Merged -- Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion and Comment Threads for 30 Sept.

I thought Dr. Ford's presentation was moving and credible until.....Until she said she was 100% certain it was Bret Kavanaugh. 100%. 100%? Wait. How well did she know teen-age Kavanaugh? By face? By reputation? They went to different schools thirty miles apart, hung out with different groups, had different friends. Did she know him before the party? Did they ever talk before, after? Did she meet two guys she has never known before at a party thirty miles from home and end up with both of them in a bedroom after drinking and wearing a bathing suit? Why would you do such a thing unless they dragged you in there? How does she know it was Kavanaugh if they never met before, never been friends? Did he introduce himself at the party? Why would only Kavanaugh and Judge be invited to a pool party? Were you being set up by a friend? Who? How many conversations at the party did she have with him before going into a bedroom with both boys? With all these unknowns, how could she be 100% sure from an incident 36 years ago it was a boy she never knew prior? Can you remember the face or name of anyone you met only once after thirty six years? That's when I knew.

She named three witnesses to this party: A guy named PJ, Judge, and somebody that was considered a lifelong friend of hers.

All three said Ford is FOS. Not only do they not remember the event, they don't even remember the gathering.

Okay, so she left and walked right past her supposed attackers and out the door. She lived miles away, and in the 80's, certainly didn't have a cell phone. Therefore she had to call somebody for a ride. She was only 14 or 15, so she didn't drive herself. And if she did call for a ride, she would have had to explain where she was at.

So who's phone did she use? A payphone, and if so, where was that payphone at? A neighbor? If so, who was the neighbor?

There are a lot more lies than what you listed here.
How many conversations at the party did she have with him before going into a bedroom with both boys?

You didn't watch a goddam minute of that hearing. That's obvious.
The hearing showed her to be the opportunist she is.

Actually it clearly said she was pushed into the room from behind by she couldn't tell who. That's how I knew right in the OP that he didn't watch a damn thing.

She also said that Judge turned up the music to cover the attack. Wait a minute! She was pushed into a room where nobody was at and the music was playing? Nobody downstairs noticed the music being turned up and wondered why?

I would think that if other teenagers were at my house, and I had music playing in a bedroom, and somebody turned it up, I would be suspicious and wonder WTF is in one of my families bedrooms and for what reason?

How would any of us know --- or care ---- whether anybody downstairs noticed the music being turned up?

I can recall countless times in whatever setting where music was turned up (or down). It never occurred to me to wonder why. Obviously if someone turns the music up, they want the music up. That's why music-playing devices have what we call volume pots.
Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...

The American Left sacrificed Dr. Ford's past, present and future on an altar of protecting abortion. Her public and private images were never intended to survive this circus fatalis. They have used her entire life as an expendable, disposable single-use weapon. They want the MSM to portray her as a slut, because if she lived a loose lifestyle, that adds further provability to her claim she was in a position to be taken advantage of by Judge Kavanaugh. She is a one and done, break glass in case of, basket in case.
Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...

Desperation strikes deep.

Really dood? All this for an orange hero-worship knob slob?

Try reading your own link Dumbass.
How many conversations at the party did she have with him before going into a bedroom with both boys?

You didn't watch a goddam minute of that hearing. That's obvious.
The hearing showed her to be the opportunist she is.

Actually it clearly said she was pushed into the room from behind by she couldn't tell who. That's how I knew right in the OP that he didn't watch a damn thing.

She also said that Judge turned up the music to cover the attack. Wait a minute! She was pushed into a room where nobody was at and the music was playing? Nobody downstairs noticed the music being turned up and wondered why?

I would think that if other teenagers were at my house, and I had music playing in a bedroom, and somebody turned it up, I would be suspicious and wonder WTF is in one of my families bedrooms and for what reason?

How would any of us know --- or care ---- whether anybody downstairs noticed the music being turned up?

