More Economic GOOD NEWS: Unemployment falls

I think people are looking for anything to be happy about with this administration.The Obama WH and the liberal controlled media are knocking each other over to praise the Administration for creating jobs and turning the economy around.I'm sorry whatever happened to the stimulus package? Wasn't that supposed to get people into "shovel ready jobs" rebuilding the infrastructure. I have been hearing stories over and over now that the bulk of the stimulus money hasn't been spent yet...What the Fu&* are they waiting for.You know what they're waiting for,re-election time for Obama.All of a sudden right before election the job numbers are going to climb,then Obama gets the pat on the head and the dopey American people who voted for him the first time get to do it all over again...
The job #s were horrid.

The fact Obama was marching out expectations just this week indicating the #s were gonna be good clearly shows how clueless his administration is.

Another fail by Obama - in an increasingly long line of failures...

The job numbers were not "horrid." The job numbers were disappointing. Private sector employment rose 41,000. Horrid is -300,000.
The job #s were horrid.

The fact Obama was marching out expectations just this week indicating the #s were gonna be good clearly shows how clueless his administration is.

Another fail by Obama - in an increasingly long line of failures...

The job numbers were not "horrid." The job numbers were disappointing. Private sector employment rose 41,000. Horrid is -300,000.

-750k+ in Jan 09. Oh yes, even a modest gain is a thunderous turnaround.
The job #s were horrid.

The fact Obama was marching out expectations just this week indicating the #s were gonna be good clearly shows how clueless his administration is.

Another fail by Obama - in an increasingly long line of failures...

The job numbers were not "horrid." The job numbers were disappointing. Private sector employment rose 41,000. Horrid is -300,000.

Nope - in relation to the administrations bleating of how good the #s would be, and in consideration of the near trillion dollar stimulus bill, the actual job numbers are in fact horrid.

The ONLY way we recover, and get control of this dangerous deficit spending, is to have people back at work in the private sector. That is simply not happening right now - but I really hope it is soon. Far too many are suffering far too much, and the system cannot sustain itself under this increasing pressure...
The job #s were horrid.

The fact Obama was marching out expectations just this week indicating the #s were gonna be good clearly shows how clueless his administration is.

Another fail by Obama - in an increasingly long line of failures...

The job numbers were not "horrid." The job numbers were disappointing. Private sector employment rose 41,000. Horrid is -300,000.

Nope - in relation to the administrations bleating of how good the #s would be, and in consideration of the near trillion dollar stimulus bill, the actual job numbers are in fact horrid.

The ONLY way we recover, and get control of this dangerous deficit spending, is to have people back at work in the private sector. That is simply not happening right now - but I really hope it is soon. Far too many are suffering far too much, and the system cannot sustain itself under this increasing pressure...

Really? In the 96 months Bush was President, nonfarm payrolls were less than 41,000 in 42 of those months, or 44% of the time. Considering the pom-poms you wave around here, I have a feeling that you weren't quite as vocal about the "horrid" job numbers then.
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United States Unemployment Rate
Here's a look at the U.S. unemployment rate for selected years from 1920 to 2008.
Year Rate
1920 5.2 %
1928 4.2
1930 8.7
1932 23.6
1934 21.7
1936 16.9
1938 19.0
1940 14.6
1942 4.7%
1944 1.2
1946 3.9
1948 3.8
1950 5.3
1952 3.0
1954 5.5
1956 4.1
1958 6.8%
1960 5.5
1962 5.5
1964 5.2
1966 3.8
1968 3.6
1970 4.9
1972 5.6
1974 5.6%
1976 7.7
19781 6.1
1980 7.1
1982 9.7
1984 7.5
19861 7.0
1987 6.2
1988 5.5
1989 5.3
19901 5.6%
1991 6.8
1992 7.5
1993 6.9
19941 6.1
1995 5.6
1996 5.4
19971 4.9
19981 4.5
19991 4.2
20001 4.0
2001 4.7
2002 5.8
20031 6.0%
20041 5.5
20051 5.1
2006 4.6
2007 4.6
2008 5.8
Wait for it...

Wait for what?

I'm sure everyone will celebrate more Americans going back to work

Get back to reality QUICK! If the GOP was hoping for a terrorist attack to bring steam to the McCain/Palin campaign, what do you think they are hoping for on the economic/jobs front?

Jobs are at the local level.

Where's that hope and change you voted for?

The agitator you voted for has produce nothing. Check BLS if you want to be taken seriously and then try reading comp. Furthermore, educate yourself on fundamentals of economics. Keysian has failed. It has never worked but yammer away.

We will wait on your response.
-750k+ in Jan 09. Oh yes, even a modest gain is a thunderous turnaround.
Have we recouped that 750k yet?

2 questions;
What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Who the fuck are you?
1. If there has been a "modest gain", is it not fair to ask if we have recouped the 750k? Any of it? Some of it? Most of it?

2. Apparently an aggravation for asking, what I thought was, a simple question.

Did I make your brain hurt?
Wonderful news! And it's all because the Obama White House has been offering people jobs to drop out of various political races.

"The data on Thursday came ahead of the government's closely watched employment report on Friday, which is expected to show non-farm payrolls increased 513,000 in May, buoyed by hiring for the decennial census, after a 290,000 increase in April. That would mark five straight months of job gains.

Separately, private employers added 55,000 jobs in May after increasing payrolls by 65,000 the prior month, an ADP Employer Services report showed. Though the ADP report was weaker than forecast, analysts said it offered evidence the labor market was getting better.

Some companies have held off hiring new workers, opting instead to add hours for the existing workforce, but analysts believe this policy cannot be adopted indefinitely.

"When the recovery first started, businesses could get more out of their existing workforces, but that's becoming more and more difficult," said Gus Faucher, director of macroeconomics for Moody's Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

"We are starting to see employment pick-up so we expect to see productivity growth weaken and job growth pick up as a result."


Is there anybody left in Michigan to fill out an unemployment claim?? I think they all left. No work.
Looks like the economy has almost recovered... rightwinger should be thrilled.

New-home sales plunge 33 pct with tax credits gone - Yahoo! News

That's the whole problem with our current situation. Not only is the current government piling up such a mountain of debt, it threatens to put the entire country under water, but I don't know how the economists can evaluate a 'recovery' that has been mostly purchased with that mountain of debt.

The government infusing that much money that we don't have into the economy should be pushing inflation off the chart. The only explanation that I can see that such inflation isn't happening yet is that the private sector is still deflating at a comparable rate that the government is inflating the public sector.

Obviously we cannot keep that up indefinitely. And it is giving more and more credibility to the economists who are predicting double dip recession as a result of it.

The only thing that has ever pulled us out of recession is the belief of the people that it is getting better so that they go back to buying, selling, and seeking profit per usual. The fact that isn't happening should be our best clue that what the government is doing to address this recession isn't working.
Wait for the meltdown that hits when the Obama tax increases kick in next year.

If we revert to the pre-2002 rates how do you explain that the economy boomed in the 90s with those exact same tax rates?

If the Bush tax cuts were so great for the economy, why did the Bush economy collapse?
Wait for the meltdown that hits when the Obama tax increases kick in next year.

If we revert to the pre-2002 rates how do you explain that the economy boomed in the 90s with those exact same tax rates?

If the Bush tax cuts were so great for the economy, why did the Bush economy collapse?

Well the defecit spending of around 5 trillion that bush spent kept the economy going.

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