Mexicans shower the caravan with kindness —


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

and tarps, tortillas and medicine

Small Mexican towns and villages have organized to welcome the caravan with food and drink. And here’s an interesting item:

When the caravan comes to town, it brings much more than just migrants. It has become a traveling road show of humanitarian workers, U.N. refugee staff, religious volunteers, government bureaucrats, police and immigration officials, as well as a good chunk of Mexico’s foreign media corps. It is catching no one by surprise. On the radio in Tonala, a city 50 miles north of Pijijiapan, public service announcements went out on the radio Thursday ahead of the caravan’s arrival, instructing people where to donate and how to help.

Has it become a UN item to use this for its Open Borders agenda? And the Catholic Church? And, of course, we know media outlets are going all out on this.

President Enrique Peña Nieto’s government has vacillated on the caravan. There was an initial violent clash with federal police in riot gear at Mexico’s southern border, but the group was eventually allowed to pass.

Local governments in the state of Chiapas have so far been more welcoming. The newly elected mayor of Pijijiapan, Hector Meneses Marcelino, is from the Morena party, the same as Mexico’s incoming president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who campaigned on treating migrants less as criminals and more as human beings with rights that need to be defended. Meneses said he spent one morning this week defusing a situation in which federal immigration officials wanted to arrest Mexicans who were picking up migrant hitchhikers.


Here we go again. Young, single males who should be working to improve their own homeland instead of coming to the USA.

And it doesn’t appear that they’ll be anywhere near the border on election day. This the Left screwed up in figuring where they’d be then?

Much more of this @ Mexicans shower the caravan with kindness — and tarps, tortillas and medicine
and tarps, tortillas and medicine

Small Mexican towns and villages have organized to welcome the caravan with food and drink. And here’s an interesting item:

So what does that say about them vs. us?

Mexico is a poor country, yet these poor people will share what little they have with people who are even worse off.

Yes America, or at least the 46% that support the Reality TV Nazi you clowns put into office, is the richest country in the world, and we are threatening to shoot women in children to disuade them.

Lucky for you guys there is no God.... He'd have some words for you in the afterlife.
Was the criminal, Mexican illegal that murdered Kate Steinle also one of those kind Mexicans?
You mean the lady who died in an accident because a federal agent left his gun in an unlocked car?
Nope, were talking about the illegal immigrant criminal Jose Zarate who had been deported 5 times. Had been convicted of felony crimes 7 times, sent to prison, and was out on probation at the time he killed Kate Steinle with a stolen gun.

Yea, that POS .... :mad-61:
Nope, were talking about the illegal immigrant criminal Jose Zarate who had been deported 5 times. Had been convicted of felony crimes 7 times, sent to prison, and was out on probation at the time he killed Kate Steinle with a stolen gun.

Yea, that POS ...

which was, again, an accident...

None of his "Felonies" were violent. And probably shouldn't even be felonies.

A liberal jury nullified the most serious charges. There's no way that he didn't know what he had in his hand. He intentionally pulled the trigger and murdered an American citizen.
which was, again, an accident...None of his "Felonies" were violent. And probably shouldn't even be felonies.
I am simply amazed that you would stick up for a 5 time deported illegal, who has broken the law and been felony convicted 7 times, sent to prison, is on probation, and is responsible for the shooting death of a fellow American citizen.

Exactly how many deadly crimes would an illegal have to commit in order for a liberal like you to realize he is pure garbage?? .... :cool:
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Yes the richest country in the world

We're 22 trillion dollars in debt and our dollar is worth 4 cents. The average American has 400 dollars to their names, and that's a generous estimate.

Lucky for you guys there is no God.... He'd have some words for you in the afterlife.

Hopefully He teaches math, too. Ahem. Joe...
The wealthy have plenty to pay off the debt but we know it is the problem of the poor......The rich are the bitches that spent this nation into the poorhouse yet they still get the majority of the money...How stupid is that?
which was, again, an accident...None of his "Felonies" were violent. And probably shouldn't even be felonies.
I am simply amazed that you would stick up for a 5 time deported illegal, who has broken the law and been felony convicted 7 times, sent to prison, is on probation, and is responsible for the shooting death of a fellow American citizen.

Exactly how many crimes would an illegal have to commit in order for a liberal like you to realize he is pure garbage?? .... :cool:
How many crimes must he commit before the GOP actually punishes him?
The wealthy have plenty to pay off the debt but we know it is the problem of the poor......The rich are the bitches that spent this nation into the poorhouse yet they still get the majority of the money...How stupid is that?

It's the way the monetary policy is forst designed. The 1 pecenters are the first ones who receive all of that freshly printed money, so they're the ones who get to put it into the economy.

These are special iterests, of course. They certainly aren't investing their haul in the poor. They're investing their haul in themselves.

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