McCain picks Sarah Palin

Mr. Ignorant said:
WHY DOES EVERYONE ACT LIKE SHE WOULDNT HAVE ADVISORS. I highly doubt that if she had to take over as president the world would crumble. After all we will have survived 8 years of the Bush administration

I couldn't agree more. :cool:
Biden's Girl Trouble

Let's traffic in some gender/political stereotypes for a moment: Obviously, Palin is a risky pick for McCain because she is approximately as qualified to serve as commander-in-chief as my Great Aunt Ruby (who has, full disclosure, been dead for several years now.) Indeed, I just finished listening to Linda Wertheimer on NPR grouchily voicing complete befuddlement over how McCain could pick someone so clearly unprepared in light of the senator's advanced age and questionable health. The contrast with Joe Biden is particularly stark. In a debate with Biden over--well, just about anything that doesn't directly involve the state of Alaska--Palin is almost certain to get her clock cleaned.

But! Biden nonetheless needs to tread carefully and show more self-control and finesse than he is normally known for. Palin may be a varmint-hunting, moose-stew-guzzling NRA lifer, but she is still a woman--and an exceedingly delicate, feminine looking one at that. (A former Miss Wasilla no less!) And as irrational as they may be, the laws of politics forbid any man from behaving in a condescending, bullying, dismissive, mocking, or otherwise disrespectful fashion toward candidates of the fairer sex. Just ask poor Rick Lazio.

The fact that Palin looks to be a far more fragile flower than Lazio's former opponent makes Biden's job all the tougher. In head-to-head match ups, he will need to dismantle Palin completely, yet avoid triggering all those stupid, gut-level, subconscious, knee-jerk instincts that would lead voters to feel protective of her. This is particularly important in light of the remaining Hillary Issue. God forbid a meaningful chunk of Hillary dead-enders got it into their heads that, not only had Obama disrepected their gal, but now his number-two was dissing another sister.
WHY DOES EVERYONE ACT LIKE SHE WOULDNT HAVE ADVISORS. I highly doubt that if she had to take over as president the world would crumble. After all we survived 8 years of the clinton administration

why does everyone act like obama wouldnt have advisors.
see how i flipped it?

now can we focus on actual issues?
You still haven't answered my question about what point in pregnancy your support of abortions stops.

Want me to tell you my point? When the mother says. If she's going to have a severly retarded child, she should be able to abort at the last minute.

Obama said it best last night. We all want to lower the number of abortions, but what we don't want to do is take away a woman's rights.

Stuffy old hypocrites and bible thumpers should not dictate this. This VP pick probably got an abortion or two so she could stay a beauty pagent winner. And now she found god and wants to preach to everyone else.

Yet if she had it all to do over again, she would get the abortion again in a heart beat.

Besides, Republicans only care about pre borns. Once you are born, you are on your own. They don't care about you, until you reach military age, then they care about you again.
Want me to tell you my point? When the mother says. If she's going to have a severly retarded child, she should be able to abort at the last minute.

Obama said it best last night. We all want to lower the number of abortions, but what we don't want to do is take away a woman's rights.

Stuffy old hypocrites and bible thumpers should not dictate this. This VP pick probably got an abortion or two so she could stay a beauty pagent winner. And now she found god and wants to preach to everyone else.

Yet if she had it all to do over again, she would get the abortion again in a heart beat.

Besides, Republicans only care about pre borns. Once you are born, you are on your own. They don't care about you, until you reach military age, then they care about you again.

You're a sick fuck, and it's that attitude that will bring support behind this woman and, thus, McCain. Thanks for playing right into the hand. :)

I'll tell you one thing, if a woman aborted my baby the day before it was due, I'd sue the shit out of her.
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why does everyone act like obama wouldnt have advisors.
see how i flipped it?

now can we focus on actual issues?

Obama would have advisors and im not saying that the America would collapse if he was elected. My comment was in reference to people saying that Palin couldnt lead the country if something was to happen to McCain. Which is one of the issues here.

See how I flipped that?
....This VP pick probably got an abortion or two so she could stay a beauty pagent winner. And now she found god and wants to preach to everyone else.

Yet if she had it all to do over again, she would get the abortion again in a heart beat. .....

Wow- I've never seen you Libs so flustered, resorting to making pure character assassinations like this out of thin air.

I suggest you call up the Obama camp right now and tell them to use this line. PLEASE! :badgrin:
Obama would have advisors and im not saying that the America would collapse if he was elected. My comment was in reference to people saying that Palin couldnt lead the country if something was to happen to McCain. Which is one of the issues here.

See how I flipped that?

you didnt flip anything. you merely stated something new :)

my comment was a reference to the many people who have consistently cited obama's experience as if it should be the singular reason for not voting for him. that is stupid. as it is stupid to say it about palin.
Wow- I've never seen you Libs so flustered, resorting to making pure character assassinations like this out of thin air.

