Many Republicans Want an Unconstrained President

Yeah, I don't know either but it isn't likely that allowing Putin to roll over Europe is the best way to stop WW3.
The USG created the situation in Ukraine, and the idea that Putin wants to roll over Europe is insane.
You didn't answer my question.

Do you like Putin?
You're not posting in good faith, but rather continuing to troll.

This will diminish what credibility you may possess here.

Take care.
They were appointed by Trump specifically. The written account of the call was accurate, according to Trump.

Trump and his cronies defended his right to use the government to attack Biden.
They were hired by trump after suggestions from other deep state hacks!
Nearly half of Republicans polled want a quasi-elected dictator or monarch, according to a recent poll. They feel a president should be able to operate with little interference from the courts or Congress, or in other words, the very checks and balances that keep us from being a dictatorship. 47% of Republicans who agreed with the minimal checks and balances statement are also supporting Trump for president. They would feel very differently, of course, were it Obama or Biden.

This is who MAGA is.

Biden is a Dick Tater
The USG created the situation in Ukraine, and the idea that Putin wants to roll over Europe is insane.

Yes. Putin attacks a country and it's the USGs fault. I get that you believe that.

You're not posting in good faith, but rather continuing to troll.

This will diminish what credibility you may possess here.

Take care.
Your response is telling...but the question is not trolling.

You take care as well.
Yes. Putin attacks a country and it's the USGs fault.
In this instance, yes.
I get that you believe that.
I get that you believe what you're told by your preferred echo chamber.
Your response is telling
If only you could listen.
...but the question is not trolling.
Of course it is, but your juvenile denialism and tunnel vision may be so habitual that you can no longer recognize it.
You take care as well.
Thank you.
^ Trolling without content.
This is trolling without content.
Your ignorance is tragic and astonishing; please educate yourself.

Or continue being a dupe for warmongering psychopaths; your call.
It’s meaningless and evading any attempt to explain an unsupportable position that anyone made it necessary for Putin to invade Ukraine.
In this instance, yes.

Thanks for your honesty.

I get that you believe what you're told by your preferred echo chamber.

What is my echo chamber?

If only you could listen.

Of course it is, but your juvenile denialism and tunnel vision may be so habitual that you can no longer recognize it.

Thank you.
Not agreeing with you is not juvenile denialism.

What I know is over a few years Republicans went from "better dead then red" to supporting Putin attacking a country.
Nearly half of Republicans polled want a quasi-elected dictator or monarch, according to a recent poll. They feel a president should be able to operate with little interference from the courts or Congress, or in other words, the very checks and balances that keep us from being a dictatorship. 47% of Republicans who agreed with the minimal checks and balances statement are also supporting Trump for president. They would feel very differently, of course, were it Obama or Biden.

This is who MAGA is.

Makes you wonder what they ever believed America was all about.
I can’t see that they so abandoned any principled views of a United America as much as they never really had one to begin with.
I hate to say this as it’s immediately attacked, but it seems more like they see their supremacy as being challenged so therefore all bets are off.
It’s the only thing I can think of that would affect so many in the same way.

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