Media sympathizes with MS-13, lambasts Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Media sympathizes with MS-13, lambasts Trump

"President Trump gave an impassioned speech on Friday, vowing to "destroy the vile criminal cartel" MS-13 -- but some in the media lambasted him for talking tough about the brutal gang, and instead presented sympathetic coverage of the group known for carrying out gruesome murders.

"[MS-13 has] transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into blood-stained killing fields. They’re animals. We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful vibrant people," Trump said to an audience of law enforcement officials, who mostly cheered in approval.

But despite the president's pledge to stop the killings and keep Americans safe from gang members, several left-leaning outlets asserted Trump was making the gang "stronger" with his rhetoric."

So evidently Liberals believe if you acknowledge the violent, murderous gangs Barry imported during his reign toy only make the problem worse, that is you simply ignore them the problem will go away.....

If Trump is for something, the Left Media is against it. It is a naturally occurring thing.

Sadly, way too many Americans side with the elite 1% establishment media to their own demise. I suppose there is the exception for war, at least initially. This same media is owned by six billionaires and they love war.
Media sympathizes with MS-13, lambasts Trump

"President Trump gave an impassioned speech on Friday, vowing to "destroy the vile criminal cartel" MS-13 -- but some in the media lambasted him for talking tough about the brutal gang, and instead presented sympathetic coverage of the group known for carrying out gruesome murders.

"[MS-13 has] transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into blood-stained killing fields. They’re animals. We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful vibrant people," Trump said to an audience of law enforcement officials, who mostly cheered in approval.

But despite the president's pledge to stop the killings and keep Americans safe from gang members, several left-leaning outlets asserted Trump was making the gang "stronger" with his rhetoric."

So evidently Liberals believe if you acknowledge the violent, murderous gangs Barry imported during his reign toy only make the problem worse, that is you simply ignore them the problem will go away.....


They had no problem with getting the gangs, what they had an issue is he said do not be gentle. The police captain then said they will follow protocol.
Media sympathizes with MS-13, lambasts Trump

"President Trump gave an impassioned speech on Friday, vowing to "destroy the vile criminal cartel" MS-13 -- but some in the media lambasted him for talking tough about the brutal gang, and instead presented sympathetic coverage of the group known for carrying out gruesome murders.

"[MS-13 has] transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into blood-stained killing fields. They’re animals. We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful vibrant people," Trump said to an audience of law enforcement officials, who mostly cheered in approval.

But despite the president's pledge to stop the killings and keep Americans safe from gang members, several left-leaning outlets asserted Trump was making the gang "stronger" with his rhetoric."

So evidently Liberals believe if you acknowledge the violent, murderous gangs Barry imported during his reign toy only make the problem worse, that is you simply ignore them the problem will go away.....


They had no problem with getting the gangs, what they had an issue is he said do not be gentle. The police captain then said they will follow protocol.
Yeah they should be gentle to murdering gang bangers, according to the Left.

Have you lost your F-ing mind? Do you believe everything the elite 1% media tell you?
They had no problem with getting the gangs, what they had an issue is he said do not be gentle. The police captain then said they will follow protocol.
Trump signaled he is not like Obama, not willing to be 'gentle' with illegal alien murderers and thugs. I am glad to see that.

During the Baltimore Riots the police chief sad that in order not to escalate the violence he told his officers to pretty much stand-down, let the thugs, rioters, looters, etc do what they wanted.

Me? OH HELL NO! I'm all for using a bullhorn to tell people to disperse....and then line my officers up in a line and walk down the street with bean-bag shotguns, rubber bullets, dogs, water cannons, tasers, tear gas, etc.

There is a picture of two thugs jumping up and down on the top of a police car. Leave them alone? Hell, I grab a camera crew, tell them to make sure 'this' gets out on the news, and then I blow both of them off the top of the car with bean bag shotgun blasts. I then handcuff their asses, and throw them in the back of a police car / van and move on.

I tell the reporters that I don't surrender my city or our laws, the protection of this community and its citizens, to such Pieces of $hite! 'It won't be tolerated'.

I know it's too expensive to do for all police cars, but I would love to see two cops / a cop to be sitting in his cruiser parked somewhere and some thug POS step out to ambush the officer, shoot at the officers, only to discover there is bullet-proof glass....and ass he runs in panic the officers pop a cap in his ass, dropping him face-1st onto the pavement.

Can you imagine the look of shock on his face as the cops smile back at him through the window he just shot?!

They always side with the criminals?

Why? Because they are criminals, running the fake news cartel.
Media sympathizes with MS-13, lambasts Trump

"President Trump gave an impassioned speech on Friday, vowing to "destroy the vile criminal cartel" MS-13 -- but some in the media lambasted him for talking tough about the brutal gang, and instead presented sympathetic coverage of the group known for carrying out gruesome murders.

"[MS-13 has] transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into blood-stained killing fields. They’re animals. We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful vibrant people," Trump said to an audience of law enforcement officials, who mostly cheered in approval.

But despite the president's pledge to stop the killings and keep Americans safe from gang members, several left-leaning outlets asserted Trump was making the gang "stronger" with his rhetoric."

So evidently Liberals believe if you acknowledge the violent, murderous gangs Barry imported during his reign toy only make the problem worse, that is you simply ignore them the problem will go away.....


They had no problem with getting the gangs, what they had an issue is he said do not be gentle. The police captain then said they will follow protocol.
Yeah they should be gentle to murdering gang bangers, according to the Left.

Have you lost your F-ing mind? Do you believe everything the elite 1% media tell you?

I heard T saying it. Don't put your hands on the head of the person getting in the police car, too nice. Soon the police will be able to do whatever they want.
They had no problem with getting the gangs, what they had an issue is he said do not be gentle. The police captain then said they will follow protocol.

