Mass Psychosis in the US


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
An unprecedented 1 in 66 Americans is a diagnosed psychotic | The Raw Story

"[T]he tally of those who are so disabled by mental disorders that they qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) increased nearly two and a half times between 1987 and 2007 - from one in 184 Americans to one in seventy-six. For children, the rise is even more startling - a thirty-five-fold increase in the same two decades. Mental illness is now the leading cause of disability in children." Under the tutelage of Big Pharma, we are "simply expanding the criteria for mental illness so that nearly everyone has one." Fugh-Berman agrees: In the age of aggressive drug marketing, she says, "Psychiatric diagnoses have expanded to include many perfectly normal people."[/SIZE]

Mass Psychosis in the US

Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based on the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008, with over $14 billion in sales, antipsychotics became the single top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the United States, surpassing drugs used to treat high cholesterol and acid reflux.

I wanna jump but I'm afraid I'll fall
I wanna holler but the joint's too small
Pharamcabal's got a hold of me too
I got the rockin' delusion and the pill poppin' flu

Want some lovin' doc and that ain't all
I wanna 'scprit for a pharma 8 ball
Shill Daignostic's gonna get me my due
I got the rockin' delusion and the pill poppin' flu

Wanna psychosis i'm way too slow
A thought disorder for that drugstore blow
Insurance dude says he's gonna come through
I got the rockin' delusion and the pill poppin' flu
a whole slew of meds will go off the patent list over the next few years.

Drugs will get cheaper and hopefully these assholes will lose some of their power
a whole slew of meds will go off the patent list over the next few years.

Drugs will get cheaper and hopefully these assholes will lose some of their power
They fully understand that and have a barrage of new "miracle" drugs waiting in the back room for that event. Never underestimate your masters.
Psychosis is one TYPE of mental illness.

The title of this article is very misleading.
"Human beings will be happier —not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie —but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That’s my utopia." Kurt Vonnegut

Interesting but hard to unravel topic. Today everyone in America is sedated so that life looks other than it is. The TV ads for all sorts of mental and physical ailments are astounding. The nuns used to give me red marks for self control, had I been a modern upper class student, I would probably have been drugged. Anyone ever watch super nanny, she manages the children without drugs through consistency and discipline. Rare thing in America.

But modern American parents are lost in the suburbs, lost, trying to keep up with the 'Jones' who are in equally bad shape. I think a great 'black comedy' could be written in which the average American watches fox's depressing shows and news, takes drugs to sleep and wake, listens to depressing wingnut radio stuck in massive traffic jams, as they text each other, and twitter away the day. Home they eat at some fast food place still checking the blackberry or ipod, while the children get fat while playing games on their electronic devices, home they settle around the TV watching police or medical shows that depress them further as they complain of the price of gas, and hope tomorrow will be a different day as they head for the medicine cabinet. Meanwhile in a control room on Washington's K street, the creators of American reality plot the next fear and the next device ad for keeping the masses asleep........sleep well America......

National Child Abuse Statistics | Childhelp

"Anyone who has studied the history of technology knows that technological change is always a Faustian bargain: Technology giveth and technology taketh away, and not always in equal measure. A new technology sometimes creates more than it destroys. Sometimes, it destroys more than it creates. But it is never one-sided." Neil Postman
Psychosis is one TYPE of mental illness.

The title of this article is very misleading.

no is not... the off labile use of anti-psychotics is out of control...and almost all all so called mental illness is treated with basically the same handful of psychotropic and neroleptic drugs alone or in some combination

[ame=]‪Eli Lilly $1.42 Billion Zyprexa Settlement - Steve Sheller on Fox News‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]‪St. Petersburg Times Reports on Zyprexa‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]‪Alert on Atypical Antipsychotics (June 2005)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

The Wholesale Drugging of America's Children


by Vincent H. Miller

As if the modern public-school curriculum, the cult of political correctness, and network TV weren't enough to turn our young people into a nation of zombies, there are even worse evils with which we now have to contend. I refer of course to the madness of drugging children with psychoactive drugs – primarily in the government school system.

