McAuliffe says Clinton staying in, will win popular vote

I wouldn't equate an ORGANIZED RALLY with walking accross the street to keep from being an ass to journalists...

but.. then again.. I have balls so my logic is highly suspect.

thanks for you opinion. enjoy the rest of the primary.
We know you don't.

A rally after the primary wasn't breaking a rule.
Hillary had two campaign rallies prior to the election... I've seen video (even though these were "wink wink" private events with just a few ten thousand or so of her closest friends)...

No worries however Hill back in October said these states dont count.. she would never go back on her word...
Both candidates had fundraising dinners. They were allowed under the rules. What do you think Obama was doing before he went outside and spoke to the press?

Don't get your panties in a twist. The only reason I pointed this out is because Doeton claimed Hillary was the rule breaker.
Hillary had two campaign rallies prior to the election... I've seen video (even though these were "wink wink" private events with just a few ten thousand or so of her closest friends)...

No worries however Hill back in October said these states dont count.. she would never go back on her word...


Are you actually FIGHTING for Democratic voters, votes to not count? It does not matter what side you are on, that's just plain wrong....and it will cost us the election....if they are not counted in the nomination. It was NOT the citizens of Florida or Michigan's fault and there is no Constitutional means that the DNC could use to keep these citizens in these states from not voting for their future president nominee is there?

For goodness sakes Jeepers, we are giving GUAM and Puerto Rico a Say and you honestly WANT to disenfranchise these voters????

Obama broke his campaign promise by running a television campaign ad in Florida BEFORE the Primary there....,_2008,8599,1707293-2,00.html

Obama CLEARLY BROKE THE CAMPAIGN PROMISE he made to the "early" states...The Promise/Pledge was made with the States scheduled for an early primary, that these guys would not campaign there....

THERE WAS NO DNC rule of such, it was a Pledge the candidates made to the early states...and here is the Pledge they signed.

THEREFORE, I _______________, Democratic Candidate for President, in honor and in accordance with DNC rules, pledge to actively campaign in the pre-approved early states Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina. I pledge I shall not campaign or participate in any election contest occurring in any state not already authorized by the DNC to take place in the DNC approved pre-window (any date prior to February 5, 2008). Campaigning shall include but is not limited to purchasing media or campaign advocacy of any kind, attending or hosting events of more than 200 people to promote one’s candidacy for a preference primary and employing staff in the state in question. It does not include activities specifically related to raising campaign resources such as fundraising events or the hiring of fundraising staff.___________________________ __________
John/Jane Doe, Doe for President DATE

Please NOTE Jeepers....FUND RAISERS were allowed and perfectly legitimate, whereas what Obama did, BROKE THE PLEDGE he made with the early states.

It is amazing to me how much you guys that are followers of Obama TWIST AND TURN the facts, just like the old Bush supporters used to do....

What the heck HAPPENED to all of you?

Thank Goodness Obama is being decent, but you all are just becoming a bunch of liars may not be intentional, and it may be that you have just "bought in to" the lies, but SOMETHING has surely gone amiss with the hateful, lying through their teeth, Obama supporters and the elction will be LOST if you all continue imho, so be careful....Dems must win this election!

Relax. I think the real issue, for Obama, is timing.

Hillary has spun ever minor victory into a new reason to continue her campaign. If these delegates are seated now, as presently allocated, she will keep her campaign going. Once she runs out of money and steam, and Obama has the nomination secured, he will withdraw his objections and both states will be seated.

Remember, you read it here first.
Are you actually FIGHTING for Democratic voters, votes to not count? It does not matter what side you are on, that's just plain wrong....

Thank Goodness Obama is being decent, but you all are just becoming a bunch ... hateful, lying through their teeth, Obama supporters and the elction will be LOST if you all continue imho, so be careful....Dems must win this election!



forgot you "care" pill this morning?

stop calling people liars. i have not lied. jeepers may be misinformed. but calling him a liar is just plain rude. and uncalled for.

forgot you "care" pill this morning?

stop calling people liars. i have not lied. jeepers may be misinformed. but calling him a liar is just plain rude. and uncalled for.

I think Care's point is that if you guys don't stop it, you're going to have major problems because you're (generic you, not you personally) alienating the half of the party that STILL think Hillary would have been the better president and the better person to beat McCain. And you're going to need us come general election or it's going to look like Nixon v McGovern.

Idealism is great... now you guys have to grow up and be realistic and start being inclusive. Seriously.
thanks for the translation Jillian...but if you go back to the beginning of this thread you'll see

'CARE4ALL' quoting popular vote numbers without letting folks know those numbers included florida and michigan.

and then has the nerve to accuse obama suporters of misrepresenting facts.

yeah, it's going to divide the party.

which is exatly what i said

whoa! gosh can't imagine why you didn't give a source for those numbers...well actually of course i can it's because they include florida and michigan...wanna talk about dividing the party?

here's an actual source though:

how bout play by the rules.

the rules the party developed.


fair? or was

"a chance that no republican should have in this election, imo."

just a sound bite?
" Originally Posted by Jeepers View Post
I can no more find information about this supposed press conference than your lying self...."

thanks for the translation Jillian...but if you go back to the beginning of this thread you'll see

'CARE4ALL' quoting popular vote numbers without letting folks know those numbers included florida and michigan.

and then has the nerve to accuse obama suporters of misrepresenting facts.

yeah, it's going to divide the party.

which is exatly what i said

Whatever.... you're not listening. So there's no point.

