

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This short-story I cooked up about crime-fighting was inspired by the films Manhunter and Batman Begins.

It's interesting to me how modern-age urbanization breeds all kind of 'suspect storytelling.'



Alastair was an ex-cop who became an American vigilante known as The Sentinel. Alastair helped Chicago police nab a ruthless druglord, a terrorist known as Red Mask, and a terrible and corrupt city official named Tim Timmy. He was considered a savior in underground circles and was considering retiring when he met a beautiful young woman named Shelbye Nash at a coffee-shop one Friday evening. Alastair and Shelbye were engaged to be married and were going to relocate to Martha's Vineyard. Everything was set.

Two months before Alastair was going to move to Martha's Vineyard with Shelbye, he got a call from Commissioner Godon of the Chicago Police Department: "We got a real tough case this time, Sentinel. This one has your name all over it --- if you're willing to take the case. It's a bad one too!" Alastair reluctantly accepted the mission, when he realized Godon was desperate. He got the files of the bizarre serial killer the Chicago police were hunting --- a horror-film copycat psycho calling himself 'Leatherface.'

Leatherface had killed 3 police officers, two post office workers, and 1 city official. He took his victims back to his apartment/residence, skinned them alive, and then burned them. He used their skin to make masks for himself (hence his alias, 'Leatherface'). He used a chainsaw to rip off the left arm of the police officers he killed, and he kept the arms as souvenirs! Alastair was in pure shock, not knowing fully what to do about this completely unreasonable 'American psycho.' He started reading about criminal insanity at the University of Chicago library.

Alastair tracked down Leatherface to an abandoned warehouse outside of Chicago and tied him up and delivered him to Commissioner Godon the next day. However, the night before, he held Leatherface at his own warehouse and interrogated him about the gross nature of his crimes and his unusual intentionality. Alastair (aka, 'The Sentinel') wanted to understand how a mind could resort to such anti-social malice and criminality before he prepared to retire in happiness with his girlfriend Shelbye to Martha's Vineyard. The interview would change the way Alastair thought about psychiatric naivete.

SENTINEL: Why did you use a chainsaw and copycat an American horror film ghoul?
LEATHERFACE: I wanted people to better appreciate the gravity of art and the social neglect of psychology!
SENTINEL: Are you mad? Why did you make masks out of human skin?
LEATHERFACE: Aren't you sick of this modern-day hypnosis with Facebook and fashion?
SENTINEL: Are you some kind of 'anti-social prophet'?
LEATHERFACE: I simply want people to respect the value of alternative social philosophies.
SENTINEL: Such as terror/terrorism?
LEATHERFACE: No. Absurdism (as a defiance of pedestrian apathy).
SENTINEL: Are you 'jaded' by our 'consumerism-focused' TrumpUSA?
LEATHERFACE: I don't think Americans respect capitalism enough to understand the scope of profiteerism.
SENTINEL: So, you think America is somehow corrupt or shallow?
LEATHERFACE: I think American companies such as Starbucks are emblematic of a 'caffeine-culture.'
SENTINEL: I think I understand, but what is the purpose of torture and disfiguring/hobbling human beings?
LEATHERFACE: People are deformed spiritually, so they should look the way they think!
SENTINEL: Are you above reproach?
LEATHERFACE: I'm simply a messenger...
SENTINEL: If you think you're trying to 'teach' America something, you should have considered legal routes.
LEATHERFACE: Some people are born to be scapegoats.
SENTINEL: Well, I'm sure you'll analyze yourself at Arkham Asylum or before God.
LEATHERFACE: I'd be surprised if anyone can understand my true angst.
SENTINEL: Your angst is your own, but your rage has become the bane of others...
LEATHERFACE: Another Leatherface-copycat will rise in ranks in the future (to prophesy against Facebook!).
SENTINEL: Well then, I'm sure there will be another Sentinel!


Femme Fatale

Since the first post of this thread was very male-centric, I thought I'd add a little 'gender-intrigue' with this 'image-corruption' dialogue between Sindel (a fictional female warrior-ruler) and Kitana (her impressive princess-daughter) from the confrontation-fantasy Mortal Kombat video game franchise.


