More blatant nonsense from the right, keeping the poor away from their schools

Okay, if Walmart pay wages more and their stock goes down to the RIGHT LEVEL it should be at, you have a problem?

So they have less stock holders, good. More cost cutting measure and become more efficient, good.

I like what you're saying here. It would require Walmart to be a NORMAL company competing on a level playing field.

I'm wondering what YOUR problem is with that?

No, if the govt didn't hand out "goodies" then the people would demand to have a LIVING WAGE or they wouldn't bother working for Walmart. Which is again, GREAT>

No, it's just the opposite. When a worker meets their maximum income before their benefits get cut, they work less hours. Trust me, I work in industry and see it all the time. People on the dole know how to play the system.

I have two tenants on disability--one on full disability and one on partial disability. My tenant on full disability has it worked out so he only makes X amount of money every month. He could work more hours, but that would cut into his government check, so he made an agreement with his employer even though his employer wants him to work more hours.

So now we force Walmart (or whoever) to pay more money. What do you think the outcome of that would be, that the workers would give up their freebies? Of course not, they will reduce the amount of hours they work per month.

So the bottom line is that it would hurt Walmart, not reduce government dependency, and the worker would be working less hours than they ever have.

And do you think that if the govt didn't make such a system, which companies like Walmart are happy to promote, that it would be like this? Why do you think Walmart like this sort of thing?

What makes you think Walmart likes it? It's likely Walmart could care less about it. Social programs have nothing to do with their business with the exception they have to hire more people since the leeches are only working part-time.

I'm thinking the $6 billion a year Walmart doesn't have to pay in wages might clinch it for them, don't you think?

What would you do if the govt picked up a $6 billion a year tab for you? Be miserable?

My lord, you are so dense. Walmart is not under any obligation to pay more in wages or benefits if the government does not. There was never a law like that and never will be. Walmart gets nothing, zero from the government.

Oh, right, we're getting onto insults now again are we? Fuck off Ray. I don't do insulters.
Why is Trump cutting grants for poor students to go to top schools? | Opinion

Why Is Trump Stopping Poor Students From Going to Top Schools?"

"The Administration’s education budget slashes $150 billion in federal student aid over 10 years. This move would cut by half our federal Work-Study program, which helps 675,000 students support themselves through college every year. "

Basically Trump put DeVos in charge at "education" and she's a proponent of school vouchers. Now, for me, school vouchers are just a way of taking money out of schools and giving it to rich people. But the right say it's all about CHOICE. The same people will then dismiss choice elsewhere, and ignore the fact that the UK manages to give choice to kids to go to schools they want to go to WITHOUT school vouchers.

Now, they want choice with school vouchers, and yet.... they're taking away money from poorer kids to go to college. Oh, so, what, wait.... universities will only be for rich kids, so it will benefit the rich and mean they can get the levels of education needed to get higher paid jobs....

Oh, I see, they're preventing choice, once again.

A leader elected not by choice of the people, but by the system, is making sure poorer people don't get to go to school.

Why should my tax money be used to pay for your education?

Shouldn't you pay your own bills?

The country is $20 trillion in debt and the combined cost of government is almost 40% of the GDP which is killing our economy. Don't you think it is time to stop giving away free stuff?
The US spends more money on education than any other country in the world and have some of the poorest results.

Why should the US spend even more money for an already failing system?

Why should taxpayer's money be used to provide stupid worthless degrees like Black or Women's Studies?

I think most Americans would have no problem funding a public literacy education providing the money was managed locally, spent wisely and concentrated on real learning and not some stupid social agenda education. If you need a higher education then that should be your expense and not the expense of a taxpayer.

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