More Economic GOOD NEWS: Unemployment falls

Friday morning and the unemployment rate has dropped to 9.5%. Not because things are getting better--we lost jobs this week--but because more and more are giving up and are no longer looking.

Our fearless leader gets on television almost every day outlining some new expensive initiative that won't create jobs but will spend a whole lot more money.

Was watching a commentary early this morning in which they spelled out how much of the stimulus money has been spent so far - something over four billion leaving several hundred billion left to spend, but the president wants a NEW stimulus necessary to create jobs? Is he playing with a full deck?

And of that money that has been spent of the stimulus bill--we aren't even counting TARP or the pork laden appropriations bills or the other stuff they're spending--for every new job created, it has cost us about $700,000.

Do you feel like you're getting your money's worth?

But Pelosi will save us by creating lots and lots and lots of new jobs by extending unemployment. Think how much we could have saved if we had just gone her route and extended unemployment instead of spending more than $800 billion in that stimulus package which obviously wasn't enough according to the President.

Lordy, lordy people. The GOP sucks. But let's hope and pray they retake at least one chamber of Congress in November and derail this train to disaster. Right now I thinki it is our only hope.
What did the discouraged workers number look like?

Bet they're higher than hell.

I'm a semi-discouraged worker, myself.

I still look for that perfect job, of course, but I'm not killing myself, because, for the time being, I'm kinda okay.

I'm actually planning on panicing in January.

And then, after that, assuming no real job (read: one suited to my skill sets) maifests, THEN I'll be into the fullblown discouraged catagory.

But I am terrible discouraged for a LOT of people, I know.

The percentage of basically unemlpoyable people in this society continues to rise as efficiencies and FREE TRADE erode the numbers and TYPES of jobs that non-skilled, modestly skilled, and formerly skilled but now redundant people can find.

Face it folks, we can't ALL be rocket scientists. And eventually even rocket scientist are going to become redundant, too, ya know?

If this society cannot find some way to give those people jobs with dignity, then this society is going down.
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What did the discouraged workers number look like?

Bet they're higher than hell.

I'm a semi-discouraged worker, myself.

I still look for that perfect job, of course, but I'm not killing myself, because, for the time being, I'm kinda okay.

I'm actually planning on panicing in January.

And then, after that, assuming no real job (read: one suited to my skill sets) maifests, THEN I'll be into the fullblown discouraged catagory.

But I am terrible discouraged for a LOT of people, I know.

The percentage of basically unemlpoyable people in this society continues to rise as efficiencies and FREE TRADE erode the numbers and TYPES of jobs that non-skilled, modestly skilled, and formerly skilled but now redundant people can find.

Face it folks, we can't ALL be rocket scientists.
And eventually even rocket scientist are going to become redundant, too, ya know?

If this society cannot find some way to give those people jobs with dignity, then this society is going down.

That's right, that's exactly right!

And that's why all those manufacturing jobs that used to pay people who couldn't or didn't want to be rocket scientists decent money need to come back or most of us are screwed.

If industry and government working together can't find a way to provide good jobs that afford American workers their piece of the pie, then we'll end up as nothing more than a third-world Commie shithole.
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What did the discouraged workers number look like?

Bet they're higher than hell.

I'm a semi-discouraged worker, myself.

I still look for that perfect job, of course, but I'm not killing myself, because, for the time being, I'm kinda okay.

I'm actually planning on panicing in January.

And then, after that, assuming no real job (read: one suited to my skill sets) maifests, THEN I'll be into the fullblown discouraged catagory.

But I am terrible discouraged for a LOT of people, I know.

The percentage of basically unemlpoyable people in this society continues to rise as efficiencies and FREE TRADE erode the numbers and TYPES of jobs that non-skilled, modestly skilled, and formerly skilled but now redundant people can find.

Face it folks, we can't ALL be rocket scientists. And eventually even rocket scientist are going to become redundant, too, ya know?

If this society cannot find some way to give those people jobs with dignity, then this society is going down.

But Editec you know as well as the rest of us knows that society doesn't "give people jobs with dignity". Society does what it does for its own benefit--works, makes things, provides services, etc. to put bread on its own table. Any other concept is socialism that has ultimately failed every time it has been tried.

So the solution is not for the government to continue to pretend that it can create jobs. The solution is for government to be fiscally responsible and to create a tax and regulatory environment that provides incentive for the private sector to take risks, hire, expand, grow, and thereby produce jobs.
Why don't some of you conservatives tell us,


what the government SHOULD do? to stimulate the economy.

Give us an outline of your plan.

The only rule is, you cannot engage in any deficit spending in the plan, after all, you wouldn't want to look like hypocrites now, would you?


Why don't some of you conservatives tell us,


what the government SHOULD do? to stimulate the economy.

Give us an outline of your plan.

