Malik Obama Drops Obama’s Real Birth Certificate – It’s from Kenya


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Obama's Half Brother Just Released Photo Of Barack's 'Real' Birth Certificate, It's Turning Heads...

B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii.

his social security number is recycled and likely is stolen; the pdf of his birth certificate that was posted on the White House website is an obvious electronic forgery with its number likely stolen from dead baby Virginia Sunahara; his purported draft registration is bogus; when checked by the feral government’s own e-verify, he was flagged as a probable criminal identity fraud;
Holy shit. A former POTUS was never eligible to be president in the first place? This is the biggest scandal to ever rock American politics. Every conservative media outlet in the country must be jumping on this story. Oh. They aren't? Maybe because YOU'RE A FUCKING RETARD!!!
Holy shit. A former POTUS was never eligible to be president in the first place? This is the biggest scandal to ever rock American politics. Every conservative media outlet in the country must be jumping on this story. Oh. They aren't? Maybe because YOU'RE A FUCKING RETARD!!!
Idk man, this seems pretty legit

Obama's Half Brother Just Released Photo Of Barack's 'Real' Birth Certificate, It's Turning Heads...

B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii.

his social security number is recycled and likely is stolen; the pdf of his birth certificate that was posted on the White House website is an obvious electronic forgery with its number likely stolen from dead baby Virginia Sunahara; his purported draft registration is bogus; when checked by the feral government’s own e-verify, he was flagged as a probable criminal identity fraud;
The reason why the libtards are out circling the wagons, is because, if this is true, everything that Obama signed into Law, is null and void. That is why they are running scared. No more Obummercare. No more unlimited Welfare(back to 5 years that Clinton Signed). It is going to be funny as hell, when the left strings up the blackman like they did under the KKK.
Seriously, the meat puppet faggot is out of the WH, can we just be delighted about it and move on?
Why are conservatives and republicans and the right wing in America so darn dumb? They are still talking about one of our great presidents, an administration that accomplished heathcare, a task no one thought possible and the right is still arguing birth certificates? Come on dummies, Pres Obama was born in the galaxy MACS0647-JD several million years ago. Time you guys got up to speed. Remember that ok.

"Some of the ones that I focus on in my own research include aspects of causal reasoning, which relates to explanation, but also diverges from it in various cases; also, aspects of moral reasoning. Why do we have the particular moral beliefs that we do? How do we evaluate when someone is blameworthy and when they should be punished? You also see this in many other cases: aspects of language, aspects of how we think about other people's minds, aspects of how we think about social structure. These are all topics that we benefit from the insights of both philosophy and psychology." Tania Lombrozo

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LOL... "great president???" LOL... "Gave us health care???" LOL... I had better access before he was elected idiot.

Fucking dumbass zealot...

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