The practice has reached virtual epidemic proportions with an estimated 5 million children being subjected to drugs such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamines (Dexedrine, Adderall). A recent Duke University study revealed that more than 7% of children are receiving stimulants. A Virginia study showed that 10% of children are receiving stimulants in school, and probably a greater number than that if you include children medicated before coming to school. In addition, a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has shown a 3-fold increase in Ritalin subscriptions to toddlers, ages 2 to 4. All this in order to counteract highly questionable and probably concocted "disorders" – Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

ISIL – Freedom Network News – Drugging of America's Children

Damage - Killing Kids
For Money

1. Before the approval of aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful, E951, Canderel) there was no epidemic of Ritalin use or epidemic of learning disorders and behavioral problems. Renowned neuroscientist, Dr. John Olney, predicted what would happen to the brains of our children if aspartame was approved, especially in combination with MSG
. Has DNA damage been proven? Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Dr. Russell Blaylock discussed the Trocho Study done in l998 in Barcelona to the Minneapolis Neuropathy Association in l999. He said: "A recent study by Trocho, Pardo and co-workers, have demonstrated that following aspartame ingestion, significant amounts of formaldehyde accumulate in the tissues. Formaldehyde is known to bind strongly to proteins and nucleic acids, forming adducts that are extremely difficult to eliminate through normal metabolic pathways.

"In this study, they demonstrated that labeled methanol ( as formaldehyde) accumulated in high concentrations in the liver (50%) and in lower, but substantial, concenetrations in the kidney, adipose tissue, brain and retina. Within the cell, they found large amounts located within the DNA. It was interesting to note that these doses were lower than that used in toxicity studies. Previous studies have shown that very high doses of aspartame may not cause acute symptomalogy. This study indicates the damage may necessitate longer periods of time to manifest itself and that the eventual effects can be quite deleterious."

Having spoken to many people in the media who have tried to interview the researchers in Barcelona, I can tell you they won't be doing more studies on aspartame and they won't talk. They have been threatened. This is one of the damning scientific peer reviewed studies done on aspartame. When you damage DNA you can destroy humanity.

Ritalin-Aspartame-Chromosome Damage - Killing Kids For Money
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Just saw this today. "Some of the richest countries have the highest rates of depression, new research suggests.

An international team of researchers collected the results of face-to-face interviews of nearly 90,000 people considered representatives of their population. The interviews were conducted in community settings in 18 countries, and the interviewers used a standard diagnostic test from the World Health Organization to assess depression.

In the 10 countries considered high-income, an average of 15% of participants said they’d experienced a depressive episode in their lifetime. France, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the U.S. all had rates higher than 18%." Depression: Affluent countries have higher rates of depression -
Just saw this today. "Some of the richest countries have the highest rates of depression, new research suggests.

An international team of researchers collected the results of face-to-face interviews of nearly 90,000 people considered representatives of their population. The interviews were conducted in community settings in 18 countries, and the interviewers used a standard diagnostic test from the World Health Organization to assess depression.

In the 10 countries considered high-income, an average of 15% of participants said they’d experienced a depressive episode in their lifetime. France, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the U.S. all had rates higher than 18%." Depression: Affluent countries have higher rates of depression -

Can't buy me love, love
Can't buy me love

I'll buy you drug store things my friend if it makes you feel alright
I'll get you pharma bling my friend if it makes you feel alright
'Cause I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love

I'll give you all my stash if you say you love me too
I may not have a lot to give but what I got I'll give to you
I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love

Can't buy me love, everybody tells me so
Can't buy me love, no no no, no
My point is merely that most of the mental diagosises that people are taking psychotropic medications for are NOT PSYCHOTIC.