The only rule is, you cannot engage in any deficit spending in the plan, after all, you wouldn't want to look like hypocrites now, would you?



1. Return all unspent Stimulus Funds
2. 25% across the board tax cuts
3. No Capital Gains tax on any business less that 5 years old
4. Repeal ObamaCare, replace with Whole Foods Care
5. Abandon Obama's Stress Test for Bank Capital
6. Obama retires, Congress takes 2 years off
Here are some ideas I like;

1) Rather than a refundable credit based on payroll taxes reduce the lowest individual tax rates from 15% to 10% and from 10% to 5%. As a result every taxpaying-family in America will see an immediate increase in their income with an average benefit of $500 in tax relief from the drop in the 10% bracket and $1,200 for the drop in the 15% bracket. A married couple filing jointly could save up to $3,200 a year in taxes.

2) Small businesses (those employing less than 500 individuals) employ about half of all Americans, yet they can be subject to tax rates that siphon away one-third or more of their income. So, Propose new legislation to allow small business to take a tax deduction equal to 20% of their income. This will immediately free up funds for small businesses to retain and hire new employees and invest in new capitol thus causing a domino effect of economic gains.

3) Insist that any stimulus package include a provision precluding any tax increases now or in the future to pay for the new spending. Any stimulus spending should be paid for by reducing other government spending, not raising taxes. Raising taxes to pay for stimulus spending just shifts the burdon from one bucket to another. Like a dog chasing it's tale.

4) Propose to make unemployment benefits tax free so that those individuals between jobs can focus on providing for their families. Or they could just eliminate the idiocy of charging taxes on said benifts by reducing the amount of the check by the amount of applicable tax. ...again, dog chasing tail.

It's a start.
My prescription:

1. Pass a hard, fast law that Congress cannot pass any law or dispense any fund that benefits any group, constituency, entity unless it benefits everybody, rich and poor, everywhere equally. Existing entitlements will be gradually phased out so as not to create undue hardship on those we have made dependent on them.

2. Any contract let by government must be put out for bids and go to the lowest qualified bidder, and every contract must be voted on all by itself with a straight up or down vote. All government contracts must be equally distributed among the states, based on population density, as much as can possibly be done.

3. Scrap all forms of taxes now in existence on businesses and the income tax and implement a flat income tax that is applied across the board regardless of how little or how much a person or business makes. Keep that tax as low as Congress can possibly manage on which will be pretty low if #1 iand #2 are implemented. Additional usage/service fees for government services unique to certain populations or industries (licenses, toll roads and bridges, park fees, etc.) can be reasonably imposed.

4. Scrap all unfunded legislation that is not absolutely necessary for the national defense or to carry out the other Constitutional requirements of government until the budget is balanced and can stay balanced. Congress will limit its duties to constitutionally authorized duties that are essential for the general welfare and national defense.

5. Repeal all 'social' regulation of any kind that restricts business. Keep only regulation necessary for the common defense or to promote the general welfare (safety and security or shared resources), and that necessary to keep one entity or person from treading on the rights of others.

Then get out of the way and let the people do what they do best to make things, provide services, prosper, and create economic growth.
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Here are some ideas I like;

1) Rather than a refundable credit based on payroll taxes reduce the lowest individual tax rates from 15% to 10% and from 10% to 5%. As a result every taxpaying-family in America will see an immediate increase in their income with an average benefit of $500 in tax relief from the drop in the 10% bracket and $1,200 for the drop in the 15% bracket. A married couple filing jointly could save up to $3,200 a year in taxes.

2) Small businesses (those employing less than 500 individuals) employ about half of all Americans, yet they can be subject to tax rates that siphon away one-third or more of their income. So, Propose new legislation to allow small business to take a tax deduction equal to 20% of their income. This will immediately free up funds for small businesses to retain and hire new employees and invest in new capitol thus causing a domino effect of economic gains.

3) Insist that any stimulus package include a provision precluding any tax increases now or in the future to pay for the new spending. Any stimulus spending should be paid for by reducing other government spending, not raising taxes. Raising taxes to pay for stimulus spending just shifts the burdon from one bucket to another. Like a dog chasing it's tale.

4) Propose to make unemployment benefits tax free so that those individuals between jobs can focus on providing for their families. Or they could just eliminate the idiocy of charging taxes on said benifts by reducing the amount of the check by the amount of applicable tax. ...again, dog chasing tail.

It's a start.

On 1. 47% of American households pay no federal income taxes now. Secondly, how are you paying for your tax cut. Remember, no adding to the deficit.
Why don't some of you conservatives tell us,


what the government SHOULD do? to stimulate the economy.

Give us an outline of your plan.

The only rule is, you cannot engage in any deficit spending in the plan, after all, you wouldn't want to look like hypocrites now, would you?



