McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

Few mins before Crazy Susan Collins killed the bill, Senator Heller said: "It will succeed and I’m voting for it ... It’s called optimism"
Pelosi: Even this preliminary CBO analysis exposes Graham-Cassidy Trumpcare as the same monstrosity..people have rejected again and again.
Jimmy Kimmel on Graham-Cassidy: “Now I can go back to talking about the Kardashians”
Which they can't prove because it's all based on the economy. During many of DumBama's years, the fund was paying out more than it brought in. Then the the big-eared genius tried to jump start the economy by having people put even less into the fund, and those few bucks we got in our paychecks didn't do squat.

Yeah, IF you retire at 65. If you croak off before then, all that money you put in is gone. Your family doesn't see one red cent of it. And who is to say they won't raise the retirement age like they still talk about today? They raised my retirement age to 67.

If you croak at 65, you don't need the money.

Shouldn't have been so cheap choosing an investment company. The crash was the best thing that happened to my retirement fund.

Right... but you can't afford insurance and you live in a slum. Got it.
Pence warns Alaska that if Graham-Cassidy fails, they could end up with the health-care of "a place called Canada"

Alaska not a state, historically, that has objected to having the government just pay for everything
Sen. Kennedy (R-LA) says if Congress fails on taxes like ACA repeal, "I may go home and put a bag over my head. And hide my head in a bag."

great quote!
Healthcare is not a right, it's a service. No one has a right to the services of another
GOP on Obamacare in:
2010 "We just need the House"
2014 "We just need the Senate"
2016 "We just need the White House"
2017 "We just suck"
voters love Obamacare which is why the party who passed it has been drummed down to their lowest governing minority since WWII.
It's Official: "Seniledementedbastardlongpasthisprimerino" is one word. We're all ashamed of John McLame

voters love Obamacare which is why the party who passed it has been drummed down to their lowest governing minority since WWII.

If Obamacare was so bad, why didn't Romney win vowing to repeal it?

Why didn't trump win the popular vote vowing to repeal it?

So here's the real part where the GOP is in the trick bag. They don't have a better idea.

Oh there are better ideas out there- Single Payer, Government Option, Medicare Buy In.... Any of those would solve the problem. But those would involve more government, not less.
If Senile McCain is a great Conservative, why does he always end up on Chuck Schumer's side?

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