Min. wage in Australia is $15, $13 in NZ- ours is lowest in the modern world by $2..

Actually, I was hoping to learn a few things.

I don't claim to be very knowledgable in some areas.

Does Austrailia use U.S. currency or do they have their own ?

If they do, what is the exchange rate.

IOW: What is $15/hour ausie translate into U.S. $ ?

Up until about two years ago AUD$1 would get you about US$0.80... these days it's about one for one, or slightly in favour or Australia..

Sydney (where i live) is one of the most expensive cities in the world...believe me. If my wife and I earned here what we did back home (NZ) - even if you were to have the same salary in NZ $$ not Australian $$ - we would live like kings and queens. Here, we just get by....
But the dupes think we don't need one. Corporations will take care of us...they sure did!! Vote mega rich, myopic, corrupt cronyism Pub....idiocy

Even after the recent increase in the minimum wage we are still far behind. The buying power of the minimum wage is much less than it was forty to fifty years ago.
Not gonna say I hate to say Itoljaso....Because I LOVE to say ITOLJASO!

Total economic nitwits...Al of y'all.

No Subway $5 Footlongs In SF, 'Cost of Doing Business' Too High | NBC Bay Area
Have you ever been to Australia? I had the good fortune of going for vacation this year and everything there is three times as expensive as it is in the United States. The reason? Because they import everything, almost nothing can be locally grown, and if it weren't for mineral exports to the Chinese, they would have no major exports. This is the reason why minimum wage in both AUS ad NZ have to be $12+. A plate of gourmet fries here costs around $5-6. In AUS, it costs (and I've paid for) $20.

So while you think some people here think we don't need a higher minimum wage, you should probably get educated on why our minimum wage is what it is and how, relative to other countries, it is on par.

But the dupes think we don't need one. Corporations will take care of us...they sure did!! Vote mega rich, myopic, corrupt cronyism Pub....idiocy
You realize that your post is completely untrue, right? If our's is the lowest in the modern world, we would have manufacturing companies fleeing other nations to us, rather than the other way around.

Federal government has no reason to have a minimum wage, if the states want to do something like that, they are free too. But the Constitution doesnt grant the Federal Government authority to pass a national minimum wage. Nor is it really wise to do so when all areas of the country are different with different cost of living standards.

Amazing how folks have no clue about economics, monetary exchange or trade.
With all the doomsday reports of the dollar falling a few years ago folks had no clue that actually makes it more attractive to sell our products over seas.

The minimum wage hurts more folk that it helps. It forces a lower wage on many that would have a higher wage for their job description.
Some folk are not worth $3 an hour and some folk would accept #3 an hour for their part time work.
Friend of mine has a 15 year old daughter who works at the local doughnut shop after school next door to where her mother works a 11-7 job. She gets out of school at 3 pm and works from 3:30 to 7 pm there and rides home with Mom. She would take $4 an hour because of the convenience.
They don't want Yanks ANYWHERE. Too damn loudmouth stupid. Thanks, ugly 'Merican dupes!!

The other dumbazz dupe argument. "Love it or leave it!" Now the personal insults...LOL
LOL. Here's one of my rental houses. Scroll down for the 10 year profile.
Gore won ! NO. Bush won ! No Gore won ! You're either wiff us R genst us.
Bye bye !
18395 SW 248th St, Homestead, FL 33031 - Zillow
Stupidness. I thought we each were allowed to set our own minimum wage. I have always done so for myself whenever considering working for another. What the heck is the purpose of a minimum wage anyhow, I can't figure that out. ?
Have you ever been to Australia? I had the good fortune of going for vacation this year and everything there is three times as expensive as it is in the United States. The reason? Because they import everything, almost nothing can be locally grown, and if it weren't for mineral exports to the Chinese, they would have no major exports. This is the reason why minimum wage in both AUS ad NZ have to be $12+. A plate of gourmet fries here costs around $5-6. In AUS, it costs (and I've paid for) $20.

So while you think some people here think we don't need a higher minimum wage, you should probably get educated on why our minimum wage is what it is and how, relative to other countries, it is on par.

But the dupes think we don't need one. Corporations will take care of us...they sure did!! Vote mega rich, myopic, corrupt cronyism Pub....idiocy

Rather like Hawaii.

Beautiful place but expensive to live there because they have to import everything.

As for minimum wage. We have a happy group of high school summer workers. That is if a company or small business can afford to hire em.

Shit. I've startd off at minimum wage a few times but within a month I'd be making better money.
But the dupes think we don't need one. Corporations will take care of us...they sure did!! Vote mega rich, myopic, corrupt cronyism Pub....idiocy
Any bets on whether or not the OP's assertion is exchange rate adjusted?

Secondly, show me how high minimum wage is directly making Australia an economic powerhouse. Direct causes only please. No estimates, theories or WAGs.
Yes, and you'd be an even bigger idiot or schmuck to accept a job like that. Of course it could also mean you're patently worthless and it's charity to pay you at all for how little you contribute to society and your own survival.

True story. :thup:

Oh, and you have to be a certain degree of fucktard to get that kind of work. MOST people are overqualified by being conscious and breathing for this work if they're over 21. SO if you can get one of these jobs, you need to ask yourself... what the fuck is my problem and how do I fix it?
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Also, what good is $15 if (I said IF) you pay 50% of it in taxes ?

Australia tax rates

If you make $15/hr that comes out to $600 for a 40 hr work week, which is $31200 a year. That puts you in the bracket of paying 15c per dollar, after your first $6000 in income. Your total tax liability would be $3780. In addition, there is a 1.5% Medicare tax, which would amount to $468.

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