Mia Love's wiki page vandalized called "house ******" "whore" "dirty" "worthless"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well so much for a post racial America. I can't believe this shit is still happening in this day and age. I don't care who does it. It's disgusting.

Tuesday night after rising GOP star Mia Love brought down the house with her inspiring convention speech, the stomach-turning Left labeled the black conservative a “token” and an “Aunt Tom.”

Meanwhile, revoltingly racist, woman-hating Wikipedia vandals were hard at work updating her entry with disgusting slurs like “House ******” and “dirty, worthless whore.” The page called her a “total sell-out to the Right Wing Hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP.”

Glenn Reynolds reported the defacement of Love’s Wikipedia page last night.

Full link here:

Sick: Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love ‘dirty, worthless whore’ and ‘House ******’ | Twitchy
Aren't democrats just so precious? Really, how could you fault well meaning black people for calling out a race traitor.
As always, it only takes a couple of dipshits to do something like this. It does not reflect on an entire group.

Aren't democrats just so precious? Really, how could you fault well meaning black people for calling out a race traitor.

They have 2 suspects: BOTH are despicable

Awesome, another juvenile dooshnozzle on the internets...probably just mani being mani!
What many people don't realize is there's a hatred and disgust for female conservatives. And I've experienced it first hand. So when I saw Mia love speaking last night my first thought was, she must be an amazing person. To not only be a female conservative but to be a black female conservative.

I have been following her for awhile and she is great. She is young but has real potential.
As always, it only takes a couple of dipshits to do something like this. It does not reflect on an entire group.


When does the rest of the group stand up?????

I keep asking that of the supposed Moderate Islamist that never decry terrorism, never decry recruiting terrorists, openly applaud terror attacks and create and watch shows honoring and making heroes of terrorists.
Oh, those loveable Socialists/Progressives at it again. Ya gotta love em...Or do ya?

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