Meanwhile, Cop tases 76 year old man

Hope the guy sues. I think all cops need to be retrained cuz a lot of them are going a tad bonkers. Or already were bonkers.
Ok. I have to ask....

Was the cop trying to handcuff him? Yes.

Did he resist arrest? Yes.

Stupid reason to arrest someone. I completely agree on that. Looks like it wasnt even illegal.

But again...resisting arrest ends bad.
Old people are crotchety. The cop went overboard and is lucky the old man is not dead.
Ok. I have to ask....

Was the cop trying to handcuff him? Yes.

Did he resist arrest? Yes.

Stupid reason to arrest someone. I completely agree on that. Looks like it wasnt even illegal.

But again...resisting arrest ends bad.
When was the last time you were pulled over for a traffic violation and were handcuffed? Hmm?
Question is, why didn't the officer know that dealer plates are exempt from the law, and even so it would have been only a class C violation which requires the officer to issue a citation only.

Sounds to me like this officer needs to have a refresher course on traffic laws.
Hope the guy sues. I think all cops need to be retrained cuz a lot of them are going a tad bonkers. Or already were bonkers.

You can train some of those bastards until hell freezes over and it will do no good. If they are like that it will eventually come out. Whether your as white as new fallen snow, black as the a damned dungeon or bronze as a Latino or native American.

And that includes the skin tones of the cops. If you're a GD bully it will happen.
Ok. I have to ask....

Was the cop trying to handcuff him? Yes.

Did he resist arrest? Yes.

Stupid reason to arrest someone. I completely agree on that. Looks like it wasnt even illegal.

But again...resisting arrest ends bad.
When was the last time you were pulled over for a traffic violation and were handcuffed? Hmm?
I think it was the last time I got cheeky and resisted arrest in Texas.

Learned my lesson around '68, I think.
Question is, why didn't the officer know that dealer plates are exempt from the law, and even so it would have been only a class C violation which requires the officer to issue a citation only.

Sounds to me like this officer needs to have a refresher course on traffic laws.
This cop is a bad seed. He needs to stop being God With A Badge and relieved of duty. That is the problem with many cops. Not all, but many. Once that badge is put on...they get all puffed up with POWER over someone else. Or so they think. Oops. There is the THEY word.
There's something called the OODA Loop that we all go through during confrontations. Cops and military troops are taught to move through it quicker to come out on the 'winning end.'

When people resist it will never end well for them. Officers won't walk away and say "Well sorry for bothering you"

You WILL comply or you'll be FORCED to comply, whether it be by an aggressive takedown, tazer or club to the body. Controlling the 'threat' is the first thing that will be addressed and when you don't comply you are a threat. Make no mistake about that.

I don't condone Police brutality and it does exist, but not every beatdown, tazer and clubbing is Police brutality. Comply and there will no problems. Spend a month on the streets with cops and you'll quickly figure out you would never survive in the environment without quick and decisive decisions. It's life and death and shit happens fast.

The decision to arrest this old man however was idiotic and should have never went that far.
There's something called the OODA Loop that we all go through during confrontations. Cops and military troops are taught to move through it quicker to come out on the 'winning end.'

When people resist it will never end well for them. Officers won't walk away and say "Well sorry for bothering you"

You WILL comply or you'll be FORCED to comply, whether it be by an aggressive takedown, tazer or club to the body. Controlling the 'threat' is the first thing that will be addressed and when you don't comply you are a threat. Make no mistake about that.

I don't condone Police brutality and it does exist, but not every beatdown, tazer and clubbing is Police brutality. Comply and there will no problems. Spend a month on the streets with cops and you'll quickly figure out you would never survive in the environment without quick and decisive decisions. It's life and death and shit happens fast.

The decision to arrest this old man however was idiotic and should have never went that far.

Completely agree.

Stupid reason to detain someone.

But at some point people have to realize that if a cop DOES decide to arrest you.....pulling away and saying "oh no you arent" is going to end BADLY.

Compliance does NOT validate the cops action. But it does 99.9999999% of the time make it go non-violently. And face it...majority of arrests are for legitimate reasons.
Like all civil service jobs...there are going to be some bad ones in there. Law enforcement needs some retraining, methinks. With that said...not enough stories are being told of the GOOD cops that do good things because they truly love their jobs and communities they work in. Its the MEDIA that shoves this crap down our throats nonstop. Eat enough poison, one becomes poisoned themselves in how they feel and think and behave.
The video in the OP does not show how he never came anywhere close to resisting arrest. This one shows the whole thing.

But at some point people have to realize that if a cop DOES decide to arrest you.....pulling away and saying "oh no you arent" is going to end BADLY.

He did not pull away. The cop grabbed his arm with the cuffs and in two seconds threw the old man backwards.
Are you people retarded? That guy CLEARLY resisted. It couldn't be any clearer.

No, when the cop first cuffs him, the man has his back against the car, so he could not pull away, but it was a false arrest though.

The man was surprised the cop cuffed him and maybe moved a little because of that, but he had good reason to be surprised.

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