Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Count on US...After Trump Tells Germany To Honor NATO Commitment


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During his European trip President Trump called on NATO Countries to honor their financial commitment to NATO and refused to commit to the Paris Accord on climate change for now.

Merkel responded by opining in a speech in Munich how it is clear Europe, not just Germany, can not rely on the US any longer.

End of an era: Merkel signals that Europe can no longer rely on the U.S. - Hot Air

“The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I’ve experienced that in the last few days,” Merkel told a crowd at an election rally in Munich, southern Germany."

In true 'Leftist' fashion, Merkel attacked the messenger who had the nerve to point out that Germany is one of the leading members of NATO who have not honored their word and financial commitments to the organization. Much like the U.N., Merkel has been all too willing to benefit from an alliance / organization while shirking its responsibilities and taking the U.S. for granted / as 'suckers', allowing the US to do all the 'heavy lifting', so to speak. When asked to actually HONOR their word / commitment they lash out at the person pointing out their shirking their responsibility.

Time for your country / you to pull your weight, Merkel. Don't blame Trump for your being called to honor your word in front of the whole world.
During his European trip President Trump called on NATO Countries to honor their financial commitment to NATO and refused to commit to the Paris Accord on climate change for now.

Merkel responded by opining in a speech in Munich how it is clear Europe, not just Germany, can not rely on the US any longer.

End of an era: Merkel signals that Europe can no longer rely on the U.S. - Hot Air

“The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I’ve experienced that in the last few days,” Merkel told a crowd at an election rally in Munich, southern Germany."

In true 'Leftist' fashion, Merkel attacked the messenger who had the nerve to point out that Germany is one of the leading members of NATO who have not honored their word and financial commitments to the organization. Much like the U.N., Merkel has been all too willing to benefit from an alliance / organization while shirking its responsibilities and taking the U.S. for granted / as 'suckers', allowing the US to do all the 'heavy lifting', so to speak. When asked to actually HONOR their word / commitment they lash out at the person pointing out their shirking their responsibility.

Time for your country / you to pull your weight, Merkel. Don't blame Trump for your being called to honor your word in front of the whole world.
When the chips were down and we had just lost 3,000 souls via plane missile, Germany was there, as was the rest of NATO. I don't see that anyone shirked anything. If they pay up, great, but it's not the most important thing. You'd think we were down to our last dime or something. In that case, we shouldn't be spending those precious pennies on MORE military.
When the chips were down and we had just lost 3,000 souls via plane missile, Germany was there, as was the rest of NATO. I don't see that anyone shirked anything. If they pay up, great, but it's not the most important thing. You'd think we were down to our last dime or something. In that case, we shouldn't be spending those precious pennies on MORE military.

One of the truly great things I remember about the day AFTER 9/11/01 was how a German Destroyer pulled up alongside a US Destroyer overseas - their crew held a huge sign that simply states, 'Today we are ALL Americans'.

THAT being said...

You said you don't see anyone having shirked anything. OL, Germany made a financial and defensive COMMITTMENT to NATO to spend a certain amount of their nation's economy to their participation in NATO. They have not honored that promise - that is a fact.

I am sure it was embarrassing to have Trump point out to the world that they have reneged on that promise and to call upon them to honor their commitment. That isn't President Trump's fault.

Several years ago, even though the US was shouldering much of the financial and military burden, the U.N. demanded the US pay money it owed to the UN, even threatened to remove them from the Security Council if they did not pay up. The United States was held accountable for its commitment to the U.N.

Should Germany NOT be held accountable for its commitment? Should Germany NOT be called on to pull its weight?

If Merkel does not wish to honor Germany's word, that is fine...but it would be the beginning of NATO dissolving (which Putin would LOVE to see). If Germany does not have to honor their commitment then I am sure other nations would begin to question why they have to.

(Merkel stated in her speech that it was clear Germany can only count on itself. I wish Merkel 'good luck' if she / Germany decides to turn its back on alliances and an organization that was created for mutual defense / protection in one of the most historically war-embroiled regions in the world, one in which Russia is definitely a threat.)
The end of one era marked by the beginning of another. The Era of the Grabber is upon us. Buy those Merkins ladies, hide that which the Mad Grabber covets.

Former NATO envoy: ‘This seems to be the end of an era’

A former U.S. envoy to NATO says in a new interview that an era in U.S.-European relations appears to be over.

“This seems to be the end of an era, one in which the United States led and Europe followed,” Ivo H. Daalder told The New York Times. "Today, the United States is heading into a direction on key issues that seems diametrically opposite of where Europe is heading."

“The president’s failure to endorse Article 5 in a speech at NATO headquarters, his continued lambasting of Germany and other allies on trade, his apparent decision to walk away from the Paris climate agreement – all suggest that the United States is less interested in leading globally than has been the case for the lat 70 years.”
The end of one era marked by the beginning of another. The Era of the Grabber is upon us. Buy those Merkins ladies, hide that which the Mad Grabber covets.

Former NATO envoy: ‘This seems to be the end of an era’

A former U.S. envoy to NATO says in a new interview that an era in U.S.-European relations appears to be over.

“This seems to be the end of an era, one in which the United States led and Europe followed,” Ivo H. Daalder told The New York Times. "Today, the United States is heading into a direction on key issues that seems diametrically opposite of where Europe is heading."

“The president’s failure to endorse Article 5 in a speech at NATO headquarters, his continued lambasting of Germany and other allies on trade, his apparent decision to walk away from the Paris climate agreement – all suggest that the United States is less interested in leading globally than has been the case for the lat 70 years.”
Has anyone besides myself read the Paris Accord? Nothing is enforced except the transfer of $100 billion a year to countries that refuse to behave in a responsible manner. Based on the EU's continuing failure to pay for their own defense, who actually believes they would live up to the Paris accord?
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