

You were made in the image and likeness of a jackass.
Ada a boy. That always wins them over.
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?
Are you? or are you merely a dead thing that appears to have life? You will have to examine yourself to figure that one out.
So are we made in god's image or not? Just some of us? What about retarded people?
A portion is. Have you discovered that portion yet? By what you post it does not appear that you have and you are still asleep as the dead in that little garden you are currently residing in.
So which portion of this baby is made in god's image?View attachment 229051
The image and likeness of God is not about physical appearance or health.
I'm convinced.
You really are a worthless piece of shit
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?
Are you? or are you merely a dead thing that appears to have life? You will have to examine yourself to figure that one out.
So are we made in god's image or not? Just some of us? What about retarded people?
A portion is. Have you discovered that portion yet? By what you post it does not appear that you have and you are still asleep as the dead in that little garden you are currently residing in.
So which portion of this baby is made in god's image?View attachment 229051
The image and likeness of God is not about physical appearance or health.
I'm convinced.
You really are a worthless piece of shit
So why did god let that baby happen?
God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?

You were made in the image and likeness of a jackass.
So you're saying that god is also a jackass?

Noo, I am saying that YOU are a jackass that does not reflect the image and likeness of holy God.

Maybe now you will get an inkling what blind means?
So why did your invisible god make me in the image of a jackass.

Don't blame your shortcomings on God.

You have worked very hard every single day to become a jackass and have achieved success.

God didn't but apparently many of the humans (still in beast stage) have given themselves over to such awful things and they believe it is perfectly fine to abuse children to fulfill their corrupt desires.
We are made in god's image, so god lusts after children as well?

You were made in the image and likeness of a jackass.
So you're saying that god is also a jackass?

Noo, I am saying that YOU are a jackass that does not reflect the image and likeness of holy God.

Maybe now you will get an inkling what blind means?
So why did your invisible god make me in the image of a jackass.
Because you have such a great desire for Jacob's daughter Dinah while you are turning your back on him living in Shechem. Genesis 30:21; 34; 46:15

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