McDonald's serves up verbal abuse to Deputy!

Shit like this makes me hate illegal immigrants. I didn't before. I simply didn't like the refusal to enforce the law. But day by day, I grow to truly despise the individuals themselves. They ALL have an attitude that they are entitled to break our laws, then be aggressive to anyone dare challenge them for committing the crime?!
This is the same disrespect for law enforcement that got that 14-year old shot on the border a while back. When are people going to learn how to handle themselves around law-enforecement. I commend these officers for not beating the hell out of these people. I've known people that would not exercise such restraint.
Funny. The lefty whacks are saying the cops were "pussies", (rigthwinger's quote) for reporting these Mexican scumbags to the media. Hmmm. Insult a cop, the cop tells the press, and the cop is now a pussy?

What should the cop have done? Beat their Mexican asses? Wait on them to get off work, pull them over and arrest them for driving without a license? Yell insults back at them?

Nope. The left's message to cops? "Stand there, take it, turn, walk away with a smile you pig."

Cops won't react well to that attitude, lefties.
Funny. The lefty whacks are saying the cops were "pussies", (rigthwinger's quote) for reporting these Mexican scumbags to the media. Hmmm. Insult a cop, the cop tells the press, and the cop is now a pussy?

What should the cop have done? Beat their Mexican asses? Wait on them to get off work, pull them over and arrest them for driving without a license? Yell insults back at them?

Nope. The left's message to cops? "Stand there, take it, turn, walk away with a smile you pig."

Cops won't react well to that attitude, lefties.

The cops should have done what any other patron would have done. Report disrespectful treatment to the manager.

Whining to the press that "They called me racist in Spanish" is childish
And yes, cops are expected to turn the other cheek. If you can't take it you are in the wrong line of work
Beating the shit out of anyone who is disrespectful of you went out 50 years ago
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And this is why businesses should be given HUGE fines for hiring illegals. I would be interested to know if the workers were fired.
And this is why businesses should be given HUGE fines for hiring illegals. I would be interested to know if the workers were fired.

According to wikipedia, e-verify is 99.5 per cent accurate when used.
Most states, like California, do not mandate employers using e-verify. Arizona does, but illegals using false identity are still slipping through.
Employers in those states that do not mandate e-verify should be fined. At least Arizona is making an effort by mandating e-verify, so Arizona employers who are complying should not be fined.
You will have to excuse me, I am a little slow today. So, the point of the thread is deputies being harassed because they have been harassing workers for their papers

Well then......that is too bad. I feel very sorry for those poor deputies and I think it is horrible that a year ago mexicans called them racist in Spanish. I never realized how tough it is to be a deputy in Phoenix. This is certainly worthy of a thread a year after it happened

The Deputies were harassed while trying to Order a meal, Asshole. I feel sorry for you and your lack of comprehension and retention.

Like I said, I feel horrible that the poor deputies were subject to such treatment. I imagine this is the first time that fast food workers ever made fun of a customer behind their back.
Sheriff Joe needs to clamp down on this before it gets out of hand
Yep, go in and ask for the workers that abused the deputy for their papers and prove their citizenship. All for that.
Why is everyone siding with the cops? What, you like the cops? You like them giving you hard time?

These poor workers, getting harassed because they brave enough to stand up to cops. They're an example of why America needs more immigrant labor.
They are low lifes. The officer should have arrested them right then and there.
Like I said, I feel horrible that the poor deputies were subject to such treatment. I imagine this is the first time that fast food workers ever made fun of a customer behind their back.
Sheriff Joe needs to clamp down on this before it gets out of hand

I Truly hope you get to meet Sheriff Joe someday Baby Cakes. ;)

I would make Sheriff Joe my bitch
Remember that you said that. Sheriff Joe for President.
The Deputies were harassed while trying to Order a meal, Asshole. I feel sorry for you and your lack of comprehension and retention.

Like I said, I feel horrible that the poor deputies were subject to such treatment. I imagine this is the first time that fast food workers ever made fun of a customer behind their back.
Sheriff Joe needs to clamp down on this before it gets out of hand
Yep, go in and ask for the workers that abused the deputy for their papers and prove their citizenship. All for that.

