Many "lost" voters have found their candidate in Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
Oh goody, they went from "lost" to "clueless"; personally I liked 'em better when they were "lost" as least then they were less dangerous to the rest of society.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Oh goody, they went from "lost" to "clueless"; personally I liked 'em better when they were "lost" as least then they were less dangerous to the rest of society.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
I would rather have trump over corrupt cankles ANY day.
And if few voters turn out, that is probably what we would get.
His lunacy is no worse than the corruption and lies we have had for decades.
In fact, I saw an interview he did a week or 2 ago and all I could say was "he didn't look like a spoiled 12 year old!".
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
Oh goody, they went from "lost" to "clueless"; personally I liked 'em better when they were "lost" as least then they were less dangerous to the rest of society.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
I would rather have trump over corrupt cankles ANY day.
Umm..okay, but you do realize that's like saying you'd rather be fucked in ass rather than being fucked in the mouth, either way you're getting fucked.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
Give me a fuckin break, Jillian. You are not NBC, quit parroting their bullshit.
BTW, he handled himself PERFECTLY when confronted with that meme a few days ago.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
Give me a fuckin break, Jillian. You are not NBC, quit parroting their bullshit.
BTW, he handled himself PERFECTLY when confronted with that meme a few days ago.

i'm not "parroting" anything. stop spewing faux news nonsense.

he's disgusting. i can judge that on my own. i don't need it curated by anyone, unlike the denizens of the rightwing blogosphere). you can justify bigotry any way you'd like. it doesn't fly with me. never will.

or is this like.. don't believe your ears and eyes... believe what *I* tell you.

sorry. what you "tell me" is nonsense.

angry white christian males need to get a life.
Oh goody, they went from "lost" to "clueless"; personally I liked 'em better when they were "lost" as least then they were less dangerous to the rest of society.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
I would rather have trump over corrupt cankles ANY day.
Umm..okay, but you do realize that's like saying you'd rather be fucked in ass rather than being fucked in the mouth, either way you're getting fucked.
I will repeat, "I would rather have trump than corrupt cankles ANY day".
We have a politician running(that actually has a chance) that will be focused on America. Say what you want, but THAT change is fine with me.
He will actually focus on the ISSUES and not worried about PC band-aids that will only end up fucking us in the long run.
Sorry, I must have given you too much credit..
These are the people that haven't been voting in years. Which would mean, they haven't been contributing to the fucked up plutocracy we are evolving into.

Actually, they have been participating, through their apathy. Apathy of the American voter is the leading cause. Which supports my point. People are stupid. Apathy mixed with the hope for improvement or change is an expression of stupidity.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
Give me a fuckin break, Jillian. You are not NBC, quit parroting their bullshit.
BTW, he handled himself PERFECTLY when confronted with that meme a few days ago.

i'm not "parroting" anything. stop spewing faux news nonsense.

he's disgusting. i can judge that on my own. i don't need it curated by anyone, unlike the denizens of the rightwing blogosphere). you can justify bigotry any way you'd like. it doesn't fly with me. never will.

or is this like.. don't believe your ears and eyes... believe what *I* tell you.

sorry. what you "tell me" is nonsense.

angry white christian males need to get a life.
Bernie is just as angry as trump. If not more angry.
Jilly, you spit LSM rhetoric CONSTANTLY. Lets be real.
Lets start by you answering what makes him bigoted?
Sorry, I must have given you too much credit..
These are the people that haven't been voting in years. Which would mean, they haven't been contributing to the fucked up plutocracy we are evolving into.

Actually, they have been participating, through their apathy. Apathy of the American voter is the leading cause. Which supports my point. People are stupid. Apathy mixed with the hope for improvement or change is an expression of stupidity.
Well, that settles it! Lets none of us vote since THAT is how we will solve this! :lol:
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
Give me a fuckin break, Jillian. You are not NBC, quit parroting their bullshit.
BTW, he handled himself PERFECTLY when confronted with that meme a few days ago.

i'm not "parroting" anything. stop spewing faux news nonsense.

he's disgusting. i can judge that on my own. i don't need it curated by anyone, unlike the denizens of the rightwing blogosphere). you can justify bigotry any way you'd like. it doesn't fly with me. never will.

or is this like.. don't believe your ears and eyes... believe what *I* tell you.

sorry. what you "tell me" is nonsense.

angry white christian males need to get a life.
Bernie is just as angry as trump. If not more angry.
Jilly, you spit LSM rhetoric CONSTANTLY. Lets be real.
Lets start by you answering what makes him bigoted?

bernie isn't angry at everyone who isn't white and christian. it isn't racist.

and if you were actually serious about discussing these things, stop playing the "let's insult jill because we disagree with her" BS.

mmmkay. you know how to have a disagreement with me. try it again.
i'm not "parroting" anything. stop spewing faux news nonsense.
Uh-huh, so you're not a hyper-partisan parrot , you just play one on the Internet. :rolleyes:

The only thing that's worse than pom-pom waiving, partisan automatons are pom-pom waiving, partisan automatons in denial.

only if by "hyper-partisan" you mean someone who's voted for multiple republican mayors and governors before the GOP got hijacked by the nutcases


but it's always amusing when hyper partisan rightwingnut jerks resent having their bigotry pointed out and resort to calling *me* partisan.

but whatever rocks you.

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