Missing headlines: Obama’s Pentagon kills American troops


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
We got daily death counts in the Lame Street Media during the Bush administration. But, now that our Bumbler-in-Chief is in office, the increasing number of dead American warriors is being ignored. I sensed this but this story clearly lays it out. Read more @ Missing headlines: Obama?s Pentagon kills American troops

And there's this report that gives a clear pictures of our troops casualties @ http://www.defense.gov/news/casualty.pdf

Sadly. Just dry numbers but there are plenty of stories available on line that puts faces to them.

According to that report over 4000 troops have died this year alone.

Sad the far left will ignore such things when there is a (D) behind the name.
Impossible that ANY Americans have died in armed conflict.

Not a single one since January 2009 when they were all brought home exactly as promised in all those campaign speeches.

Weren't they?
I better go check out some other websites. We are getting the biggest lib hit ever right now.

And stupid libs. Idiotic libs.

Back in a bit.

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