I can recall countless times in whatever setting where music was turned up (or down). It never occurred to me to wonder why. Obviously if someone turns the music up, they want the music up. That's why music-playing devices have what we call volume pots.

So WTF is playing music in an empty bedroom? I had parties in my parents home as a teen, and if there was any music, it was where the party was at.

If this "host" had a party where he or she was barely known by the guests, I would assume that they would be concerned about why their guests are in any of the bedrooms of my home. In most cases as a kid, you didn't want your parents aware of your party, so the last thing you would need is somebody stealing something of yours or your parents and having to explain it when they got home.
Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...

The American Left sacrificed Dr. Ford's past, present and future on an altar of protecting abortion. Her public and private images were never intended to survive this circus fatalis. They have used her entire life as an expendable, disposable single-use weapon. They want the MSM to portray her as a slut, because if she lived a loose lifestyle, that adds further provability to her claim she was in a position to be taken advantage of by Judge Kavanaugh. She is a one and done, break glass in case of, basket in case.
Very well stated!
I thought Dr. Ford's presentation was moving and credible until.....Until she said she was 100% certain it was Bret Kavanaugh. 100%. 100%? Wait. How well did she know teen-age Kavanaugh? By face? By reputation? They went to different schools thirty miles apart, hung out with different groups, had different friends. Did she know him before the party? Did they ever talk before, after? Did she meet two guys she has never known before at a party thirty miles from home and end up with both of them in a bedroom after drinking and wearing a bathing suit? Why would you do such a thing unless they dragged you in there? How does she know it was Kavanaugh if they never met before, never been friends? Did he introduce himself at the party? Why would only Kavanaugh and Judge be invited to a pool party? Were you being set up by a friend? Who? How many conversations at the party did she have with him before going into a bedroom with both boys? With all these unknowns, how could she be 100% sure from an incident 36 years ago it was a boy she never knew prior? Can you remember the face or name of anyone you met only once after thirty six years? That's when I knew.
  1. Did not know how she got to the party.
  2. Did not know the date or time of the party
  3. Did not know the place of the party.
  4. Could not know his name.
  5. Did not know how she got home.
  6. Did not mention if she was drinking.
  7. Did not report the incident.
  8. She had a problem she just does not know anything except his name.
If she refuses to say where and when the alleged assault happened, she is simply not credible. She was quite obviously being so vague because she knows that if she doesn't say when and where it happened, she cannot be proven wrong and be prosecuted for her perjury.

That said, Trump should reconsider his nomination. The guy was actually crying at the hearing. If he cannot lay off the bottle for even one fucking day when he has to testify under oath, he's got a serious drinking problem.

Because he was crying makes you think he was drinking? Then Ford must have put down about two bottles.
She was obviously faking it. She was trying very hard to cry, she made sad faces and made her voice warble into a high falsetto, but alas, the only tears shed during her testimony came from her audience.

Besides, people in her profession know better than to drink with Prozac.
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Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...
Good grief. How many years ago was that yearbook you are shredding her on? Those were the years Kavanaugh was a heavy drinking partier right?
Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...
Good grief. How many years ago was that yearbook you are shredding her on? Those were the years Kavanaugh was a heavy drinking partier right?
So were the girls.
Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...

How do old yearbook pictures and captions that don't include Ford, or even reference her specifically have anything to do with whether she was attacked? Are you trying to say that all girls that attended that school deserved or wanted to be attacked?
Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...

How do old yearbook pictures and captions that don't include Ford, or even reference her specifically have anything to do with whether she was attacked? Are you trying to say that all girls that attended that school deserved or wanted to be attacked?
You show a porn pic for your avatar so what’s the point
I just watched her testimony again. She sounds credible if all you go by is visual and auditory clues. But if you listen to her story she does not seem credible at all. She lies about being afraid to fly, she pretends she had no idea the entire Committee offered to fly to California to meet with her (all 21 of them) on the previous Monday, and at that moment in testimony on Thursday she says "I didn't realize that was an option, and I don't know why I didn't know that"

Well Geeze, who was managing the communication between her and Congress? From what I have heard the Dems refused to take part in any hearings at all until the one Ford finally personally agreed to do, so we know the Dems were not telling her about the offer previous, and neither were her attorneys. That's is a HUGE conflict of interest and I hope the FBI looks into that as well.