I didn't see anything in the article claiming they were illegal....did you?

But I guess you just assume all Mexicans are illegal
I got a solution.

Lets give it back. Yep. Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Cali. Give it back to the fucking Mexicans. Not in theory, literally sign it over to the Mexican government, and all non-Hispanic people leave that area since it will then turn into Mexican national territory. 20 years, lets look at that region. And see if it is A) Better, or B) Worse off than it is now.

We'll then know the answer to "Why do people not like illegal immigration?"
I say we disregard human rights in other Countries, invade Mexico and kill all who get in the way and impose mexican border laws for the southern Countries. Make mexicans Americans and make a shoot on sight law regarding border hoppers.
I got a solution.

Lets give it back. Yep. Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Cali. Give it back to the fucking Mexicans. Not in theory, literally sign it over to the Mexican government, and all non-Hispanic people leave that area since it will then turn into Mexican national territory. 20 years, lets look at that region. And see if it is A) Better, or B) Worse off than it is now.

We'll then know the answer to "Why do people not like illegal immigration?"
I say we disregard human rights in other Countries, invade Mexico and kill all who get in the way and impose mexican border laws for the southern Countries. Make mexicans Americans and make a shoot on sight law regarding border hoppers.

Good to se there are still god fearing Americans who support genocide
I got a solution.

Lets give it back. Yep. Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Cali. Give it back to the fucking Mexicans. Not in theory, literally sign it over to the Mexican government, and all non-Hispanic people leave that area since it will then turn into Mexican national territory. 20 years, lets look at that region. And see if it is A) Better, or B) Worse off than it is now.

We'll then know the answer to "Why do people not like illegal immigration?"
The idea of a Germanic people without sufficient space dates back to long before Adolf Hitler brought it to prominence. Through the Middle Ages, German population pressures led to settlement in Eastern Europe, a practice termed Ostsiedlung. The term Lebensraum in this sense was coined by Friedrich Ratzel in 1901, and was used as a slogan in Germany referring to the unification of the country and the acquisition of colonies, based on the English and French models, and the westward expansion of the United States. Ratzel believed that the development of a people was primarily influenced by their geographical situation and that a people that successfully adapted to one location would proceed naturally to another. These thoughts can be seen in his studies of zoology and the study of adaptation. This expansion to fill available space, he claimed, was a natural and necessary feature of any healthy species.

..... Thus the concept of lebensraum was picked up and expanded by publicists of the day, including Karl Haushofer and General Friedrich von Bernhardi. In von Bernhardi's 1912 book Germany and the Next War, he expanded upon Ratzel's hypotheses and, for the first time, explicitly identified Eastern Europe as a source of new space. According to him, war, with the express purpose of achieving Lebensraum, was a distinct "biological necessity." As he explained with regard to the Latin and Slavic races, "Without war, inferior or decaying races would easily choke the growth of healthy budding elements (Aryans)."
The "blueprint for "Manifest destiny/Lebensraum," a form of social Darwinism, requires:

1. "Society A" that considers itself racially superior - since the Age of Exploration, largely European (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Germans, etc.)

2. "Society B" that "Society A" that considers to be racially inferior - aboriginans in Africa, Asian, North and South America, Australia

3. The justification for "Society A" to conquer and settle the territories of "Society B"
- colonization (manifest destiny/lebensraum which specifically focus on "living space" are special applications)
- instead of Manifest Destiny targeting "fucking Mexicans/Hispanics/1st Peoples" as the "inferior or decaying race(s) (that) would easily choke the growth of healthy budding elements," Lebensraum identified the "fucking Latins" and the "fucking Slavs"
- " 20 years, lets look at that region. And see if it is A) Better, or B) Worse off than it is now."
- history tells us that there are no societies that are inherently racially superior - "Society A" will eventually revert to becoming "Society B" and "Society B," over time, will assert itself to become "Society A"

4. Manifest destiny/Lebensraum has always been a compelling rationalization throughout history - but only if you happen to be the one doing the "manifesting!"
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