Male teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender, Banned from Interne

14 year old girls don't look that young any more. With make up a 14 year old can look 20.
If you're a cradle robber.

One more time: I went to school with a girl who used her older sister's ID. She had ZERO trouble passing for 20 at 15, or 21 at 16! She did it for 3 years, and NEVER got caught!
Once again genius, a 14 yo doesn't have the life experience of a 21 yo. Passing to buy beer is not the same as passing yourself off as an adult. You clearly fall into the 'thinks with little head' camp.

And yet (one more time for the slow kid), in the dozens of times she did it, she never, one single time got found out! Not just to buy beer...hell, she got pulled over by a cop! Her ID said she was 21, she was 16...and he was none the wiser. Yes, it is certainly possible for a 14 year old to pass for 17!
And yet the pudding between the ears can't grasp that a dick doesn't have a conscience. If someone looks like they could be old enough and junior takes over you deserve what you get. A 14yo isn't an adult and can't act like one. Passing an id for beer isn't the same unless that's all you care about. That's why normal people get to know someone a little first.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Is this sinking through that thick skull yet? Yet again, for the REALLY slow kid: she did this literally DOZENS (probably hundreds) of times over the course of THREE YEARS. She interacted with many people, including being pulled over by the police. Not ONE of them ever so much as raised an eyebrow!
If you're a cradle robber.

One more time: I went to school with a girl who used her older sister's ID. She had ZERO trouble passing for 20 at 15, or 21 at 16! She did it for 3 years, and NEVER got caught!
Once again genius, a 14 yo doesn't have the life experience of a 21 yo. Passing to buy beer is not the same as passing yourself off as an adult. You clearly fall into the 'thinks with little head' camp.

And yet (one more time for the slow kid), in the dozens of times she did it, she never, one single time got found out! Not just to buy beer...hell, she got pulled over by a cop! Her ID said she was 21, she was 16...and he was none the wiser. Yes, it is certainly possible for a 14 year old to pass for 17!
And yet the pudding between the ears can't grasp that a dick doesn't have a conscience. If someone looks like they could be old enough and junior takes over you deserve what you get. A 14yo isn't an adult and can't act like one. Passing an id for beer isn't the same unless that's all you care about. That's why normal people get to know someone a little first.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Is this sinking through that thick skull yet? Yet again, for the REALLY slow kid: she did this literally DOZENS (probably hundreds) of times over the course of THREE YEARS. She interacted with many people, including being pulled over by the police. Not ONE of them ever so much as raised an eyebrow!

Eloquent, so you knew a girl who once passed herself off as 20 when she was 15 to buy beer and get into clubs.

How many times did she engage in sex with adult's in those four years before she turned 19 or even 18 (generally legal age of consent for sexual activity)? That's your entire contribution to the thread - that it once occurred with someone you are familiar with?

Anybody caught having sexual relations with her as an adult, when she was using a phony ID and passing herself off as an adult, in the State of Michigan, would have been charged with sexual misconduct, convicted, and gone onto the sexual predator list. End of your contribution to what is fair, and what isn't.

What you are missing, every one of you who believes the sentence was too severe, is that 19-year old adults can not legally have sex with 14-year old female children, because the law is specific - they are considered children, no matter what they portray themselves as. Therefore, incapable, legally to give consent. It doesn't come under the state "Romeo & Juliet Law" exception, he solicited her via social media, and took the chance, and lost.

The law is in place to protect the under age children - by prosecuting and extracting a harsh penalty from adults who are preying on them, and the laws required the adult to determine the age of their sexual partner before engaging in sexual activity.

An adult male, age 19- is just out of high school, generally, having spent the previous four years, we assume, in a high school environment. He certainly should be able to tell whether the girl is 18-19, or a 14-year old Freshman, even better than most adults. He solicited sex from a minor, also a sexual crime in Michigan, by using the internet, and consummated the act with a minor - and got caught. Sorry - no - no pity or concern for this dummy is warranted.
One more time: I went to school with a girl who used her older sister's ID. She had ZERO trouble passing for 20 at 15, or 21 at 16! She did it for 3 years, and NEVER got caught!
Once again genius, a 14 yo doesn't have the life experience of a 21 yo. Passing to buy beer is not the same as passing yourself off as an adult. You clearly fall into the 'thinks with little head' camp.

