Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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Do these militia members have jobs? How are they able to support themselves while they are 'protecting' (welfare) King Bundy? I wonder, are they using welfare to support their armed insurrection against teh evil government?

Bundy is probably taking the fees that he should be paying to the tax papers of the US and funding his militia. I am still waiting for him to make a statement. His last outburst was so well thought out and measured.:badgrin:
jillian is Jewish, and she was first to scream "send the drones!"

Really, you can be Jewish and a raging progressive who supports the very policies that in WWii led to the decimation of the European Jewish population. I don't know how, but they often manage to pull it off.

You're hallucinating.

Maybe you should give it a rest.

And I NEVEER said we should be waging war against an ideology because that's stupid.

Stop doing street drugs, jillian, and try to stick to the topic. I never said anything about waging war against an ideology. I said you screeched "send in the drones" and called for the death of men whose only crime is not paying pasture rent.
We have wasted thirteen pages on this trumped up bullshit.

But this I'd exactly how progressives work.

Their mission has been accomplished.

One blogger invents an incident, knowing their compatriots will swarm it like flies on a cow pat.

No one will remember that this is leftist bullshit.

And that was the plan all along.
Do these militia members have jobs? How are they able to support themselves while they are 'protecting' (welfare) King Bundy? I wonder, are they using welfare to support their armed insurrection against teh evil government?

Bundy is probably taking the fees that he should be paying to the tax papers of the US and funding his militia. I am still waiting for him to make a statement. His last outburst was so well thought out and measured.:badgrin:

Brilliant rebuttal, really, we're all speechless.
We have wasted thirteen pages on this trumped up bullshit.

But this I'd exactly how progressives work.

Their mission has been accomplished.

One blogger invents an incident, knowing their compatriots will swarm it like flies on a cow pat.

No one will remember that this is leftist bullshit.

And that was the plan all along.


It will come to war. And the left isn't going to fare as well as they think they are. We aren't the Chinese. We're still armed.
Sheriff Gillespie already said there are no, and never were any checkpoints.

It was a lie form the start, perpetrated by a member of congress - who should be censured.

I've written my congressman demanding that Horsford be dragged before the House Ethics committee and face censure over this. I urge every thinking person here to do the same. (I make no such request to the democrats here.)

I've asked before, I'll ask again, where did the alleged statement by Sheriff Gillespie come from. That is a major claim to be made. The Sheriff of Clark county is a key figure in this story. If he made the statement that he confirms no checkpoints ever existed, that would be a huge story, but I have been unable to find it. Some folks are presenting the claim as fact. How about some proof, just as a courtesy.

Uh, he made the statement. It came from him. It's already done.

Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Uh, I call bullshit. You are using a lie to argue and debate that the folks who you disagree with are lying. If I am wrong I apologize in advance for insinuating that you are a liar. But you are going to have to give a link or at least mention where the Sheriff's comment that you are claiming he made can be found.
If he made the comment you allege it would be major news. Shouldn't be hard to confirm. Of course a comment like that would be a scandal in and of itself. It would mean he conducted an investigation in a something like one or two days and reached a conclusion before hearing from other law enforcement agencies.
The city police released a statement that said they had checked all the allegations and found no criminal activity. Also the locals (who DO give their names) say that they haven't seen anything. In addition, the journalist who wrote the article about it said THEY hadn't found any checkpoints or questionable activity.

Yes you may apologize. I have already posted the above quotes, and linked them.
The city police released a statement that said they had checked all the allegations and found no criminal activity. Also the locals (who DO give their names) say that they haven't seen anything. In addition, the journalist who wrote the article about it said THEY hadn't found any checkpoints or questionable activity.

Yes you may apologize. I have already posted the above quotes, and linked them.

Nope, no apology. You been caught making a bold faced lie. You claimed the top law enforcement authority for Clark County, Sheriff Gillespie confirmed that no checkpoint existed. Other posters used your claim and you keep repeating it. Now you are back peddling and claiming the "city police" made the comment (yet another lie). You lied and just for chuckles and giggles I called you on it and exposed you once again for being a dishonest liar. Thanks.
"A spokesman for Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie confirmed receipt of the letter on Wednesday and said Las Vegas police would investigate if the department is "confronted with a victim of a crime."

It appears the department hasn't heard from any of the so-called *victims*.

And have established that they are not the goons of the congressman.

