More Diplomacy, Less Military

For the record, i wouldn't have sent 4000 men to die in Iraq for oil. And I love children. I feel sorry for human and animal suffering. Kids in orphanages, bears in cages, etc. It all breaks my heart.

I liked Clinton's 21st Century war in Bosnia. How many troops died? 3? That's the way the USA should fight wars. If we don't like what you are doing, we strategically bomb your military and economic interests until we render you helpless. But not carpet bombing neighborhoods. Not purposely starting a war that we knew would lead to sectarian violence. Have you all forgot that Bush rushed into Iraq without a real game plan? Then had our soldiers go out on patrol while he tried to come up with a gameplan? What a thoughtless bastard. Same for all of you who defended his every action along the way.

I would not send soldiers to drive around looking for IUD's. I would have a high tech remote control car drive over IUD's. I would not be cheap about giving the troops armoured cars and flack jackets and overspend on my pentagon buddies, basically saying, "screw the troops".

Your party showed us that the troops are expendable. I don't think they are, you do. So don't tell me life is precious. You only have a soft spot for fetus'. I don't give a damn about fetus', because life isn't that precious. But planning out a war so 4000 20something year olds don't die needlessly? Or not invading for oil because you know 4000 men will die? Now life is precious enough to me that I would not invade.

To me a 1 or 4 or 20 or 40 year old's life is precious. But a seed in the womb of a woman that doesn't want to have the baby? No big deal to just rip it out.

Your religion may tell you that I'm wrong. But I'm sure it also tells you that what we have done in Iraq is wrong too. So how do you work it out in your head that 1 million dead Iraqi's is justifiable? And regardless, keep your religion to yourself. I believe in Fairy God mothers and leprechans. So should I start quoting what they have told me? Because that's how much credibility I give to the corran or bible. Man made and currupted by man.

Once again, tell me why we're having to choose between bears and babies?

And how one person's feelings about another negates the right the weaker one has to live? Using that sort of logic, I guess it's okay for me to kill any bear I please, if it offends me personally?
Look how great diplomacy is working in the Russia/Georgia Conflict.

Fuck that build the F22's so we can Negotiate from a position of Strength. If we are weak diplomacy will mean nothing. Nobody gives a shit what you think if you can not back it up with Force!
Great op-ed!

Iraq and Afghanistan are the messes getting attention today, but they are only symptoms of a much broader cancer in American foreign policy.

A few glimpses of this larger affliction:

¶The United States has more musicians in its military bands than it has diplomats.

¶This year alone, the United States Army will add about 7,000 soldiers to its total; that’s more people than in the entire American Foreign Service.

¶More than 1,000 American diplomatic positions are vacant because the Foreign Service is so short-staffed, but a myopic Congress is refusing to finance even modest new hiring. Some 1,100 could be hired for the cost of a single C-17 military cargo plane.

In short, the United States is hugely overinvesting in military tools and underinvesting in diplomatic tools. The result is a lopsided foreign policy that antagonizes the rest of the world and is ineffective in tackling many modern problems.

After all, you can’t bomb global warming.

Incredibly, the most eloquent spokesman for more balance between “hard power” and “soft power” is Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Mr. Gates, who is superb in repairing the catastrophe left behind by Donald Rumsfeld, has given a series of astonishing speeches in which he calls for more resources for the State Department and aid agencies.

“One of the most important lessons of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is that military success is not sufficient to win,” Mr. Gates said. He noted that the entire American diplomatic corps — about 6,500 people — is less than the staffing of a single aircraft carrier group, yet Congress isn’t interested in paying for a larger Foreign Service.

“It simply does not have the built-in, domestic constituency of defense programs,” Mr. Gates said. “As an example, the F-22 aircraft is produced by companies in 44 states; that’s 88 senators.”

With the Olympics unfolding in China now, the Navy and the Air Force are seizing upon China’s rise as an excuse to grab tens of billions of dollars for the F-22, for an advanced destroyer, for new attack submarines. But we’re failing to invest minuscule sums to build good will among Chinese.

For the price of one F-22, we could — for 25 years — operate American libraries in each Chinese province, pay for more Chinese-American exchanges, and hire more diplomats prepared to appear on Chinese television and explain in fluent Chinese what American policy is. And for the price of one M.R.E. lunch for one soldier, the State Department could make a few phone calls to push the Chinese leadership to respond to the Dalai Lama’s olive branch a few days ago, helping to eliminate a long-term irritant in U.S.-China relations.

Then there’s the Middle East. Dennis Ross, the longtime Middle East peace negotiator, says he has been frustrated “beyond belief” to see resources showered on the military while diplomacy has to fight for scraps. Mr. Ross argues that an investment of just $1 billion — financing job creation and other grass-roots programs in the West Bank — could significantly increase the prospect of an Israeli-Palestinian peace. But that money isn’t forthcoming.

Our intuitive approach to fighting terrorists and insurgents is to blow things up. But one of the most cost-effective counterterrorism methods in countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan may be to build things up, like schooling and microfinance. Girls’ education sometimes gets more bang for the buck than a missile.

A new study from the RAND Corporation examined how 648 terror groups around the world ended between 1968 and 2006. It found that by far the most common way for them to disappear was to be absorbed by the political process. The second most common way was to be defeated by police work. In contrast, in only 7 percent of cases did military force destroy the terrorist group.

“There is no battlefield solution to terrorism,” the report declares. “Military force usually has the opposite effect from what is intended.”

The next president should absorb that lesson and revalidate diplomacy as the primary tool of foreign policy — even if that means talking to ogres. Take Iran. Until recently, the American officials in charge of solving the Iranian problem were not even allowed to meet Iranians.

“We need to believe in the power of American diplomacy, and we should not believe a military conflict with Iran is inevitable,” said Nicholas Burns, until recently the under secretary of state for political affairs and for three years the government’s point person on Iran. “Our first impulse should be a serious and patient and persistent diplomatic effort. Too often in our national debate we focus on the military option and give short shrift to the diplomatic option.”

Diplomacy is only as good as the military might that backs it up. Diplomacy alone gave most of Europe to Hitler. DO try and learn from history, huh?
If diplomacy is damned effective, why do so many countries even bother with maintaining a military force at all?

The truth is that diplomacy simply does not work against an adversary that is determined to blow your ass up.

The truth is that diplomacy is meant to work to make other nations not WANT to blow up your ass.

A penny's prevention is worth a pound's cure, CSM.
Didnt we give 30 days notice before we went into Iraq? If the amount of casualties is whats concerning you then the fact that of all the wars we have been in the average death rate of this war is by far the lowest should put your weary mind to rest. You said yourself sealybobo that you dont want to see bears caged up. So if we killed all the bears in the world it shouldnt phase you because your not going to the zoo to see them anyway. But one of those fetus may have been twisted enough to help defend you in your arguement so you may have killed your only friend. I will go as far as to say that the 9/11 hijackers were diplomats ambassadors of a terrorists regime. With that established we have tried unarmed diplomacy with EVERY armed force we have come against including England. Some people only understand M16's and F22's and America will gladly speak their language.
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