
Whow. There's a lot of us dems who like our concept of a free market economy and we don't want socialism. While we want government to help take care of our citizens who can't take care of themselves due to mental, physical or out of work challenges, we don't want a society where the able bodied do nothing and collect benefits when they should be contributing to society. That's not socialism. That's us taking care of us.
We also don't want government over regulating business anymore than we want them under regulating it as well. We want a balance where companies, workers and government work together so we all win rather than just the few greedy. Again this is not socialism but us taking care of ourselves the way we're supposed to as human beings as well as citizens of our great Nation.
Compromise and working together is what made us great and it's the only true way for us to restore ourselves because no one but us can or ever will.

We're the democrats the world labels as "moderates."

That's all well and good, only... there is no compromising with the modern GOP the last good republican ever in the history of American Politics was Eisenhower, and he was ONLY good for his day... not ours with our modern perspectives and expectations and culture.

The GOP by and large is 'progressive'; a philosophy which believes in big government, big programs all in the guise of doing for us what we need. Their goal is 'social justice' engineered through government expansion which requires them to take more from us to fund their ideas of what is best for us. If you do not believe in the GOP platform then do not equate your 'moderate' ideals with them.
There's a wide range of opinions across the political spectrum, virtually all of which held by people who believe they are "right".

Some people (those on the ends of the spectrum) are absolutely convinced that theirs is the only set of principles and ideas that are absolutely right for America. The rest of us - the majority of us - are a bit more humble about our beliefs and feel that there is not "one way" to look at it, that absolutes are rarely possible in a world of nuance.

So people on the other end of the spectrum from you are just as convinced that they have all the answers, as you are.


There is some truth to what you say. The problem, now, is that the far right end of the spectrum has a death grip on all their politicians who are not the least bit humble (your word) in the way they have turned our political system into a fascist circus.

Here's the weird thing: A poll that I saw just came out had Jeb by far number one with Republicans, with Christie second. That tells me that the far right is one helluva lot louder than the rest of the party, but that's it. They have the noise and the energy, but not the votes.

Poll Bush surges to 2016 GOP frontrunner -


What the noise about Christie and Bush show you....the moderates don't know how to win was funny...The guy from RealClearPolitics was on the Dennis Miller radio show...he addressed the Bush question and if he could win the was mentioned that he was for amnesty....the guy said well McCain was for amnesty and he won the nomination....then it was mentioned that Romney supported Romneycare...and he won the nomination...

What the guy failed to point out....both McCain and Romney lost their elections for did the other beltway candidate....Dole....

It was reported that Jeb was seeking McCain's advice on how to win the primary while getting past the conservatives.....which shows that he won't do you lose half your base and expect to win...?

Well, you certainly don't lose half your base and expect to win. So if the base wants the Republican nominee to win, they should just support and vote for that person.

Another good idea would be not to savage him or her like he or she is the enemy, which tends to cause a little damage come general election time.


The problem...the establishment particular John Mccain, felt no need to restrain their attacks on conservatives.....and then he acted surprised when they stayed home...and Romney passed obamacare first...and expected republicans to vote for him....I did, because I knew obama was a hard core, America hating leftist.....but conservatives have been so disparaged by the establishment republicans...even after they win huge victories which empower the establishment republicans...that they get tired of it and won't vote for another "go along to get along" republican.

Why vote for republicans to increase government size and spending slowly, vs. the democrats who will do it in overdrive...I see why...but many republicans are tired of getting nothing for their votes.....

When you throw around crazy remarks like " I knew obama was a hard core, America hating leftist.....", it's obvious you will never support any candidate who possesses even a slight chance to win the election. Crazy people vote for crazy politicians in the primaries, who then loose the election.
I have supported every establishment republican they have had since the last time I voted for a democrat..the first time clinton, the serial sexual predator, ran for office....he was the last....

I voted for Dole, for McCain, Bush both times and Romney....and the establisment guys, Dole, McCain, an Romney all lost...Bush was hardly establishment because they hated that he was a christian and from Texas....

The track record for the establisment GOP...I might as well have voted for your democrat guys....
I have supported every establishment republican they have had since the last time I voted for a democrat..the first time clinton, the serial sexual predator, ran for office....he was the last....

I voted for Dole, for McCain, Bush both times and Romney....and the establisment guys, Dole, McCain, an Romney all lost...Bush was hardly establishment because they hated that he was a christian and from Texas....

The track record for the establisment GOP...I might as well have voted for your democrat guys....

Bob Dole talked about himself in the third person and thought he should be president because he had stood in line the longest. McCain thought Sarah Palin would be a good vice president, Shrub was.....well........shrub, and Romney thought half of the country were bums who he didn't need to be concerned with. If that is the best you can come up with for what you call "establishment" , and the rest are brain dead wing nuts, why do you even bother trying to have a party?
McCain thought Sarah Palin would be a good vice president,

Sarah Palin is the only reason he had as many votes as he had.....she actually helped him take the lead for a while...until he blew it.....
McCain thought Sarah Palin would be a good vice president,

Sarah Palin is the only reason he had as many votes as he had.....she actually helped him take the lead for a while...until he blew it.....

That's kinda my point. When a brain dead twat like that is seen as a good choice to be the potential leader of the country, do you really want to be on their side?
Palin put the nail in McCain's coffin.
The far right wasn't going to vote for Obama anyway. McCain just tossed away the center.
When you look at the numbers, it's pretty clear that the GOP has about maxed out on the far right. The only place they can pick up more votes is in the center.
Whow. There's a lot of us dems who like our concept of a free market economy and we don't want socialism. While we want government to help take care of our citizens who can't take care of themselves due to mental, physical or out of work challenges, we don't want a society where the able bodied do nothing and collect benefits when they should be contributing to society. That's not socialism. That's us taking care of us.
We also don't want government over regulating business anymore than we want them under regulating it as well. We want a balance where companies, workers and government work together so we all win rather than just the few greedy. Again this is not socialism but us taking care of ourselves the way we're supposed to as human beings as well as citizens of our great Nation.
Compromise and working together is what made us great and it's the only true way for us to restore ourselves because no one but us can or ever will.

We're the democrats the world labels as "moderates."

That's all well and good, only... there is no compromising with the modern GOP the last good republican ever in the history of American Politics was Eisenhower, and he was ONLY good for his day... not ours with our modern perspectives and expectations and culture.

You defined the republican party. Why do you insist on pretending that the democrat party has the capacity for political sanity after the six years of Obama and Reid?
The magic number for Republicans is 45. Historically speaking, If they don't win at least 45% of moderates, they won't win the White House.
The magic number for Republicans is 45. Historically speaking, If they don't win at least 45% of moderates, they won't win the White House.

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