I suggest you call up the Obama camp right now and tell them to use this line. PLEASE! :badgrin:

did she get an abortion? im so confused
Thanks for those debate videos, jsanders.

Like any pick, Sarah Palin, brings her pros and cons.

First and foremost, I suspect McCain is hoping Palin will work as a wedge between Obama and the Hillary/woman vote.

She's also an outsider, with a fresh, attractive face ... and she seems very amicable. That alone is going to pick up votes.

As an Alaskan politician one can only guess that she will have a pretty good grasp of the oil industry ... that will help tremendously with the drilling issue.

Mother of five with a down syndrome child and a solid pro-lifer if he had some unsure voters about him on that issue, this pick should eliminate their apprehensions.

And she solidifies Alaska for McCain.

Now ...

Like it or not, McCain supporters but this pick takes a lot of wind out of the "no experience" sail the McCain campaign has been flying ... especially with McCain's age and health being a legit issue.

Yeah, she has executive experience ... less than two years as Governor of the least (correct me if I'm wrong) populous state in the Union ... and she took it away from a guy who at the time was the second least popular Governor in the Union.

This also leaves McCain open to attacks that he is pandering to the woman vote and trying to catalyze a "Hillary Effect."

Nobody knows how she is going to handle the national stage. Alaska is a small isolated community. Taking down a hugely unpopular governor there is a completely different game than meeting Joe Biden in a one on one debate on national and global issues. Granted Biden will have to change his approach in the debate as he can't be seen as picking on the girl but he is still a big favorite to convincingly win the debate (and yes, I watched the round table debates). But she is very easy on the eyes and as long as she doesn't do horrible the public will not be able to help themselves from liking her.

She comes with a gift wrapped scandal but I suspect that the GOP already has a plan to deal with it otherwise she wouldn't have been picked.

She is going to have to watch her mouth, too, and answers like this:

As for the prospect of her being vice president, Palin told Kudlow that she could not answer the question of whether she wanted the job “until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day. I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here.”

McCain praises VP choice Palin's 'tenacity' - John McCain News -
Biden's Girl Trouble

Let's traffic in some gender/political stereotypes for a moment: Obviously, Palin is a risky pick for McCain because she is approximately as qualified to serve as commander-in-chief as my Great Aunt Ruby (who has, full disclosure, been dead for several years now.) Indeed, I just finished listening to Linda Wertheimer on NPR grouchily voicing complete befuddlement over how McCain could pick someone so clearly unprepared in light of the senator's advanced age and questionable health. The contrast with Joe Biden is particularly stark. In a debate with Biden over--well, just about anything that doesn't directly involve the state of Alaska--Palin is almost certain to get her clock cleaned.

But! Biden nonetheless needs to tread carefully and show more self-control and finesse than he is normally known for. Palin may be a varmint-hunting, moose-stew-guzzling NRA lifer, but she is still a woman--and an exceedingly delicate, feminine looking one at that. (A former Miss Wasilla no less!) And as irrational as they may be, the laws of politics forbid any man from behaving in a condescending, bullying, dismissive, mocking, or otherwise disrespectful fashion toward candidates of the fairer sex. Just ask poor Rick Lazio.

The fact that Palin looks to be a far more fragile flower than Lazio's former opponent makes Biden's job all the tougher. In head-to-head match ups, he will need to dismantle Palin completely, yet avoid triggering all those stupid, gut-level, subconscious, knee-jerk instincts that would lead voters to feel protective of her. This is particularly important in light of the remaining Hillary Issue. God forbid a meaningful chunk of Hillary dead-enders got it into their heads that, not only had Obama disrepected their gal, but now his number-two was dissing another sister.

Biden's Girl Trouble - The Plank

Oh please! From what I can see she's about twice as qualified to be president as Obama. At least she's been a Governor. He's been running for president damned near the entire time his been in the US Senate (except for 143 days). She been on city councils and in electoral politics since 1992.

And Obama? A community organizer whatever the fuck that's supposed to be. Sounds a lot like leach to me. Then a back bencher in the Illinois Senate for a piece thanks to his boy Bill Ayers who got him started. Whiz bang credentials there. There is a reason they say that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Your top of the ticket has no experience.
Palin was chosen because she is pro-gun, pro-life, and a woman.

She has ZERO national political and foreign policy experience.

This shows that McCain cares more about getting elected than he does about the future of America.
She didn't get an abortion, Busara. That's just the typical far-lefty psychotic spasms of hatred which occur intermittently, and you'll be seeing more often.

They are the pro-choice people, the ones who love all women and black...and yet you won't hear fouler, viler racism and bigotry coming from anyone else's mouths.

Just watch. It will get worse.

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