Montana Lawmaker Refuses to Give into the "Affirm my Gender or I'll Kill Myself" Childish Extortion

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

“One of the big issues that we have heard today and we’ve talked about lately is that without surgery the risk of suicide goes way up. Well, I am one of those parents who lived with a daughter who was suicidal for three years,” Seekins-Crowe said. “Someone once asked me, ‘Wouldn’t I just do anything to help save her?’ And I really had to think and the answer was, ‘No.'”
“I was not going to give into her emotional manipulation because she was incapable of making those decisions and I had to make those decisions for her,” Seekins-Crowe said.
She continued, "I was not going to let her tear apart my family and I was not going to let her tear apart me because I had to be strong for her, I had to have a vision for her life when she had none, was incapable of having none."

What's next? "I identify as a Corvette driver, so if you don't buy me one, I'll hold my breath until I turn blue?"

The headline was a lie, as is so common with NBC and other outlets writing about this issue. Seekins-Crowe did not suggest she'd rather risk her child' suicide than let her transition. She stated that her child is already at risk for suicide (and who is not?), but that she would not give her child carte blanche to make adult decisions because of it.

Duh! Suicidal kids are less likely to make good decisions, not more likely to make good decisions.
The old joke: If a cocksucking fuckboi says "Blah blah blah or I'll kill myself!"

What kind of sandwich do you make?

tranny preg.jpg
Here Trevor Noah tries to debate a transgender transactivist without admitting that he disagrees with them:

”I’m a woman, and I’m pretty sure I’m made out of biological stuff. So I’m a biological woman.”

This one even managed to blame opposition to men ruining women’s sports as racist men protecting cis white women.

Arguing against Democrat logic is like trying to explain to a six year old why making fart noises in class isn’t funny. “All the kids laughed so it must be funny!”
Ever more often the statist left ends up using semantics/Politick'n in an effort to spin a faltering 'cause' of theirs through the back door.

“One of the big issues that we have heard today and we’ve talked about lately is that without surgery the risk of suicide goes way up. Well, I am one of those parents who lived with a daughter who was suicidal for three years,” Seekins-Crowe said. “Someone once asked me, ‘Wouldn’t I just do anything to help save her?’ And I really had to think and the answer was, ‘No.'”
“I was not going to give into her emotional manipulation because she was incapable of making those decisions and I had to make those decisions for her,” Seekins-Crowe said.
She continued, "I was not going to let her tear apart my family and I was not going to let her tear apart me because I had to be strong for her, I had to have a vision for her life when she had none, was incapable of having none."

What's next? "I identify as a Corvette driver, so if you don't buy me one, I'll hold my breath until I turn blue?"

The headline was a lie, as is so common with NBC and other outlets writing about this issue. Seekins-Crowe did not suggest she'd rather risk her child' suicide than let her transition. She stated that her child is already at risk for suicide (and who is not?), but that she would not give her child carte blanche to make adult decisions because of it.

Duh! Suicidal kids are less likely to make good decisions, not more likely to make good decisions.
Maybe some parents actions drive their kids to suicide???
Here Trevor Noah tries to debate a transgender transactivist without admitting that he disagrees with them:

”I’m a woman, and I’m pretty sure I’m made out of biological stuff. So I’m a biological woman.”

This one even managed to blame opposition to men ruining women’s sports as racist men protecting cis white women.

Arguing against Democrat logic is like trying to explain to a six year old why making fart noises in class isn’t funny. “All the kids laughed so it must be funny!”

I was just Waiting for the race card to pop up! If the statist left starts tanking big time on this 'cause' of theirs look for them to throw in Glow-ball warming/Klymate chaing in an effort to scare folks into supporting their TG brainless-storm!!! P.S. Be on the lookout for the return of the ole "Flat Earthers 'cause' to confuse the masses in the latest in spin protection for their biological TG fiasco!

"Yestarday eye coud knot evan spel Tranzgendar, nowe eye are won!"
What if my gender is "suicidal"? ... fuck this is confusing ...

You don’t think that dealing with all of the implications of what it means to be at a transgender person along with teenage hormones, would be overwhelming? Please don’t forget about those. They’re a huge factor in here.

Gay kids who aren’t TG also have high rates of suicide. Especially if they fear their parents won’t be accepting, or their faith communities reject gays. With books on gender, sexuality and biology being taken out of public libraries in school libraries where are these kids to go to get their questions answered.?

If you read articles on brain growth in teenagers logic, reason and self control are last areas of the brain to mature. Yeah, I slapped myself in the forehead when I read that one too.

There is so much crap to deal with for straight, cis gendered kids going through puberty, dating, drugs sex and rock n roll without fearing you’ll become a social pariah if you’re “caught”.

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