And YOU agree this is a problem?
That Police should be "Gentle" with these monsters while they butcher, torture and rape people?

THIS is why you liberals are being killed in increasing numbers in your own towns.
You're too F-ing stupid to know how to survive. Like fighting for millions of radical Muslims to enter the country.

God almighty you people are the curse of curses on civilization and humanity. F-ing pure evil. Demons!
If you
Media sympathizes with MS-13, lambasts Trump

"President Trump gave an impassioned speech on Friday, vowing to "destroy the vile criminal cartel" MS-13 -- but some in the media lambasted him for talking tough about the brutal gang, and instead presented sympathetic coverage of the group known for carrying out gruesome murders.

"[MS-13 has] transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into blood-stained killing fields. They’re animals. We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful vibrant people," Trump said to an audience of law enforcement officials, who mostly cheered in approval.

But despite the president's pledge to stop the killings and keep Americans safe from gang members, several left-leaning outlets asserted Trump was making the gang "stronger" with his rhetoric."

So evidently Liberals believe if you acknowledge the violent, murderous gangs Barry imported during his reign toy only make the problem worse, that is you simply ignore them the problem will go away.....


They had no problem with getting the gangs, what they had an issue is he said do not be gentle. The police captain then said they will follow protocol.
Yeah they should be gentle to murdering gang bangers, according to the Left.

Have you lost your F-ing mind? Do you believe everything the elite 1% media tell you?

I heard T saying it. Don't put your hands on the head of the person getting in the police car, too nice. Soon the police will be able to do whatever they want.
If you really believe that, you are not living in reality.

As your personal physician, I advise you to stop consuming LWNJ elite media. Your condition will improve nicely.
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Police push back against Trump's law-and-order speech -

President Donald Trump's statement encouraging police officers to be "rough" with people they arrest has drawn criticism in law enforcement circles for sending the wrong message at a time of heightened tensions with the public.

"As a department, we do not and will not tolerate 'rough(ing)' up prisoners," the Suffolk County Police Department said in a statement.
Police Criticize Trump for Urging Officers Not to Be ‘Too Nice’ With Suspects

After calling for more immigration officers to help arrest the gang members, Mr. Trump told officers, “Please don’t be too nice.”

“Like when you guys put somebody in the car, and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put your hand over” their head, he said, putting his hand above his head for emphasis. “I said, ‘You can take the hand away, O.K.?’”

The president’s remark was denounced by police officials and organizations, including the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Police Foundation and Steve Soboroff, one of the civilian commissioners who oversees the Los Angeles Police Department.
Actually, obama used the limited ice resources to target violent scum like these ms 13 guys .

Trumps wide deportation net makes it easier on ms 13 because a bunch of ice agents are hunting down the "law abiding " illegals instead of gangsters .
Police push back against Trump's law-and-order speech -

President Donald Trump's statement encouraging police officers to be "rough" with people they arrest has drawn criticism in law enforcement circles for sending the wrong message at a time of heightened tensions with the public.

"As a department, we do not and will not tolerate 'rough(ing)' up prisoners," the Suffolk County Police Department said in a statement.

The police force behind Trump were cheering and could not hold their smiles.

Law and order after so many years of siding with the criminals, instead of regular everyday Americans. What can be said? A other Trump victory.
Police push back against Trump's law-and-order speech -

President Donald Trump's statement encouraging police officers to be "rough" with people they arrest has drawn criticism in law enforcement circles for sending the wrong message at a time of heightened tensions with the public.

"As a department, we do not and will not tolerate 'rough(ing)' up prisoners," the Suffolk County Police Department said in a statement.

These are only the weak and confused departments that erroneously and ignorantly agree with leftist PC BS mentality.
I heard T saying it. Don't put your hands on the head of the person getting in the police car, too nice. Soon the police will be able to do whatever they want.

Of course not.
Actually, obama used the limited ice resources to target violent scum like these ms 13 guys .
Trumps wide deportation net makes it easier on ms 13 because a bunch of ice agents are hunting down the "law abiding " illegals instead of gangsters .

Prove this citing specific examples (at least 12 verifiable trusted sources) and with links......

Otherwise, you've been tugging at your rear end again.
That's Democrat Fake News Media. It doesn't represent good true Americans. Most Americans fully support Trump eradicating MS-13 and other violent Illegals.
Police push back against Trump's law-and-order speech -

President Donald Trump's statement encouraging police officers to be "rough" with people they arrest has drawn criticism in law enforcement circles for sending the wrong message at a time of heightened tensions with the public.

"As a department, we do not and will not tolerate 'rough(ing)' up prisoners," the Suffolk County Police Department said in a statement.

These are only the weak and confused departments that erroneously and ignorantly agree with leftist PC BS mentality.

Cheering police brutality ! Trump and his jackboots .
Actually, obama used the limited ice resources to target violent scum like these ms 13 guys .

Trumps wide deportation net makes it easier on ms 13 because a bunch of ice agents are hunting down the "law abiding " illegals instead of gangsters .

You should avoid this topic because you are well lets be blunt, ignorant. Obama's policies ENABLED illegal gang recruitment, before illegal minors even left Obama's temporary housing facilities. Illegal woman were forced into prostitution, thanks Obama.
Police push back against Trump's law-and-order speech -

President Donald Trump's statement encouraging police officers to be "rough" with people they arrest has drawn criticism in law enforcement circles for sending the wrong message at a time of heightened tensions with the public.

"As a department, we do not and will not tolerate 'rough(ing)' up prisoners," the Suffolk County Police Department said in a statement.

These are only the weak and confused departments that erroneously and ignorantly agree with leftist PC BS mentality.

Cheering police brutality ! Trump and his jackboots .

Please make sure you use that as a campaign slogan in 2018.

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