Missing headlines: Obama’s Pentagon kills American troops


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
We got daily death counts in the Lame Street Media during the Bush administration. But, now that our Bumbler-in-Chief is in office, the increasing number of dead American warriors is being ignored. I sensed this but this story clearly lays it out. Read more @ Missing headlines: Obama?s Pentagon kills American troops

And there's this report that gives a clear pictures of our troops casualties @ http://www.defense.gov/news/casualty.pdf

Sadly. Just dry numbers but there are plenty of stories available on line that puts faces to them.

Impossible that ANY Americans have died in armed conflict.

Not a single one since January 2009 when they were all brought home exactly as promised in all those campaign speeches.

Weren't they?
I better go check out some other websites. We are getting the biggest lib hit ever right now.

And stupid libs. Idiotic libs.

Back in a bit.

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