SINDEL: Are you a fan of gender characterizations in modern media on Earth, my daughter?
KITANA: Well, mother, I like Heather Locklear from TJ Hooker and the siren-logo from Starbucks.
SINDEL: Yes, those two media 'images' are both symbolic of pedestrian 'sanity.'
KITANA: Do you suspect 'foul-play' in gender-idealism regarding those two images?
SINDEL: No, they're both 'popular' images of women in the work-place (civics, consumerism, etc.).
KITANA: Do you think they're not 'inspiring' enough to motivate women to think about democratic equity?
SINDEL: I believe capitalism-culture makes civics and consumerism somewhat suspect to impressionable students.
KITANA: Give me an example...
SINDEL: Arthur Penn's crime-sentiment film Bonnie and Clyde.
KITANA: Do you think that film motivates people to 'romanticize' crime and anti-social angst?
SINDEL: Federalism is banking on Earth, and Penn's film glorifies rebelliousness and hence alludes to 'criminality.'
KITANA: What's the difference between 'hysteria' and 'gibberish'?
SINDEL: When you distribute gender-allusory images of labor and fortune (e.g., Starbucks), people think about greed.
KITANA: So you believe that men (who are competitive in spirit) exploit gender-dialogue regarding luxury?
SINDEL: I think that criminality is sometimes linked to poverty...
KITANA: That would explain the copycat-crimes modelled after Oliver Stone's violence-glorifying film Natural Born Killers.
SINDEL: Yes, images of crime in popular media (e.g., Hollywood films) lure people into 'daredevil thinking.'
KITANA: So we should pursue dangerous male criminals (e.g., Baraka, Gacy) with 'capitalism psychiatry'...
SINDEL: It would help more than pursuing them with 'feminine legalese'...
KITANA: In that case, we should hype the gender-detention film Milk Money!



Finally, here's another addition --- this one is about an extra-terrestrial, offering a perspective on criminality from a dimensionality 'angle.' It is inspired by an episode of the A.I. fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers (Hasbro) cartoon episode titled The Burden Hardest to Bear.


Scourge was a smart robot from Cybertron who landed on Earth with the devious intention to kidnap every drug-dealer in America and take them back to Cybertron to train them to be a parasitic army for his Decepticon team (so they could vie with the patriot Autobot robots who would be more reluctant to fire at humanoids). When the cunning Scourge landed on Earth, he was horrified to discover a truly 'dark city' in a place called Los Angeles (California). Los Angeles (or 'LA') was being controlled (in the year 2036) by a ruthless crime-master named Leatherface who worked for a Mexican druglord named Pinhead. Leatherface was kidnapping prostitutes and working-girls and making them slaves, forcing them to become cannibals and eating hostages (mostly male policemen) he brought to his ugly 'lair.'

As Scourge learned more and more about humans and the evil deeds of Leatherface and his ruthless master Pinhead, he found his body changing shape and slowly becoming deformed. Scourge realized his 'brand' of war and cutthroat psychology (known to Cybertronians) paled in comparison to the bizarre and overly-ambitious evil aspirations of these otherwise small-sized and ant-like 'humans.' Scourge's metaphysical anguish at witnessing all this was continuing to deform his spirit (and his metal body), and he started resembling a robot that was literally melting and becoming some sort of 'robotoid' ghoul!

Scourge decided to flee back to Cybertron and when he told his Decepticon master (Galvatron) about what he saw on the planet Earth (in a place called Los Angeles), his master told him, "You were becoming a ghoul, since you were not used to witnessing seemingly simple and vulnerable creatures engage in acts deemed to be extraordinarily evil and machinating." Galvatron decided to send back an entire team of Decepticons to Earth where they would colonize and serve as 'spiritual gurus,' teaching humanity about more practical and feasible (and less bizarre) methods of creating fascism dominions. However, the Autobot robot-spy Rewind recorded Galvatron's words and the Autobots soon planned a heroic 'political rescue' of humanity, determined to save it from a literal 'manslayer lava.'



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