Mole in Toronto terror trial tells court he was addicted to cocaine


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Important for Americans to understand the investigations run by the RCMP in particular, this is one of the classic cases in Canada re: terror. This guy had openly spoke about his addiction. He now is seen often on CBC, CNN and Fox.

Would this fly in an American court? With the advent of the recent terror attack in Edmonton, it is clear real threats exist, and rabbit chasing can cost our citizens and allies lives.

Mole in Toronto terror trial tells court he was addicted to cocaine

A police agent who infiltrated the so-called Toronto 18 started using cocaine shortly before police began making arrests in the alleged terror plot, the agent admitted under cross-examination Thursday.

Mubin Shaikh is the Crown's key witness at the trial of Fahim Ahmad, Steven Chand and Asad Ansari, who are charged with terrorism offences. He has testified he worked with CSIS on the investigation since 2004, later became an RCMP agent and attended a terrorist training camp north of Toronto in December 2005 allegedly led by Ahmad.

Mr. Shaikh said he began using cocaine, doing a "couple of lines," in late May 2006, then over the next few months became addicted, needing another fix as frequently as every 20 minutes, he said.

"It was out of control," Mr. Shaikh told the jury trial.

The line of questioning about Mr. Shaikh's drug use lasted most of the morning as Ahmad's lawyer, Dennis Edney, grilled Mr. Shaikh on his credibility for a second day.

"By December of 2006 ... you were now an addict and a father of five children, and someone whose evidence we're relying upon in the course of this trial, yes?" Mr. Edney said.

Mr. Shaikh agreed, but noted that his first hit of cocaine came mere days before a group of men and youth were rounded up on June 2, 2006 and charged with terrorism offences. Mr. Shaikh said the investigation and the subsequent attention were traumatic events that precipitated his addiction.
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