Depression is NOT psychosis

ADHD is NOT psychosis


Psychosis is a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or nonexistent sense of objective reality.

Patients suffering from psychosis have impaired reality testing; that is, they are unable to distinguish personal subjective experience from the reality of the external world. They experience hallucinations and/or delusions that they believe are real, and may behave and communicate in an inappropriate and incoherent fashion. Psychosis may appear as a symptom of a number of mental disorders, including mood and personality disorders. It is also the defining feature of schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, and the psychotic disorders (i.e., brief psychotic disorder, shared psychotic disorder, psychotic disorder due to a general medical condition, and substance-induced psychotic disorder).


Do people take too many drugs for mental problems?


Are most Americans taking those drugs for psychotic conditions?

Not mostly, no.
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Just saw this today. "Some of the richest countries have the highest rates of depression, new research suggests.

An international team of researchers collected the results of face-to-face interviews of nearly 90,000 people considered representatives of their population. The interviews were conducted in community settings in 18 countries, and the interviewers used a standard diagnostic test from the World Health Organization to assess depression.

In the 10 countries considered high-income, an average of 15% of participants said they’d experienced a depressive episode in their lifetime. France, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the U.S. all had rates higher than 18%." Depression: Affluent countries have higher rates of depression -
I hope this study wasn't funded with a government grant. It's rather obvious. I doubt the poor have a visit to see a therapist high on their weekly expenditure priority list.
My point is merely that most of the mental diagosises that people are taking psychotropic medications for are NOT PSYCHOTIC.

Depression is NOT psychosis

ADHD is NOT psychosis


Psychosis is a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or nonexistent sense of objective reality.

Patients suffering from psychosis have impaired reality testing; that is, they are unable to distinguish personal subjective experience from the reality of the external world. They experience hallucinations and/or delusions that they believe are real, and may behave and communicate in an inappropriate and incoherent fashion. Psychosis may appear as a symptom of a number of mental disorders, including mood and personality disorders. It is also the defining feature of schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, and the psychotic disorders (i.e., brief psychotic disorder, shared psychotic disorder, psychotic disorder due to a general medical condition, and substance-induced psychotic disorder).


Do people take too many drugs for mental problems?


Are most Americans taking those drugs for psychotic conditions?

Not mostly, no.

Sense a predatory system moving the goal posts to it's advantage Editec?

You'd be right, of course. There are, imho, lumpers and sorters

lumpers tend to throw everything under an umbrella definition, sorters like the opposite

the OP's title follows suit, but then so does every componet in the system on down

For example, we see nothing sorting reactive from endogenous, instead it's all lumped catagorically towards vauge terminology .

The phenomenon continues in our diagnostics.

as well as those empowered to predicate upon vagarities

pharmacutically f*cking the children , f*cking the seniors, and anyone with so much as a complaint inbettween

Antidepressants put women at higher risk of stroke...
Depressed women have higher risk of stroke
08/11/2011 - Women who take antidepressants have something new to worry about: They could be at increased risk of having a stroke, Harvard researchers say.
A study published today in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association reports that women with a history of depression have a 29% greater risk of having a stroke than non-depressed women, and those who take antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs (such as Prozac or Zoloft), face a 39% higher risk . "Depression has now been linked to stroke as well as cardiovascular disease in general," says internist Kathryn Rexrode, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, the study's senior author. But "these are modest elevations in risk," she says, and should not lead women to stop taking their antidepressants. "Although we found women who took antidepressants were at higher risk, I don't have anything to indicate it's because of the medications," she says.

Use of antidepressants indicates more severe depression, says lead researcher An Pan of the Harvard School of Public Health, and depression has been linked to stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, smoking and physical inactivity. The study followed 80,574 women ages 54 to 79 who are part of the Nurses' Health Study. Researchers examined participants' symptoms of depression, use of antidepressants and diagnoses of depression by doctors over six years, 2000 to 2006. At the outset, 22% of the women reported ever having depression, similar to the national prevalence of 20% in women, and over the course of the study, there were 1,033 stroke cases.

