Men get hit by lightning more than women


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
According to statistics, men get hit by lightning far more than women. Why? Taller? Not quite. Probably because we men when thunder and lightning reveal a storm close-by figure the odds of our getting hit are very small so stay outside and chance it. Whereas women head for shelter. Proof of concept yesterday after baking all day without the a/c (as yet hehe) I finally got to jump in the pool to cool down. Noticing some rain-filled clouds overhead and watching them from my porch a while first I didn't think anything'd come of it. Get clouds more worrisome looking than they often wit no rain or storms. So I go inside and change into my trunks then jump in the pool. No sooner than I had surfaced and wiped my eyes clear BOOM! A long serious sounding thunderclap. So loving life and looking fowards to the next 80 or so years of it I get out and go inside. By the time I shower and change and get back out to my porch the clouds are gone, the pool's packed (had had it all to myself) and I"m now looking like a big girl. :)

This is the sort of thing that leads men to brave foul weather I have no doubt. "Remember the last time you went in after hearing thunder?" :)
Men work outdoor jobs much more often than women. And men golf much more often than women (78% men). And that's where most of the strikes happen.

However, I do confess to just continuing with my jogging when the lightning starts up.
I've had a couple close calls myself.
When your hair starts to rise? Hit the dirt!!

The weirdest one? I was out fishing and the lake got struck about a quarter mile away. It ran up the wet line and down my graphite rod. Didnt really hurt but my hands and arms went numb.

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