more countries might walk away from eu


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Italy , France , Holland , Denmark

you had to be one stupid ass to ever join anything like that.

Bernie sanders said it would be ashamed to see Europe descend into war again.

who is talking about war?

Bernie is talking about the Socialist theory that that way to end war is to have everyone submit to one-world government
Might be interesting to hear what Drs. Jack an' Rexella van Impe have to say `bout all this...

... mebbe the EU gonna get whittled down to 10 nations...

... an' den dey gonna be the ones dat goes against Israel inna end times...

... like it says inna Book o' Daniel inna Bible.
My thought is that it's a part of the bigger movement of "New World Order." One world with no national or personal identy, "absolute" equality for all. I would be more inclined to say "take back your nationality, your country, your customs, your personal identity and be proud. Reassess your politics ... what has been the good, the bad, and the ugly of the government you have lived under? Fix the bad and the ugly of the regimes to the extent possible. Look at Greece for example - today it's a financial drain, not only of the EU but the WFB to which many countries contribute funds - bailout after bailout with no money to pay back those funds and "the people" suffer more and more. Something is just wrong with that picture.

Just my opinion.
I’ve been turning it over in my head for a while. Not sure why it became such a bad idea so quickly or if it were never a good idea to start with…
If they are smart they will all go national.

I'm confused by this. Why is that smart?

Would it be smart if all the States in the US, all declared themselves independent countries from Washington?

We aren't talking about the united states.

Europe's countries have always been independent countries. The try out of the EU isn't working for some of them.

I think you will find more of them want to go back to being independent and not part of the EU.
the list grows as of last count the number has climbed to 8
Just writing stuff down doesn't count. Where's this "list"? :link:
Not my thread, but here's one list: Brexit may push these countries towards EU exit
Thanks, but that's 3 not 8. I wish posters like the one to whom I responded would realize how stupid they look when they don't include cites and then are proven to have pulled the numbers out of the air.
My thought is that it's a part of the bigger movement of "New World Order." One world with no national or personal identy, "absolute" equality for all. I would be more inclined to say "take back your nationality, your country, your customs, your personal identity and be proud. Reassess your politics ... what has been the good, the bad, and the ugly of the government you have lived under? Fix the bad and the ugly of the regimes to the extent possible. Look at Greece for example - today it's a financial drain, not only of the EU but the WFB to which many countries contribute funds - bailout after bailout with no money to pay back those funds and "the people" suffer more and more. Something is just wrong with that picture.

Just my opinion.

Is there anything inherently wrong with the new world order?

I would have a hard time finding support for your claim that being under the EU means a lack of national or personal identity. Now granted, I haven't been to Europe in over 15 years, but from what I've seen on the BBC and Sky News, it seems to me they have more national identity than Americans have.... just being honest.

Now that aside, the problem in Greece is caused by Greece. The whole reason the Greek people are suffering, is because they keep fighting all of the changes that are required in order to survive.

If you look back at 2010 through 2014, the reforms were taking effect. The economy was recovering. Trade was up. Was it perfect and beautiful with Unicorns and Butterflies? No. But they were taking effect and there were positive signs.

Then 2015 came around, Syriza came to power, started un-doing all the policies that were working, thumbed their noses at the EU bailouts, and the sh!t hit the fan.

The reason Greece is where Greece is, is because of Greece. And honestly, they would be far worse off, if they had ditched the EU, because NO ONE would have lent them any money at all. What little they still have in Greece, is only because the EU sent them bailout money.
DOW down another 300+ points. What was the "good idea" behind Brexit?
Well as an American, I wouldn't profess to understand the intricacies of the whole "brexit" situation, but having watched a number of debates on the subject I have to say the leave campaign made some pretty compelling arguements. Most notably on trade and regulation. The leave camp continually cited numbers showing that under the EU the US imports into Europe had grown far more than GB. They also noted how incapable the EU was at completing trade deals around the world. One of the trade negotiations that they harped on was with Canada, which has supposedly been going on for 18 years. Again it's all above my pay grade but every debate I watched was won by the leave camp hands down, IMHO, of course.

From my own perspective it probably would have come down to the issue of unelected bureaucrats running things. During one debate a leave proponent listed some of the British members in the EU bureaucracy. To a person they were former British politicians who had been voted out of office. The point being that once you've voted a politician out of office because you don't like his policies, he goes to Brussels and crams those same policies down your throat. Seems to me there is just something inherently wrong with the whole apparatus of the EU.

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