Mittens running scared

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
First Thoughts: It's not an even race - Obama's ahead - First Read

The latest evidence: three new polls out today – from CNN, Fox, and Reuters/Ipsos – all showing President Obama leading Romney by seven points or more and at or near 50%. (CNN 52-45%, Fox 49-40%, Reuters/Ipsos 49-42%). What’s more, Romney continues to have an image problem. In CNN, Obama’s fav/unfav is +14, Romney’s -1. And in Fox, Obama’s +12, Romney’s +1. (Ipsos didn’t ask fav/unfav.)

Romney Wants Business Record Removed From Obama Campaign Attacks

Mitt Romney appears to be seeking an agreement with the Obama campaign to remove his business record from the conversation, a sign that the repeated attacks on his tenure at private equity firm Bain Capital may be getting under the presumptive Republican presidential candidate's skin.
Oh, well here's one you can actually trust..:D

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 43%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Wait until after the convention....he hasn't said who the VP will be. Once he does, it's going to make a HUGE difference. Romney will be so far ahead you'll be going crazy! Lol
I would dispute the phrase "running scared" three months before the election and after the stunning news that the Obama campaign strategists admitted they lied about the latest democrat party dirty trick. With selective polling and the unrelenting support of the liberal media it's a wonder that Romney is still counted in the polls.
Wait until after the convention....he hasn't said who the VP will be. Once he does, it's going to make a HUGE difference. Romney will be so far ahead you'll be going crazy! Lol

It's too bad Obama is such a coward when it comes to debates but I'm thinking Romney will kick his ass anyway..

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