What is "CNS News"?

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Beware of threads whose source include "CNS News", unless you'd are a hardcore Trump supporter in a quest to spread fake conservative news.
CNS changed what the "C" in its name represents, in order to hide the fact that is a conservative joint.
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000. Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch
Beware of threads whose source include "CNS News", unless you'd are a hardcore Trump supporter in a quest to spread fake conservative news.
CNS changed what the "C" in its name represents, in order to hide the fact that is a conservative joint.
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000. Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch

I can show you exactly what CNS is about....


Note the big red block. That's CNS banning me from posting anything on its stories, so that it can post absolute fiction without anybody correcting the record. That's what they're made of --- fake news that can't stand up to scrutiny.

And that's how it propagandizes mythologies that are dressed up to look like "news" -- complete with what appears to be a commentary section. The reader has no way to see all the comments that never made it because it would pull the curtain back and expose the man behind it.
i never believe CNS or WND anymore...every article for years now, of either of those sites has been false...or a lot of falsities with a smidgen of truth that they spun their lies around.
Ted, can you suggest some leftard slanted news sites that we should be reading?????

Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:
Ted, can you suggest some leftard slanted news sites that we should be reading?????

Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:
Ted, can you suggest some leftard slanted news sites that we should be reading?????

Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:

Hmmm? I would be interested in seeing a link to the article you were responding too.......
Ted, can you suggest some leftard slanted news sites that we should be reading?????

Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:
Ted, can you suggest some leftard slanted news sites that we should be reading?????

Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:

Hmmm? I would be interested in seeing a link to the article you were responding too.......

I didn't save one. It was quite a while back. And since they delete all my posts (at least two others making the same point were posted, and showed up, and then "disappeared") --- I couldn't even Google it. But you can infer from what's left of my post that it's about immigration and some cockamamie claim of a religious test they claimed.

Of course it's also equally likely that they took enough flak for the blatant mythology that they "disappeared" their own article too. The spineless wimps.
Beware of threads whose source include "CNS News", unless you'd are a hardcore Trump supporter in a quest to spread fake conservative news.
CNS changed what the "C" in its name represents, in order to hide the fact that is a conservative joint.
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000. Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch

Another thing they do not mentioned here --- they produce a regular top-of-the-hour radio newscast, made to sound like a real news organization just as is "CNS" is contrived to sound like "CBS" and therefore seem legitimate ---- with a professional-sounding announcer with professional-sounding cadence and professional-sounding gravitas. I've actually heard it on the air, usually on a Godcaster station. And usually a Godcaster station that itself is dressed up to sound like a normal radio station with professional-sounding DJs.

This is how they push fake narratives and mythologies and why the public is so poorly informed in general. An innocent listener, if not given the info given here, would think for all the world that this is a genuine news source.
Ted, can you suggest some leftard slanted news sites that we should be reading?????

Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:
Ted, can you suggest some leftard slanted news sites that we should be reading?????

Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:

Hmmm? I would be interested in seeing a link to the article you were responding too.......

I didn't save one. It was quite a while back. And since they delete all my posts (at least two others making the same point were posted, and showed up, and then "disappeared") --- I couldn't even Google it. But you can infer from what's left of my post that it's about immigration and some cockamamie claim of a religious test they claimed.

Of course it's also equally likely that they took enough flak for the blatant mythology that they "disappeared" their own article too. The spineless wimps.

I guess they have just been unlucky by letting all of these muslims in. FBI sources say that they lack the manpower to do the proper vetting....leftards here say that the vetting process in stringent but YOU say one of the stringent ways that they do the proper vetting doesn't include religious affiliation.......interesting. BTW, I have had over 2,000 posts deleted from Yahoo for exposing the Federal Reserve for what it is and speaking out against the Sandy Hoax false flag....so cry me a river.
Beware of threads whose source include "CNS News", unless you'd are a hardcore Trump supporter in a quest to spread fake conservative news.
CNS changed what the "C" in its name represents, in order to hide the fact that is a conservative joint.
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000. Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch

Another thing they do not mentioned here --- they produce a regular top-of-the-hour radio newscast, made to sound like a real news organization just as is "CNS" is contrived to sound like "CBS" and therefore seem legitimate ---- with a professional-sounding announcer with professional-sounding cadence and professional-sounding gravitas. I've actually heard it on the air, usually on a Godcaster station. And usually a Godcaster station that itself is dressed up to sound like a normal radio station with professional-sounding DJs.

