McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

"Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member."
Article 1 section 5

That is why I said they can set him up like Saul did Chuck and if he flips out they can say he is unfit and his tumor is affecting him.

He was a traitor well before the tumor.

I have never rooted for cancer before now.

I wish McCain would get recalled and say it is because the tumor is effecting him. I wonder if they can get him to flip out like Chuck did in Better Call Saul? That would be funny.

Senators cannot be recalled. Read your Constitution.

Sorry I was wrong. He can be impeached then.
No they cannot....

"Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member."
Article 1 section 5

That is why I said they can set him up like Saul did Chuck and if he flips out they can say he is unfit and his tumor is affecting him.

That's why I said to read the Constitution.

You have never mentioned Rand Paul who also said he'd vote against it.

Rand opposes it for the right reason. McCain for the wrong reason.

I have never said that Obamacare Light is acceptable. I have only stated that the filthy Democrats, aided by a few weak minded RINOs, can't even pass minor improvements.

Rand Paul supported the earlier repeal bill. The reason Rand Paul may oppose it is because Kentucky would lose money because the expanded Medicaid. It was Rand Paul who pointed out the transfer of money from some states to the other. Whatever the reason, I am glad he opposes it.
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

His very life nearing its end, John McCain finally sees through the complete moral bankruptcy of the republican positions and votes as a compassionate human. A true American hero.
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?

He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer
He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer

Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer

Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him
Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer

Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him

No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
Senile McCain doesn't care if the average American is dead or alive. He's a Soros stooge
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.

Going back to the way is not the answer either. Obamacare does need major work. That is where Republicans should be going. Not hastily written bills that are politically motivated. Yes they should bring at least moderate Democrats aboard.
McCain is being a little bitch because Trump hurt his feelings.

Fuck McCain. He ran an absolutely pussy campaign,

Or he realizes that millions of people will lose health coverage if this became a law.

Look, guys, you had 7 years to put together a workable alternative to ObamaCare (which was actually the GOP alternative to HillaryCare, but never mind.) That you are trying to slip this in before a 7 day deadline and hoping nobody notices is a problem.

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