Findings may not apply to men, Pan says. Depression is twice as likely in women as in men; reasons for the gender differences are not known. The study is important because it draws a link between stroke risk and a history of depression, says Philip Gorelick, director of the Center for Stroke Research at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, who was not involved in the research. "This relationship has been suspected for a long time, but has not received the study and attention that it might deserve."

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the USA, after heart disease and cancer, and it hits 425,000 women a year, 55,000 more than men, the National Stroke Association says. To reduce risk of stroke, Pan says, women can make changes in behavior — quit smoking, follow a healthier diet, exercise — and work with doctors to make sure diabetes and blood pressure are under control. If you might be depressed, he says, talk to a doctor to see if treatment, whether counseling or medication, is needed. Doctors and others mental health workers "should be aware of the stroke-depression-antidepressant medication association," Gorelick says, and make sure patients with depression are screened and treated for stroke and heart disease risk factors.

Just saw this today. "Some of the richest countries have the highest rates of depression, new research suggests.

An international team of researchers collected the results of face-to-face interviews of nearly 90,000 people considered representatives of their population. The interviews were conducted in community settings in 18 countries, and the interviewers used a standard diagnostic test from the World Health Organization to assess depression.

In the 10 countries considered high-income, an average of 15% of participants said they’d experienced a depressive episode in their lifetime. France, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the U.S. all had rates higher than 18%." Depression: Affluent countries have higher rates of depression -

When all you have to do is worry about getting the latest and greatest gadget or a new pair of ridiculously expensive shoes it's easy to be depressed.

When you actually have to get up and worry about food clothing and shelter there's no time to be depressed. You do it or you die.
Researchers link recurring depression and maltreatment in childhood...
Persistent depression risk 'doubles' in abused children
14 August 2011 - Childhood abuse doubles the risk of developing multiple and long-lasting episodes of depression, say scientists.
A review, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, also suggests these patients are less likely to respond to treatment. Nearly one in 20 people in the UK has this form of depression as a result of childhood abuse, say researchers. The charity Sane said the study highlighted how damaging childhood trauma could be. Depression in some form can affect one in five people at some point in their lives. Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London were investigating depression which keeps on recurring. They reviewed 16 studies, on a total of more than 23,000 patients, and found that maltreatment in childhood - such as rejection by the mother, harsh physical treatment or sexual abuse - more than doubled the risk of this type of depression.

One of the researchers, Dr Rudolf Uher, said: "If these things happen early in life, it is more powerful." In the UK, 16% of people develop persistent depression by the age of 33. A quarter of them, or 4% of the whole UK population, were maltreated as a child. A separate review on 3,098 people showed childhood maltreatment was also linked to a poorer response to both drug and psychological treatment. Dr Andrea Danese said: "Even for combined treatments, patients with a history of childhood maltreatment cannot be adequately cared for." Their report suggests "early preventive and therapeutic interventions may be more effective."

Lasting effect

There is no precise explanation of any link between abuse, changes in the body as a child and persistent depression 20 or more years later. Childhood maltreatment, it is thought, causes changes to the brain, immune system and some hormone glands - some of which are still present in adulthood. One possible mechanism is what is known as epigenetic changes to the DNA. While there is no change in the genetic code, the environment can alter the way genes are expressed.

Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity Sane, said: "It may seem obvious that traumatic events in our lives can make us depressed, but this study highlights how particularly damaging such traumas can be when experienced during childhood, when our brains are still developing. "We should all be concerned at how abuse and neglect creates a painful legacy that can last a lifetime, increasing our chances of experiencing repeated episodes of depression and reducing the effects of those treatments that are available to us. "Yet we should not lose hope. Research such as this can point the way to better treatments and preventative measures."

BBC News - Persistent depression risk &#039;doubles&#039; in abused children

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