1. Return all unspent Stimulus Funds
2. 25% across the board tax cuts
3. No Capital Gains tax on any business less that 5 years old
4. Repeal ObamaCare, replace with Whole Foods Care
5. Abandon Obama's Stress Test for Bank Capital
6. Obama retires, Congress takes 2 years off

You have to pay for your tax cuts. The CBO scores them based on how much less revenue will be collected.

No deficit spending.
Here are some ideas I like;

1) Rather than a refundable credit based on payroll taxes reduce the lowest individual tax rates from 15% to 10% and from 10% to 5%. As a result every taxpaying-family in America will see an immediate increase in their income with an average benefit of $500 in tax relief from the drop in the 10% bracket and $1,200 for the drop in the 15% bracket. A married couple filing jointly could save up to $3,200 a year in taxes.

2) Small businesses (those employing less than 500 individuals) employ about half of all Americans, yet they can be subject to tax rates that siphon away one-third or more of their income. So, Propose new legislation to allow small business to take a tax deduction equal to 20% of their income. This will immediately free up funds for small businesses to retain and hire new employees and invest in new capitol thus causing a domino effect of economic gains.

3) Insist that any stimulus package include a provision precluding any tax increases now or in the future to pay for the new spending. Any stimulus spending should be paid for by reducing other government spending, not raising taxes. Raising taxes to pay for stimulus spending just shifts the burdon from one bucket to another. Like a dog chasing it's tale.

4) Propose to make unemployment benefits tax free so that those individuals between jobs can focus on providing for their families. Or they could just eliminate the idiocy of charging taxes on said benifts by reducing the amount of the check by the amount of applicable tax. ...again, dog chasing tail.

It's a start.

On 1. 47% of American households pay no federal income taxes now. Secondly, how are you paying for your tax cut. Remember, no adding to the deficit.

1) It's refering to the lowest bracket of people that DO pay taxes.

2) It's that simple inconvenient truth that liberals just refuse to except... cutting taxes increase revenue by increasing economic activity.
Only a democrat is pleased with the economy now.They will never have anything negative to say about the President or what he hasn't been able to do.Like turn the economy around.
Here are some ideas I like;

1) Rather than a refundable credit based on payroll taxes reduce the lowest individual tax rates from 15% to 10% and from 10% to 5%. As a result every taxpaying-family in America will see an immediate increase in their income with an average benefit of $500 in tax relief from the drop in the 10% bracket and $1,200 for the drop in the 15% bracket. A married couple filing jointly could save up to $3,200 a year in taxes.

2) Small businesses (those employing less than 500 individuals) employ about half of all Americans, yet they can be subject to tax rates that siphon away one-third or more of their income. So, Propose new legislation to allow small business to take a tax deduction equal to 20% of their income. This will immediately free up funds for small businesses to retain and hire new employees and invest in new capitol thus causing a domino effect of economic gains.

3) Insist that any stimulus package include a provision precluding any tax increases now or in the future to pay for the new spending. Any stimulus spending should be paid for by reducing other government spending, not raising taxes. Raising taxes to pay for stimulus spending just shifts the burdon from one bucket to another. Like a dog chasing it's tale.

4) Propose to make unemployment benefits tax free so that those individuals between jobs can focus on providing for their families. Or they could just eliminate the idiocy of charging taxes on said benifts by reducing the amount of the check by the amount of applicable tax. ...again, dog chasing tail.

It's a start.

On 1. 47% of American households pay no federal income taxes now. Secondly, how are you paying for your tax cut. Remember, no adding to the deficit.

1) It's refering to the lowest bracket of people that DO pay taxes.

2) It's that simple inconvenient truth that liberals just refuse to except... cutting taxes increase revenue by increasing economic activity.

Some tax cuts do spur economic growth. That is a fact. But right now, with the treasury bare, I would like to see all the focus be put on commerce and industry with a combination of relatively permanent tax relief, regulation relief, and incentives to make it worth their while to take a few reasoned risks. Important incentives would be things like rolling back that horrendous healthcare legislation and dropping cap and trade for now.

I don't think putting a bit more money into the pockets of consumers will help that much right now because people who aren't working or who are in constant fear of losing their jobs usually don't spend money on those things that most generate economic growth. I am always up for the government taking less of the people's resources, but right now it is the economy that needs a shot in the arm and it is employers or would be employers who will ultimately be the source of a recovery.
Why don't some of you conservatives tell us,


what the government SHOULD do? to stimulate the economy.

Give us an outline of your plan.

The only rule is, you cannot engage in any deficit spending in the plan, after all, you wouldn't want to look like hypocrites now, would you?



1. Return all unspent Stimulus Funds
2. 25% across the board tax cuts
3. No Capital Gains tax on any business less that 5 years old
4. Repeal ObamaCare, replace with Whole Foods Care
5. Abandon Obama's Stress Test for Bank Capital
6. Obama retires, Congress takes 2 years off

You have to pay for your tax cuts. The CBO scores them based on how much less revenue will be collected.

