Monumental failure of liberal policy


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
"As the NRA pointed out last week, the FBI has preliminarily reported a four percent drop in the number of violent crimes from 2010 to 2011, the 18th drop in the last 20 years. Violent crime is now at about a 41-year low.

Washington Times*reporter Emily Miller*asked*the NRA and the Brady Campaign for their opinions about the trend. The NRA responded that crime has decreased as the number of Right-to-Carry states has risen to an all-time high.

However, Miller noted, "The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence did not respond to requests for comment." Miller added, "Gun‑control advocates are noticeably silent when crime rates decline. Their multimillion‑dollar lobbying efforts are designed to manufacture mass anxiety that every gun owner is a potential killer. The statistics show otherwise."

NRA-ILA | Brady Campaign's Silence is Golden
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.
"As the NRA pointed out last week, the FBI has preliminarily reported a four percent drop in the number of violent crimes from 2010 to 2011, the 18th drop in the last 20 years. Violent crime is now at about a 41-year low.

Washington Times*reporter Emily Miller*asked*the NRA and the Brady Campaign for their opinions about the trend. The NRA responded that crime has decreased as the number of Right-to-Carry states has risen to an all-time high.

However, Miller noted, "The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence did not respond to requests for comment." Miller added, "Gun‑control advocates are noticeably silent when crime rates decline. Their multimillion‑dollar lobbying efforts are designed to manufacture mass anxiety that every gun owner is a potential killer. The statistics show otherwise."

NRA-ILA | Brady Campaign's Silence is Golden

The anti-gun lobby spent $60,000 in 2007, the pro gun lobby spent nearly two million, if gun control advocates are silent it is because they did not have enough money to keep an office open anymore, it's a dead issue, point to some anti-gun lobbyists that have even a fraction of the cash and access of the NRA. What are they even good for?
CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?
"As the NRA pointed out last week, the FBI has preliminarily reported a four percent drop in the number of violent crimes from 2010 to 2011, the 18th drop in the last 20 years. Violent crime is now at about a 41-year low.

Washington Times*reporter Emily Miller*asked*the NRA and the Brady Campaign for their opinions about the trend. The NRA responded that crime has decreased as the number of Right-to-Carry states has risen to an all-time high.

However, Miller noted, "The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence did not respond to requests for comment." Miller added, "Gun‑control advocates are noticeably silent when crime rates decline. Their multimillion‑dollar lobbying efforts are designed to manufacture mass anxiety that every gun owner is a potential killer. The statistics show otherwise."

NRA-ILA | Brady Campaign's Silence is Golden

When the terms "liberal policy and "monumental failure" appear in the same sentence, it is called a "redundancy".
CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

Irresponsible parents.....Before you knee jerk your way into a fury, answer this, should cars be banned because "kids will always figure out where the keys are hidden"?
Answer this....How many kids have been killed by weapons illegally stored in the home and how many of those parents or guardians were criminals?
The bottom line is this. An unarmed society is a society of victims.
CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

Their parents or the person owning the weapon should have put a device on the weapon or secured it. One needs to be responsible when owning a gun.
CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

Irresponsible parents.....Before you knee jerk your way into a fury, answer this, should cars be banned because "kids will always figure out where the keys are hidden"?
Answer this....How many kids have been killed by weapons illegally stored in the home and how many of those parents or guardians were criminals?
The bottom line is this. An unarmed society is a society of victims.

Not if the entire society is unarmed.
So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

Irresponsible parents.....Before you knee jerk your way into a fury, answer this, should cars be banned because "kids will always figure out where the keys are hidden"?
Answer this....How many kids have been killed by weapons illegally stored in the home and how many of those parents or guardians were criminals?
The bottom line is this. An unarmed society is a society of victims.

Not if the entire society is unarmed.

What does that mean? All weapons, bows, hunting knives?
CaféAuLait;5504077 said:
Irresponsible parents.....Before you knee jerk your way into a fury, answer this, should cars be banned because "kids will always figure out where the keys are hidden"?
Answer this....How many kids have been killed by weapons illegally stored in the home and how many of those parents or guardians were criminals?
The bottom line is this. An unarmed society is a society of victims.