And yet (one more time for the slow kid), in the dozens of times she did it, she never, one single time got found out! Not just to buy beer...hell, she got pulled over by a cop! Her ID said she was 21, she was 16...and he was none the wiser. Yes, it is certainly possible for a 14 year old to pass for 17!
And yet the pudding between the ears can't grasp that a dick doesn't have a conscience. If someone looks like they could be old enough and junior takes over you deserve what you get. A 14yo isn't an adult and can't act like one. Passing an id for beer isn't the same unless that's all you care about. That's why normal people get to know someone a little first.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Is this sinking through that thick skull yet? Yet again, for the REALLY slow kid: she did this literally DOZENS (probably hundreds) of times over the course of THREE YEARS. She interacted with many people, including being pulled over by the police. Not ONE of them ever so much as raised an eyebrow!

Eloquent, so you knew a girl who once passed herself off as 20 when she was 15 to buy beer and get into clubs.

How many times did she engage in sex with adult's in those four years before she turned 19 or even 18 (generally legal age of consent for sexual activity)? That's your entire contribution to the thread - that it once occurred with someone you are familiar with?

Anybody caught having sexual relations with her as an adult, when she was using a phony ID and passing herself off as an adult, in the State of Michigan, would have been charged with sexual misconduct, convicted, and gone onto the sexual predator list. End of your contribution to what is fair, and what isn't.

What you are missing, every one of you who believes the sentence was too severe, is that 19-year old adults can not legally have sex with 14-year old female children, because the law is specific - they are considered children, no matter what they portray themselves as. Therefore, incapable, legally to give consent. It doesn't come under the state "Romeo & Juliet Law" exception, he solicited her via social media, and took the chance, and lost.

The law is in place to protect the under age children - by prosecuting and extracting a harsh penalty from adults who are preying on them, and the laws required the adult to determine the age of their sexual partner before engaging in sexual activity.

An adult male, age 19- is just out of high school, generally, having spent the previous four years, we assume, in a high school environment. He certainly should be able to tell whether the girl is 18-19, or a 14-year old Freshman, even better than most adults. He solicited sex from a minor, also a sexual crime in Michigan, by using the internet, and consummated the act with a minor - and got caught. Sorry - no - no pity or concern for this dummy is warranted.

He didn't solicit her. You're an idiot.

Seriously, just go slit your throat, you are a waste of every resource you consume.
Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the "Hot or Not?" app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up. Once.

But it turned out the girl was really 14. She'd lied to Anderson and also in her profile. Now Zach sits in a Michigan jail, serving 90 days. When he gets out he will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 25 years...

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."...

Now, in addition to registering as a sex offender, Anderson will spend five years on probation, during which time he will not be allowed to live in a home where there is internet access or a smart phone. He will obviously have to change his major. And he is forbidden to talk to anyone under age 17, except his brothers....
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

how long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?

It sounds like the Judge is the one with the problem, neither the girl or boys parents wanted him to have this record.

From article you linked:

But court records show that Berrien County District Court Judge Dennis Wiley (who once jailed a woman for 10 days over Christmas because she cursed while paying a traffic ticket in the county clerk’s office) paid none of the participants any mind. At sentencing he told Anderson, "You went online, to use a fisherman's expression, trolling for women to meet and have sex with. That seems to be part of our culture now: meet, hook up, have sex, sayonara. Totally inappropriate behavior. There is no excuse for this whatsoever."

The Judge is just being ridiculous.
I fail to see how anyone could be stupid enough to believe that a person who LIED to another person in order to get them to commit a crime aided and abetted that person in committing a crime.

I'm fairly certain, absent evidence to the contrary, that this kid would have ran like hell had she told him she was 14.