No deficit spending.

You keep confusing the Federal government with the US economy. When you realize the 2 are not the same we can talk some more.

But if you want savings: All federal programs excepts Social Security, Medicare and Defense sunset immediately and must be audited and reauthorized. Therefore:

Department of Education. Gone
Department of Energy. Gone.
Farmers Home Administration. Gone.
Rural Electrification. Gone.
Tennessee Valley Authority. Gone
Department of Housing and Urban Development. Gone.
Fannie and Freddie. Sold on eBay.
Absolutely no earmarks!

Long range: Repeal the 16th Amendment. Eliminate Income Tax. States must fund the federal government.
It would appear a rather significant list of ideas are on hand.

Economic Conservatism is the only way out of this mess.

Obamanomics is killing America...
Don't believe the hype

7.9 million jobs lost, many forever - Yahoo! Finance

Excluding temporary Census workers, the economy has added fewer than 100,000 jobs a month this year -- a much faster and stronger jobs recovery than occurred following the last two recessions in 2001 and 1991.

But even if that pace of hiring were to double immediately, it would take until 2013 to recapture the lost jobs. And the labor market very likely doesn't have years before it gets hit with the shock of the inevitable next economic downturn.
One of the big problems is that many of workers who have lost jobs were in industries that are not likely to recover their former strength.

"We've got the wrong people in the wrong place with the wrong skills," said John Silvia, chief economist with Wells Fargo Securities. He said construction workers in California or Florida and auto workers in Michigan will have to relocate and retrain to find new jobs.

"As many as half the people who lost their jobs will have to find something else to do," said Silvia.

More new workers: And recapturing the lost jobs fixes only part of the problem.

The nation's working-age population grows by about 150,000 people a month. So the hole is deeper than it looks.

It would take the creation of 10.6 million jobs immediately for the same percentage of the population to be working as was the case three years ago.

Of course, it will take time to create jobs. If it takes three years, more than 3.5 million additional jobs will be needed because of continued population growth.

The unemployment rate is currently 9.5%. A return to the 4.4% rate it was the summer before the recession started in 2007 is out of reach.
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Why don't some of you conservatives tell us,


what the government SHOULD do? to stimulate the economy.

Give us an outline of your plan.

The only rule is, you cannot engage in any deficit spending in the plan, after all, you wouldn't want to look like hypocrites now, would you?



First of all, we need to cut spending. Much like what CrusaderFrank already said. The Federal government should only be in the business of taxing and spending on what it is responisble for - National Defense, Department of Justice, maintaining Federal prisons, maintenence of the Capitol. The rest of it should, in my opinion, be axed. We certainly should not be giving billions away to foreign countries.

Lowering taxes is a good idea, but that doesn't mean I believe we should lower all taxes on all fronts whenever the question is asked. Ultimately we all should be paying taxes. The Repubicans keep harping on the idea of "lower taxes", and they are right, people and businesses need lower taxes just to stay afloat. But they're not asking the deeper question, why does everyone need lower taxes just to keep from being broke? We need to take a step back and look at what is going on with industry and business in America today. Liberals have come up with these great ideas to make life better for our workers - minimum wage, work hours regulated, and mandated health benefits provided by the employer. They've also forced businesses to abide by very strict environmental laws and regulations. I don't necessarily have an issue with any of these ideas individually, however I do take issue with the fact that we force our own companies to compete with overseas companies that in many cases do not have to abide by these standards. This is completely unfair to the US businesses. Overseas companies that pay their employees a fraction of our minimum wage, give no health benefits, and don't have strict environmental rules get to compete directly with the US company. This type of "free trade" has and is destroying our US based industries. We need to either reduce the burdens of labor and environmental laws on our own companies or we need to hold the foreign companies to the same standard - if they don't meet it then impose a tariff on their product to make up for the difference.
Why don't some of you conservatives tell us,


what the government SHOULD do? to stimulate the economy.

Give us an outline of your plan.

The only rule is, you cannot engage in any deficit spending in the plan, after all, you wouldn't want to look like hypocrites now, would you?



1. Return all unspent Stimulus Funds
2. 25% across the board tax cuts
3. No Capital Gains tax on any business less that 5 years old
4. Repeal ObamaCare, replace with Whole Foods Care
5. Abandon Obama's Stress Test for Bank Capital
6. Obama retires, Congress takes 2 years off

You have to pay for your tax cuts. The CBO scores them based on how much less revenue will be collected.

No deficit spending.

And that's the fallacy of Keynsianism. Tax cuts actually lead to increased tax revenues due to economic growth. But if you insist on tax cuts being paid for, let's cut spending and the size & scope of government. Much of what the government does is waste money for a net negative impact on the economy.

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