Nevada Congressman seeks probe of armed militia operations at Bundy ranch | Reuters

Meanwhile, journalists investigated the bogus claims reported that they saw zero checkpoints, and residents maintain they have no problem with the militia...that it was the goons brought in by the feds that scared them. Not the guys protecting Bundy from annihilation.
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And the city police department also stated that they had followed up on all the allegations, and had found zero criminal activity.
So...we have one congressman claiming that anonymous citizens are living in terror and that there are *checkpoints*....

And we have the sheriff's department saying that if any victims come to them with a complaint, they will investigate...

And the city police saying they have seen no criminal activity...

And the journalists maintain that there were no checkpoints... we believe the congressman and his unnamed, anonymous complainers?

Or do we believe all the people who put the lie to him, and attach their names to it..including journalists and the police department, who were specifically looking for violations and investigating the allegations?.


Oh and right..dottie and stat and guno say they deserve to be *put down*....

So who do we go with here?

Tough call.
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What happens if a law abiding, tax paying citizen refuses to stop at the checkpoint and/or refuses to show them ID or just rides by putting their 1st Amendment right of free speech to use as they call them terrorist assholes and to go fuck off?

and that is why the wingnut loons are terrorists.

Lol, and remember that those designated as 'terrorists' can be killed by executive PTUS orders without trial, charges or just about any other civil right.

You PC Nazis are disgusting little gutter rats.
Wonder if a small war for authority will break out as to which militia, Idaho or Nevada's, will now rule in Nevada?

Wow, you libtards really get off on the idea of bloodshed, just like Lenin, Mao, Stalin and all your other little socialist heroes.
Sheriff urged to clamp down on armed militiamen around Bundy ranch - Las Vegas Sun News

A growing number of Bunkerville residents want to see the armed militiamen guarding rancher Cliven Bundy leave Nevada, according to a letter from Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie.

Yeah, no one should be able to visit and stay states without the permission of the local PC Nazis.

Horsford, whose congressional district includes Bunkerville, wrote that his constituents are concerned about Bundy supporters carrying weapons near local churches, schools and elsewhere.

Nevada allows anyone hat is not a felon to open carry loaded pistols or rifles, even if they are out of state.

Lol, stupid cock-pucking libtards

Militia members flocked to Nevada to support Bundy in his fight with the government over his refusal to pay fees for his cattle to graze on federal land.

“I urge you to investigate these reports and to work with local leaders to ensure that their concerns are addressed in a manner that allows the community to move forward without incident,” Horsford wrote to Gillespie.

Reports that people are openly carrying guns in Nevada like they always have been? Why all of a sudden is this a crisis issue? Nah, just another PC Nazi loking for an excuse to strip people of their freedom.

The letter also says militiamen have a presence on state and local roads as well as federal highways. In some areas, according to the letter, militiamen have set up checkpoints where drivers are stopped and asked to provide a proof of residency.

Prove it, you lying sack of shit.
and that is why the wingnut loons are terrorists.

another dunce that didn't look to see if there's any proof.

quelling surprise as hard as I can

you calling me a dunce is a joke. mmmmkay?

you raise arms against your government and threaten civilian populations, you're a terrorist.

Bullshit, we have the sacred right to overthrow our government if it becomes tyrannical, you fucking retard.


I hope that makes it simple enough so that even you understand.

Wow, too much irony for this early in the morning.
Horsford Urges Sheriff Gillespie To Investigate Armed Militia Presence In Bunkerville | Congressman Steven Horsford

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Steven Horsford (NV-4) sent a letter to Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie urging that he take action and respond to constituent concerns about the out-of-state armed militia presence in Bunkerville and the surrounding area.

“I am greatly concerned about the safety and well-being of my constituents after meeting with local community members this past week,” Horsford said. “I urge Sheriff Gillespie to investigate these reports, as this sort of intimidation cannot be tolerated.”

Rep. Horsford has met with local leaders and residents in order to peacefully resolve the ongoing situation that has arisen since the BLM halted its actions to impound the cattle of Cliven Bundy earlier this month.

“We must respect individual constitutional liberties, but residents of and visitors to Clark County should not be expected to live under the persistent watch of an armed militia,” the letter reads. “Residents have expressed their desire to see these groups leave their community…I urge you to investigate these reports and to work with local leaders to ensure that their concerns are addressed in a manner that allows the community move forward without incident.”

"Oh no! There are armed men in Nevada! Somebody do SOMETHING!"

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