Media Cuts Off Trump on National TV

Just read today that Twitter will remove Trump's "special treatment" once he's out of office, or something like that.

And I personally witnessed ABC pulling the plug on him last night. Disgraceful.

Just read today that Twitter will remove Trump's "special treatment" once he's out of office, or something like that.

And I personally witnessed ABC pulling the plug on him last night. Disgraceful.

This is only the beginning....
trump was lying and he got cut off. He wasn't stopped from speaking, everyone in the room got to hear all the lies.
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?

We have never before had an electoral situation where the POTUS was absolutely unhinged before. Never.
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Incredible anti-American censorship. The media and the leftists are 100% done with free speech and have declared all out war on America. It's time to raise up.

Here's a Proud Klown who still doesn't know what the word "censorship" means.


Hey by the way, know who else the media cuts off? The nutball who runs naked onto the baseball field.
Same reason.
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?
Oh please enough of this babble,you obviously did not even listen to the video or you would know trump was doing nothing but speaking the truth,if you would get past your hatred of him and be objective,you would know he was speaking the truth. :uhoh3: Plus give us a freaking break,like many other presidents in the past such as Obama did not act like a madman,yet the media never cut them off.yet trump gets cut off just for speaking the truth?

Fucking msm media as always,are nothing but a tool for the government,thank god we got alternative media not controlled by the corporations like this one that Norman posted,to report the truth they won’t touch.

Angelo just took you to school how how trump was telling the truth just as Norman did in his video that again,you refused to watch or listen to obviously :uhoh3:
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trump was lying and he got cut off. He wasn't stopped from speaking, everyone in the room got to hear all the lies.
No YOU are the liar,HE was telling the TRUTH.same as her,you also obviously did not watch the video just like a coward.
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When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
Incredible anti-American censorship. The media and the leftists are 100% done with free speech and have declared all out war on America. It's time to raise up.

I never watch CNBC but I certainly applaud them for refusing to broadcast information they believe to be false as news. TV networks have wide discretion as to what they broadcast as news They certainly have the right if not the responsibility to not spread false information as news.

Also ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC refuse to carry it. CNN and Fox carried it. IMHO, it borders on criminal for the President of the United States to make broad accusation of fraud against our electoral system with no supporting evidence. Our elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and example for which other nations strive. There are many places in the world in which people are trying to destroy democratic elections and now we have the president of the United States aiding them in their effort. This is really discussing even for Trump.
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When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
If you are talking about the guy that was talking about what trump was saying in the video you are fucking lying and trolling as well the fact that guy was stating fucking proven FACTS not baseless accusations,hardly bitching at all telling the truth,grow up.
Incredible anti-American censorship. The media and the leftists are 100% done with free speech and have declared all out war on America. It's time to raise up.

I never watch CNBC but I certainly applaud them for refusing to broadcast information they believe to be false as news. TV networks have wide description as to what they broadcast as news They certainly have the right if not the responsibility to not spread false information as news.

Oh yeah applaud the corporate controlled media for cutting off someone for telling the truth,yeah we all know your mindset around here,no need to brag about it.
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?

They were cool with it when Obama told us we could keep our health care plan and keep our doctor and are Healthcare premiums would decreased by $2,500 a year. I lost both my health care plan and my doctor which I like and I'm still waiting on my $2,500 reduction and health care premiums?

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