This is how they push fake narratives and mythologies and why the public is so poorly informed in general. An innocent listener, if not given the info given here, would think for all the world that this is a genuine news source.

CBS, MSNBC, Fox, NBC, CNN and ABC are credible sources for news?????? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:
Can you find one that blocks anybody that challenges them?

The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:

Hmmm? I would be interested in seeing a link to the article you were responding too.......

I didn't save one. It was quite a while back. And since they delete all my posts (at least two others making the same point were posted, and showed up, and then "disappeared") --- I couldn't even Google it. But you can infer from what's left of my post that it's about immigration and some cockamamie claim of a religious test they claimed.

Of course it's also equally likely that they took enough flak for the blatant mythology that they "disappeared" their own article too. The spineless wimps.

I guess they have just been unlucky by letting all of these muslims in. FBI sources say that they lack the manpower to do the proper vetting....leftards here say that the vetting process in stringent but YOU say one of the stringent ways that they do the proper vetting doesn't include religious affiliation.......interesting. BTW, I have had over 2,000 posts deleted from Yahoo for exposing the Federal Reserve for what it is and speaking out against the Sandy Hoax false flag....so cry me a river.

From what I know of Yahoo you deserve what you get for even going in there.

But if I read correctly this thread is about CNS. I have direct experience with it, so I posted it. With a screenshot showing what cowards they are.
Beware of threads whose source include "CNS News", unless you'd are a hardcore Trump supporter in a quest to spread fake conservative news.
CNS changed what the "C" in its name represents, in order to hide the fact that is a conservative joint.
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000. Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch

Another thing they do not mentioned here --- they produce a regular top-of-the-hour radio newscast, made to sound like a real news organization just as is "CNS" is contrived to sound like "CBS" and therefore seem legitimate ---- with a professional-sounding announcer with professional-sounding cadence and professional-sounding gravitas. I've actually heard it on the air, usually on a Godcaster station. And usually a Godcaster station that itself is dressed up to sound like a normal radio station with professional-sounding DJs.

This is how they push fake narratives and mythologies and why the public is so poorly informed in general. An innocent listener, if not given the info given here, would think for all the world that this is a genuine news source.

CBS, MSNBC, Fox, NBC, CNN and ABC are credible sources for news?????? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know any case of any of them blocking commentary because they had their facts challenged?

No, guess not.

Btw --- posting 183 consecutive exclamation points indicates desperation.
The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:
The dailykos blocked me after one post. I can't imagine any site blocking you because your musings are pathetic. Perhaps CNS thought you were a troll? LOL!

As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:

Hmmm? I would be interested in seeing a link to the article you were responding too.......

I didn't save one. It was quite a while back. And since they delete all my posts (at least two others making the same point were posted, and showed up, and then "disappeared") --- I couldn't even Google it. But you can infer from what's left of my post that it's about immigration and some cockamamie claim of a religious test they claimed.

Of course it's also equally likely that they took enough flak for the blatant mythology that they "disappeared" their own article too. The spineless wimps.

I guess they have just been unlucky by letting all of these muslims in. FBI sources say that they lack the manpower to do the proper vetting....leftards here say that the vetting process in stringent but YOU say one of the stringent ways that they do the proper vetting doesn't include religious affiliation.......interesting. BTW, I have had over 2,000 posts deleted from Yahoo for exposing the Federal Reserve for what it is and speaking out against the Sandy Hoax false flag....so cry me a river.

From what I know of Yahoo you deserve what you get for even going in there.

But if I read correctly this thread is about CNS. I have direct experience with it, so I posted it. With a screenshot showing what cowards they are.