Not if the entire society is unarmed.

What does that mean? All weapons, bows, hunting knives?

Of course they cannot use those things if they have no arms.

CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

You cant child proof the world.
So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

Irresponsible parents.....Before you knee jerk your way into a fury, answer this, should cars be banned because "kids will always figure out where the keys are hidden"?
Answer this....How many kids have been killed by weapons illegally stored in the home and how many of those parents or guardians were criminals?
The bottom line is this. An unarmed society is a society of victims.

Not if the entire society is unarmed.

Yeah right...Hey genius, if tomorrow the federal government enacted a law banning private gun ownership, do you think the criminals would simply obey the law?
If a criminal knew that if they broke into a home and knew the people people were inside unarmed and unable to stop the criminal, do you think the criminal would take a moments hesitation before entering? Of course not. The criminal would walk in, announce HE had a gun and was there to take anything he wanted.
Right now, if that criminal decides to pay me an unannounced visit I can blow a tunnel though his head.
CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

You cant child proof the world.

CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

That the parents didn't spend enough time teaching their children about firearms?

"As the NRA pointed out last week, the FBI has preliminarily reported a four percent drop in the number of violent crimes from 2010 to 2011, the 18th drop in the last 20 years. Violent crime is now at about a 41-year low.

Washington Times*reporter Emily Miller*asked*the NRA and the Brady Campaign for their opinions about the trend. The NRA responded that crime has decreased as the number of Right-to-Carry states has risen to an all-time high.

However, Miller noted, "The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence did not respond to requests for comment." Miller added, "Gun‑control advocates are noticeably silent when crime rates decline. Their multimillion‑dollar lobbying efforts are designed to manufacture mass anxiety that every gun owner is a potential killer. The statistics show otherwise."

NRA-ILA | Brady Campaign's Silence is Golden

The anti-gun lobby spent $60,000 in 2007, the pro gun lobby spent nearly two million, if gun control advocates are silent it is because they did not have enough money to keep an office open anymore, it's a dead issue, point to some anti-gun lobbyists that have even a fraction of the cash and access of the NRA. What are they even good for?

Well, unless you can prove that the millions that were spent went to the FBI for them to fudge the numbers, everything you just said is completely irrelevant and proof of liberal stupidity.

The numbers don't lie - crime plummets when people are permitted to arm and defend themselves. Money spent on lobbyists has nothing to do with anything.
Irresponsible parents.....Before you knee jerk your way into a fury, answer this, should cars be banned because "kids will always figure out where the keys are hidden"?
Answer this....How many kids have been killed by weapons illegally stored in the home and how many of those parents or guardians were criminals?
The bottom line is this. An unarmed society is a society of victims.

Not if the entire society is unarmed.

Yeah right...Hey genius, if tomorrow the federal government enacted a law banning private gun ownership, do you think the criminals would simply obey the law?
If a criminal knew that if they broke into a home and knew the people people were inside unarmed and unable to stop the criminal, do you think the criminal would take a moments hesitation before entering? Of course not. The criminal would walk in, announce HE had a gun and was there to take anything he wanted.
Right now, if that criminal decides to pay me an unannounced visit I can blow a tunnel though his head.

Idjit! Where id I say anything about banning guns?

I just said if the entire society was unarmed, or unteehed as the case may be :)
I made no mention of how they got unarmed or if they had never been armed in the first place.

Waah! They are gonna take my guns away!
CaféAuLait;5504011 said:
I'm going O/T a bit, but your thread reminded me of that little 14 year old boy who saved his little brother's and sisters lives today, (aged 8, 10 and 12) after an armed intruder broke down their front door. The boy grabbed his fathers gun and shot the intruder.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, critically wounds armed intruder

Who knows what would have happened if he had not loaded his father weapon and fired.

So what do you think about the thousands of children who have accidentally killed themselves or a friend with their father's weapon?

So just to be clear - you prefer horrific predators to rape, torture, and kill innocent women and/or children over accidents? Wow.... just, wow....

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