Manhattan Lair: New Age Sharia (Dan Brown)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does modern media stir your curiosity about polemics?

This 'sanity-yarn' was inspired by Angels and Demons (Dan Brown).




A Christian gathering in New York City found some intriguing comments by philosophers of Sharia/Muslim law who were blogging liberally on the Internet about new age social 'expressions' of religion and spirituality. These Sharia-critics were responding to the popularity of the new Christian 'apocrypha' works of Illuminati-writer Dan Brown.


A Wall Street yuppie named Steven lived in a Manhattan 'lair' and kept sacred paintings of Christian and Islamic imagery/art. Steven cared deeply about the modern 'marketing' of religion-oriented ideas/imagery. Steven was also a fan of the Dan Brown adapted films starring Tom Hanks, spotlighting the globalization relevance of Vatican and Mecca analyses/evaluations. This was the Age of CNN, after all!


Steven felt no qualms about keeping Christian and Islamic art in his Manhattan lair, since he felt that new age Sharia and conservative Christianity discussions/debates only praised free-speech values in the media. After all, censorship was a real threat to media, and Steven worried about new Orwellian trends in cinema and literature.


Steven began collecting Hawkman (DC Comics) art and comic books, since he wanted to compare the idyllic superhero (who wore a hawk-mask and had hawk-wings!) to Christian angels and archangels. Steven also began blogging portraits of Hawkman as representative of modern contemplation of metaphysics meditation and the potency of mysticism in our modern world otherwise flooded by merchandising and consumerism (e.g., NASDAQ). Hawkman was Steven's 'avatar' for free-speech idealism.


The proliferation of lifestyle-pizzazz stories and cartoons and comics and street-fun art and graffiti signaled a new age pedestrian interest in consumerism-oriented 'consciousness.' These fun-filled and sometimes graphic/sensual images reinforced in Steven's mind why the Christian 'apocrypha' Illuminati-writings of Dan Brown represented a modern interest in liberal evaluations of free-speech controversies. Steven contrasted the 'tattoo-wildness' of this era to the 'cool poetry' of the Beatnik generation. It all seemed rather...tasty.


Meanwhile, art-shows and pageants in NYC reflected a modern interest in lifestyle trends and glamorous expressions of 'aesthetics fitness.' Magazines such as Vogue, GQ, and People Magazine represented a pedestrian/consumerism interest in 'alternative hospitality.' The new film The Devil Wears Prada (Meryl Streep), a treatise on fashion and consciousness, suggested that Americans and Westerners in general were intrigued by 'roving fantasies.'


If Western 'wildness' affected fundamentalist-Muslim attitudes towards the 'exoticness' of modernization, would 9/11 be considered a sign of 'anti-consumerism backlash'? Many considered 9/11 to be the modern rendition of Pearl Harbor, since the destruction of the World Trade Center awoke people to the reality of anti-traffic angst. How would this impact the 'blending' of East and West customs and aesthetics? Why was Dan Brown so popular?


American marketing of eccentric comic book avatars, both male and female, represented a social fascination with expressive representations of 'evolving values,' and Dan Brown's works and movie-adaptations represented a new age global interest in religion dialogue. Steven wondered how Hawkman (DC Comics) could be paired with attractive/unusual female avatars and 'superheroines' such as Catwoman for evaluations of 'New York imagination.' After all, Manhattan was a hub for general American urban eccentricity. Would comic book art create patriotism...or terrorism?


As the Manhattan night-scene became more erotic and gender-centric, the popularity of female politicians Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton grew. The popularity of female comic book avatars including Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Supergirl, and Poison Ivy signaled a pedestrian fascination with the embracing of gender-fitness and liberal treatments of the feminine flesh. In the East, Muslim women were completely veiled, while in the West, American/Christian women were liberally arrayed in 'experimental poses.'


The gothic urban-vigilante comic book 'anti-hero' the Crow, created by writer/illustrator James O'Barr, signified a completely modern interest in urbanization-paranoia related vigilance and justice-fantasies. The new 'philosopher' was the TV-watching and Internet-surfing 'armchair warrior,' and O'Barr's Crow (portrayed brilliantly in Alex Proyas' film-adaptation The Crow starring Brandon Lee, who was mysteriously killed during the shooting of the film), captured all this new age global interest in the grave importance of thinking deeply about the 'contours' of complete ethics propaganda. The Crow was the new Captain America. Steven began ravenously collecting Crow art and comparing it with DC Comics' Hawkman and creating collages about the two iconic 'vigilante-angels' on the Internet paired with photos of himself posed/costumed as a 'prophet.' This was 'high graffiti'...not vandalism.


In Europe, fashionistas and the intelligentsia responded with street-pageants and underworld parties of great costumes and masquerading. These 'sub-culture' expressions of modern 'passions' illuminated to the studious Steven why the Christian 'apocrypha' Illuminati-writings of Dan Brown were so popular to modern pedestrians fascinated by this 'parade-aesthetic.' Would 9/11 be remembered as the 'shockwave' to new age chants? How was Dan Brown different from Deepak Chopra?


Steven also wondered why strange/eccentric video-games such as The Legend of Zelda were so popular among youngsters fascinated by all kinds of 'fantasy-adventure rhetoric.' Was modernism inspiring a new kind of 'netherworld' creativity? Would censorship threaten this new liberalism?


Steven compared this entire new Dan Brown intrigue with the Salman Rushdie Satanic Verses controversy. Steven wondered if a Western conservative Christianity borne censorship would parallel the fundamentalist-Muslim rage against Rushdie's incendiary treatment of the speculative and highly-questionable notion that the great Islamic prophet Muhammad was given 'seducing lyrics' by the Devil (Satan). Steven realized the reason Muslim terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11 may have been because the whole world was somewhat 'anxious' about all this 'liberal marketing.' Where then was the real 'Manhattan parade' for consumers wanting to revel in modern fitness (e.g., Times Square)?


TRUMP: I like Dan Brown.
CARTER: Yes, there's a Manhattan yuppie named Steven whose become a modern 'guru.'
TRUMP: I suppose Steven is like today's Bob Geldof...
CARTER: I think you're right!
TRUMP: Modern media caters to all kinds of chatter.
CARTER: Well, it can also create 'gibberish.'
TRUMP: That's why journalism is so darn valuable!
CARTER: Yes, American journalism is considered superior.
TRUMP: We have to be wary of censorship.
CARTER: What do you make of the MTV Generation?
TRUMP: I appreciate it when youngsters contribute to consumerism.
CARTER: Americans do make the best toys (Fisher-Price, Mattel, Hasbro).
TRUMP: My son (Trump, Jr.) is a big fan of Toys 'R Us.
CARTER: Yes, we should celebrate America's achievements in capitalism.
TRUMP: Modern media thrives on censorship-meditation.
CARTER: Liberals/democrats like talking about George Orwell.
TRUMP: Maybe this yuppie Steven you like so much is a 'party monster.'
CARTER: No; he's a real 'urban-thinker.'



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