I have direct experience with the dailykos........differing opinions need not apply. BTW I am no fan of Bozell being that he sucked GW's cock during his entire presidency.
As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:
As can be read above, it blocked me because I called out its blatant inaccuracies with the facts. And it can't handle facts.

The irony is that it's connected to the MRC. I've been on Brent Bozo's mailing list for years, just because their email alerts are hilarious. So while I'm voluntarily subscribed to their content ------ they actively block mine so nobody can see it.

Which is completely :gay:

Hmmm? I would be interested in seeing a link to the article you were responding too.......

I didn't save one. It was quite a while back. And since they delete all my posts (at least two others making the same point were posted, and showed up, and then "disappeared") --- I couldn't even Google it. But you can infer from what's left of my post that it's about immigration and some cockamamie claim of a religious test they claimed.

Of course it's also equally likely that they took enough flak for the blatant mythology that they "disappeared" their own article too. The spineless wimps.

I guess they have just been unlucky by letting all of these muslims in. FBI sources say that they lack the manpower to do the proper vetting....leftards here say that the vetting process in stringent but YOU say one of the stringent ways that they do the proper vetting doesn't include religious affiliation.......interesting. BTW, I have had over 2,000 posts deleted from Yahoo for exposing the Federal Reserve for what it is and speaking out against the Sandy Hoax false flag....so cry me a river.

From what I know of Yahoo you deserve what you get for even going in there.

But if I read correctly this thread is about CNS. I have direct experience with it, so I posted it. With a screenshot showing what cowards they are.

I have direct experience with the dailykos........differing opinions need not apply. BTW I am no fan of Bozell being that he sucked GW's cock during his entire presidency.

Obviously you frequent different porn sites than I do.
Beware of threads whose source include "CNS News", unless you'd are a hardcore Trump supporter in a quest to spread fake conservative news.
CNS changed what the "C" in its name represents, in order to hide the fact that is a conservative joint.
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000. Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch

Another thing they do not mentioned here --- they produce a regular top-of-the-hour radio newscast, made to sound like a real news organization just as is "CNS" is contrived to sound like "CBS" and therefore seem legitimate ---- with a professional-sounding announcer with professional-sounding cadence and professional-sounding gravitas. I've actually heard it on the air, usually on a Godcaster station. And usually a Godcaster station that itself is dressed up to sound like a normal radio station with professional-sounding DJs.

This is how they push fake narratives and mythologies and why the public is so poorly informed in general. An innocent listener, if not given the info given here, would think for all the world that this is a genuine news source.

CBS, MSNBC, Fox, NBC, CNN and ABC are credible sources for news?????? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know any case of any of them blocking commentary because they had their facts challenged?

No, guess not.

Btw --- posting 183 consecutive exclamation points indicates desperation.

They couldn't care less what the public has to say. 183 exclamation points????? Count again! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm? I would be interested in seeing a link to the article you were responding too.......

I didn't save one. It was quite a while back. And since they delete all my posts (at least two others making the same point were posted, and showed up, and then "disappeared") --- I couldn't even Google it. But you can infer from what's left of my post that it's about immigration and some cockamamie claim of a religious test they claimed.

Of course it's also equally likely that they took enough flak for the blatant mythology that they "disappeared" their own article too. The spineless wimps.

I guess they have just been unlucky by letting all of these muslims in. FBI sources say that they lack the manpower to do the proper vetting....leftards here say that the vetting process in stringent but YOU say one of the stringent ways that they do the proper vetting doesn't include religious affiliation.......interesting. BTW, I have had over 2,000 posts deleted from Yahoo for exposing the Federal Reserve for what it is and speaking out against the Sandy Hoax false flag....so cry me a river.

From what I know of Yahoo you deserve what you get for even going in there.

But if I read correctly this thread is about CNS. I have direct experience with it, so I posted it. With a screenshot showing what cowards they are.

I have direct experience with the dailykos........differing opinions need not apply. BTW I am no fan of Bozell being that he sucked GW's cock during his entire presidency.

Obviously you frequent different porn sites than I do.

I don't frequent any porn sites......and why in the hell would you admit that you do here????

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