If she is indeed a credible witness telling the truth - she was legally entitled to be told the entire committee offered to fly to California to meet with her four days earlier, so she wouldn't have to get on a scary "airplane" going all the way to Washington DC from California. After all, that isn't Tahiti, it's a scary place where she normally only has to fly one time each year to see her family.
Shocking Truth on Kavanaugh’s Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks

Have a look for yourself and then tell me how her credibility is better than Kavanaugh's.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind after reading through this that she was nothing more than a wannabe barfly. And this teenager is what has our nation turned upside down...

How do old yearbook pictures and captions that don't include Ford, or even reference her specifically have anything to do with whether she was attacked? Are you trying to say that all girls that attended that school deserved or wanted to be attacked?

That stuff can't be read because of the heavy redaction but the other day someone posted the complete entries in the Official Kavanaugh Thread. It told how Ford claimed she had sex with 24 men before she went to college, how the girls would cruise the streets, pick up drunk guys and take them to their homes when the parents were away and on and on and on. They made Peyton Place look like a Sunday school picnic. When I was in high school starting in 1951 we were doing the same things. I never saw any rapes. We would try to get the girls drunk and and the ones that did would lose all their inhibitions. They were just as bad as the boys. Every generation thinks they are the only ones to discover booze and sex. The kids today are doing the same things.
I thought Dr. Ford's presentation was moving and credible until.....Until she said she was 100% certain it was Bret Kavanaugh. 100%. 100%? Wait. How well did she know teen-age Kavanaugh? By face? By reputation? They went to different schools thirty miles apart, hung out with different groups, had different friends. Did she know him before the party? Did they ever talk before, after? Did she meet two guys she has never known before at a party thirty miles from home and end up with both of them in a bedroom after drinking and wearing a bathing suit? Why would you do such a thing unless they dragged you in there? How does she know it was Kavanaugh if they never met before, never been friends? Did he introduce himself at the party? Why would only Kavanaugh and Judge be invited to a pool party? Were you being set up by a friend? Who? How many conversations at the party did she have with him before going into a bedroom with both boys? With all these unknowns, how could she be 100% sure from an incident 36 years ago it was a boy she never knew prior? Can you remember the face or name of anyone you met only once after thirty six years? That's when I knew.

In Dr. Ford's testimony she specifically stated that they knew who each other were, but were not what anyone would consider friends, just an acquaintance So you're facial recognition idiodology just got drenched. Yes they would recognize each other. She also testified that the girls school and the boys school were frequently together, hanging around a country club during that summer.

One thing you people forget, is that Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh before she testified. Instead the media leaked her name, and she was then required to testify.

Now I don't how many people who would lie & conspire to smear to U.S. Supreme court nominee, while asking for an FBI investigation at the same time--:auiqs.jpg: But that's exactly what she did.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics


The eye witness for Kavanaugh is the witness from hell, Mark Judge. Who has written books about the 100 KEG CLUB whom he states in his book that Brett Kavanuagh was the treasurer of. Judge is said to to a recovering alcholic today suffering from depression--so you won't see him testifying in public. He would get ripped to shreads by questions.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

Dr. Ford has passed a lie detector test, and the FBI is now investigating the "credibility" of Ford's accusations, and will be interviewing other witness's during that time period that may or may not attest to the heavy drinking of Kavanaugh and his behavior during those episodes.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

IOW if these allegations are found to be "credibile" you can probably color this nominee gone forever. Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves on the sword with women in this country going into the midterm election cycle.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
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