Again, you guys need to grow up.
alright...after rereading it for bout 4 times

i think i hear ya big guy.

but they started it.

forgot you "care" pill this morning?

stop calling people liars. i have not lied. jeepers may be misinformed. but calling him a liar is just plain rude. and uncalled for.
First, If I am correct, Jeepers is a friend of mine and I have known him for 5 years from 3 different other sites that we have posted on....and I no more believe Jeepers would intentionally lie than I would believe Mother Teresa would.... I just believe he has been caught up in the fervor of the nomination....and I was giving him a little bit of "shock value" from an old buddy Care4all, to my posting, like a caffeine boost of sorts! :cool:

And Here's something for Jeepers, who called Ravir a liar, and Doeton, and all other Obamaites:

This is from the Tampa Tribune occured in September of 2007, AFTER the candidates signed and gave their pledge to the Early Scheduled States, not to campaign.

Obama gave an impromtue press conference, after ONE OF HIS CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISERS THERE. (I put this in caps so that the Obamaites can see their own hypocrisy, regarding their complaints about Hillary's campaign fund raisers there in Florida, saying (lying) that she broke her pledge by doing such, when Obama himself has had campaign fundraisers there himself, and by him making his "impromtu" press conference, speaking regarding campaign issues, could be seen as breaking his pledge....)

I am not going to make an issue out of it as the Obamaites would do if, God forbid, Hillary had done this....:rolleyes: Sadly....This is where the imaturity of the Obamaites is so evident in my opinion..... I digress...

So, below is the article regarding Obama's impromtu press conference, regarding the Presidential Campaign....

What's more INTERESTING TO ME, is WHAT Obama actually said in this press conference that makes him an ABSOLUTE HYPOCRITE today.....imho.

Just seating these delegates at the convention IS NOT giving these citizens their SAY with their VOTE....only dividing the delegates according to the citizen's vote would be counting the citizen's vote, and hearing their voices...

AND if this is going to happen, it must happen before the nomination is over because otherwise these citizens will be disenfranchised, they won't be given a say in the election of their own Presidential nominee....

NO ONE, neither candidate has enough votes to win the nomination yet....NO ONE, and there is still a very slight, with a miracle possibility of Hillary tieing or even winning, once ALL votes are counted and super delegates have a chance to cast or change, all of their votes.

REMEMBER Obamaites, EVEN Obama can NOT win this nomination without the votes of the Super Delegates....this is the closest race for the nomination of President that we have ever had that I can remember in my lifetime.

And Pleaseeeeeeeeee, no crying about "the Super Delegates need to vote with how their state went"....because if that were the case then Pennsylvania super delegates would have committed to hillary already and John Kerry and Ted Kennedy would be voting for Hillary because 70% of Massachusetts voted for Hillary Clinton.... and numerous other super delegates that have switched over now to Obama from Hillary...

well guess what folks, those super delegates can switch back if they feel like it too....THAT'S IN THE RULES TOO....:eusa_think:

I just hate the way the DNC has set up this whole thing...I personally do not believe it is deny any citizen their vote from a primary for the nomination of their candidate for the Presidency of the United States, their COUNTRY, for goodness sakes!

Anyway, Obama pledged for the voters to get their voice heard and counted back in September of he a hypocrite to not have worked a deal and allowed them to be heard for this nomination....which would be to let their voices be heard NOW, where it could matter for Hillary, instead of later at the convention where it won't matter at ALL?

Don't kid yourselves Obamaites, Obama is PLAYING POLITICS with actual usa citizen's VOTE, by not letting their vote be represented BEFORE Hillary is FORCED out....

Obama Vows To 'Do What's Right'

By Julie Busch The Tampa Tribune
Barack Obama held an impromptu news conference after a Tampa fundraiser Sunday.


Published: September 30, 2007

TAMPA - Barack Obama hinted during a Tampa fundraiser Sunday that if he's the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, he'll seat a Florida delegation at the party's national convention, despite national party sanctions prohibiting it.

Obama also appeared to violate a pledge he and the other leading candidates took by holding a brief news conference outside the fundraiser. That was less than a day after the pledge took effect Saturday, and Obama is the first Democratic presidential candidate to visit Florida since then.

Obama and others have pledged not to campaign in Florida until the Jan. 29 primary except for fundraising, which is what he was doing in Tampa.

But after the fundraiser at the Hyde Park home of Tom and Linda Scarritt, Obama crossed the street to take half a dozen questions from reporters waiting there.

The pledge covers anything referred to in Democratic National Committee rules as "campaigning," and those include "holding news conferences."

Obama seemed unaware the pledge he signed prohibits news conferences. Asked whether he was violating it, he said, "I was just doing you guys a favor. … If that's the case, then we won't do it again."

Frank Sanchez, a Tampa Obama supporter who helped organize the fundraiser, said the encounter illustrates the awkward situation the candidates have been put in by the controversy over the state's Jan. 29 presidential primary.

That date - earlier than allowed by rules of both major political parties - has led to a threat of sanctions against both Florida Republicans and Democrats, and to the Democrats' boycott pledge.

"This wasn't planned," Sanchez said of the brief press availability. "He was going to the car, and he just went across the street for a moment."

According to Sanchez and Tom Scarritt, Obama was asked during the event about making sure Floridians have a role in the nomination, despite the DNC sanctions and the pledge. Scarritt said Obama responded that he'll "do what's right by Florida voters."

The DNC has threatened to refuse to seat a Florida convention delegation because of the too-early primary, which the Florida Legislature decided on last spring. But if a candidate amasses enough delegates before the primary to ensure the nomination, that candidate would take control of the convention, including the power to seat a delegation.

State Democrats are considering asking all candidates to pledge they would seat the state's delegation.

The boycott pledge was demanded by the four states - Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina - which are allowed to hold primaries before Feb. 5.

Reporter William March can be reached at (813) 259-7761 or [email protected]. Reporter Elaine Silvestrini can be reached at (813)259-7837or [email protected].


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