Malik Obama Drops Obama's Real Birth Certificate Its from Kenya!


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016

B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii

Obama destroying America was by design. Obamacare was designed to fall. What do you expect from a Muslim.

B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii

Obama destroying America was by design. Obamacare was designed to fall. What do you expect from a Muslim.

Obama was the worst mistake this country ever made. It's a shame the first black POTUS was this loser

I don't know why Progressives aren't cheering the fact that Soros and the Jihadis got a Kenyan into the Presidency. They should be proud. But, as usual, they first have to have their "ideas" fed into the collective
Now boys, it's funny that you're still butt hurt that a black man was President or at least it was. He's been gone for over a year now. It may be time to get over your anger.

B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii

Obama destroying America was by design. Obamacare was designed to fall. What do you expect from a Muslim.

Hey, you finally found his real birth certificate. Now he’ll certainly never get elected president.
On another note, do you notice how NONE of Barack Obama's family has anything to do with him? Maybe the feeling is mutual. In any event, what does it tell you that Barack Obama's OWN FAMILY despises him?
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If true I wonder if he could be arrested for falsifying his homeland.

No one not born in the US is supposed to be able to run for POTUS.

How many years in prison would be involved. He would also lose his pension as POTUS.

Stay tuned. LOL
Ok children, gather 'round.

This is the same fake that has been making the rounds on the internet since 2009, and was "released" before by his half brother back March of 2017.

Listen to Uncle Crepitus, this is not news. It if fake. Don't fall for it, it will only make you look silly.
If true I wonder if he could be arrested for falsifying his homeland.

No one not born in the US is supposed to be able to run for POTUS.

How many years in prison would be involved. He would also lose his pension as POTUS.

Stay tuned. LOL

I don't care if you found an 8mm movie film of the meat puppet being born in Kenya, with Nikita Khrushchev delivering IT, and Mao Zedong in the back ground performing a satanic ritual and sacrificing a 13 y/o blond virgin girl to lucifer.

Nothing will change.

The meat puppet faggot is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Hitlary is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Soros is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Perhaps they'll go to hell, but do not hold out hope that our government is suddenly going to grow an ethical set of testicles and hold purge it's own tumors.

On another note, do you notice how NONE of Barack Obama's family has anything to do with him? Maybe the feeling is mutual. In any event, what does it tell you that Barack Obama's OWN FAMILY despises him?
I don't think they despise him, they just never hear from him.
He didn't grow up around them so the closeness most people have with family members isn't there.
On another note, do you notice how NONE of Barack Obama's family has anything to do with him? Maybe the feeling is mutual. In any event, what does it tell you that Barack Obama's OWN FAMILY despises him?

Total nonsense.

Meanwhile, nobody ever see’s Trump’s family. And they live here.

Tells you all you need to know about the pervert.
If true I wonder if he could be arrested for falsifying his homeland.

No one not born in the US is supposed to be able to run for POTUS.

How many years in prison would be involved. He would also lose his pension as POTUS.

Stay tuned. LOL

I don't care if you found an 8mm movie film of the meat puppet being born in Kenya, with Nikita Khrushchev delivering IT, and Mao Zedong in the back ground performing a satanic ritual and sacrificing a 13 y/o blond virgin girl to lucifer.

Nothing will change.

The meat puppet faggot is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Hitlary is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Soros is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Perhaps they'll go to hell, but do not hold out hope that our government is suddenly going to grow an ethical set of testicles and hold purge it's own tumors.


Oh I agree. Even if they found proof he was born in Kenya they would do absolutely nothing.

Our Govt. lost its balls long ago and I doubt they will ever be found.

Who are you wand what did you do with the real Pete?

I have NEVER bought into the kenya bullshit.

That piece of shit was plopped out in Hawaii.

Further, like I said, even if absolute proof and sworn testimony from the MPF itself, that it was plopped out on kenyan dirt was presented it would make absolutely no difference.

Oh I agree. Even if they found proof he was born in Kenya they would do absolutely nothing.

Our Govt. lost its balls long ago and I doubt they will ever be found.

I think the real reason there is any question about it's origin, the MPF's "father" is actually Frank Marshal Davis.

The Kenya thing is a distraction.





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If true I wonder if he could be arrested for falsifying his homeland.

No one not born in the US is supposed to be able to run for POTUS.

How many years in prison would be involved. He would also lose his pension as POTUS.

Stay tuned. LOL

I don't care if you found an 8mm movie film of the meat puppet being born in Kenya, with Nikita Khrushchev delivering IT, and Mao Zedong in the back ground performing a satanic ritual and sacrificing a 13 y/o blond virgin girl to lucifer.

Nothing will change.

The meat puppet faggot is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Hitlary is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Soros is NEVER going to be held accountable.

Perhaps they'll go to hell, but do not hold out hope that our government is suddenly going to grow an ethical set of testicles and hold purge it's own tumors.


Oh I agree. Even if they found proof he was born in Kenya they would do absolutely nothing.

Our Govt. lost its balls long ago and I doubt they will ever be found.

Wait a sec…I thought the proof was in the OP? You’re not calling bullshit on it are you?
He didn't grow up around them so the closeness most people have with family members isn't there.

I understand. However, he was the president for 8 years. In all that time, did any of his family EVER visit? I don't think so. So why not? Obviously, Barack's half-brother can't stand Barack. Of course, that happens in many families. Nevertheless, the definite impression given is that Barack's family has no love for the guy. Obviously, they know what a snake he really is.
Total nonsense.

What's "total nonsense"? Are you telling us that Barack and George Obama are tight? Can you show a single instance of any of his family visiting the White House? For a guy who liked to preach about "inclusion", he wasn't very "inclusive" of his own fucking family. Thanks for the laugh. Now get back down on your knees and keep sucking Barack's cock.

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