McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
These Washington lifers need to be voted out of Congress.

Thanks for nothing, McCain.
McCain is being a little bitch because Trump hurt his feelings.

Fuck McCain. He ran an absolutely pussy campaign,

1) ObamaCare, passed with bribes to Louisiana and Nebraska Democratic Senators, and not a single Republican Vote, stands or fails on its own; and

2) The treacherous reprobates in the discredited New York Media, with a popularity rating down there with cockroaches and head lice, throws everything it has into blaming Republicans when Obamacare fails completely.

3) And the citizens will still know that the mess was the fault of Obama and the Bolshevik Democrats.

Lets move on.
It is nice to know someone that is not driven by politics. This bill has nothing to do with policy. Several Republicans
Good for him for sticking up for the American people.

How dare he!!! After all stripping Heath insurance from about 14 million to 22 million Americans is the repubes way!


"omg millions of people are going to lose their healthcare because they choose not to want it!!!!"

John McCain wants to see what the CBO says. He wants to get all the facts. How criminal can you be. Even Republicans who support this admit it has nothing to do with policy. It is pure politics. We do have a healthcare problem. Obamacare has partially succeeded but has serious issues. We need to fix the problems. Pitting low-income people vs old people vs people with pre-existing conditions. That is Republican barbarism.
It is nice to know someone that is not driven by politics. This bill has nothing to do with policy. Several Republicans
Good for him for sticking up for the American people.

How dare he!!! After all stripping Heath insurance from about 14 million to 22 million Americans is the repubes way!


"omg millions of people are going to lose their healthcare because they choose not to want it!!!!"

John McCain wants to see what the CBO says. He wants to get all the facts. How criminal can you be. Even Republicans who support this admit it has nothing to do with policy. It is pure politics. We do have a healthcare problem. Obamacare has partially succeeded but has serious issues. We need to fix the problems. Pitting low-income people vs old people vs people with pre-existing conditions. That is Republican barbarism.
of course we do. Its called "the government"
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:

1) ObamaCare, passed with bribes to Louisiana and Nebraska Democratic Senators, and not a single Republican Vote, stands or fails on its own; and

2) The treacherous reprobates in the discredited New York Media, with a popularity rating down there with cockroaches and head lice, throws everything it has into blaming Republicans when Obamacare fails completely.

3) And the citizens will still know that the mess was the fault of Obama and the Bolshevik Democrats.

Lets move on.
Your republicans made it the mess it was and then you blamed the Dems?
These Washington lifers need to be voted out of Congress.

Thanks for nothing, McCain.
Blaming McCain is so stupid.

We have the majority in both houses of Congress. We have a filibuster proof procedural device until September 30. We have the presidency. We have any number of prior repeal bills that WERE PASSED easily while Obama was in office.

And it's McCain's fault? Puh leeze.

And this bill is still Obamacare by the way, just watered down some. Diluted Obamacare.

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