Therefor SHE caused the crime to be committed.

its statutory raping, and not leniency, just not ruining someones life when he had no intent of committing the crime he is accused of.

He should go to jail for a set time as punishment, then let go. that's it.

He should have gotten time served, probation, and a hearty, "YOU DUMBASS!" from the judge.

And then released back into the community, with no information on file that he is a sexual predator, a requirement under Michigan law? So he could surf the internet again, and prey upon another 10-12-13-14-15-16-17 year old innocent females posing with a fake ID, like she is of age? Kids know how to use computer's in the 4th grade, it is a parents responsibility to learn and control how they use social media, and restrict access which is inappropriate for their age.

That is the trouble with your liberalism in America, it releases criminals with a slap on the hand, to return to society to do exactly the same thing that got them into trouble in the first place. You think a sentence of "You Dumbass" is going to stop the guy from having sex? And if he was having trouble locating a sex partner, he is going to go right back onto the internet and do it again.

I really feel sorry for you guys, if you happen to be raising underage teenage daughter's, as your ideas here put them in great danger, and you put value in the idea that the child's parents, who did not have her under control raising her, by allowing her to set up a webpage advertising herself for sexual favors, should have their opinion carry any weight in exonerating the man who raped their 14-year old daughter. The judge should have had social services take the girl into custody removing her from their supervision, and the State's Attorney should have tried them for aiding and abetting a minor in criminal activity and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The judge and the law are protecting the community and the children - you think you know the law better than the judge, and want a sexual predator loose on the streets. Shameful..............
I fail to see how anyone could be stupid enough to believe that a person who LIED to another person in order to get them to commit a crime aided and abetted that person in committing a crime.

I'm fairly certain, absent evidence to the contrary, that this kid would have ran like hell had she told him she was 14.

Therefor SHE caused the crime to be committed.


She is underage, the only crime she could be charged with here is juvenile delinquency...........
One more time: I went to school with a girl who used her older sister's ID. She had ZERO trouble passing for 20 at 15, or 21 at 16! She did it for 3 years, and NEVER got caught!
Once again genius, a 14 yo doesn't have the life experience of a 21 yo. Passing to buy beer is not the same as passing yourself off as an adult. You clearly fall into the 'thinks with little head' camp.

And yet (one more time for the slow kid), in the dozens of times she did it, she never, one single time got found out! Not just to buy beer...hell, she got pulled over by a cop! Her ID said she was 21, she was 16...and he was none the wiser. Yes, it is certainly possible for a 14 year old to pass for 17!
And yet the pudding between the ears can't grasp that a dick doesn't have a conscience. If someone looks like they could be old enough and junior takes over you deserve what you get. A 14yo isn't an adult and can't act like one. Passing an id for beer isn't the same unless that's all you care about. That's why normal people get to know someone a little first.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Is this sinking through that thick skull yet? Yet again, for the REALLY slow kid: she did this literally DOZENS (probably hundreds) of times over the course of THREE YEARS. She interacted with many people, including being pulled over by the police. Not ONE of them ever so much as raised an eyebrow!

Eloquent, so you knew a girl who once passed herself off as 20 when she was 15 to buy beer and get into clubs.

How many times did she engage in sex with adult's in those four years before she turned 19 or even 18 (generally legal age of consent for sexual activity)? That's your entire contribution to the thread - that it once occurred with someone you are familiar with?

Anybody caught having sexual relations with her as an adult, when she was using a phony ID and passing herself off as an adult, in the State of Michigan, would have been charged with sexual misconduct, convicted, and gone onto the sexual predator list. End of your contribution to what is fair, and what isn't.

What you are missing, every one of you who believes the sentence was too severe, is that 19-year old adults can not legally have sex with 14-year old female children, because the law is specific - they are considered children, no matter what they portray themselves as. Therefore, incapable, legally to give consent. It doesn't come under the state "Romeo & Juliet Law" exception, he solicited her via social media, and took the chance, and lost.

The law is in place to protect the under age children - by prosecuting and extracting a harsh penalty from adults who are preying on them, and the laws required the adult to determine the age of their sexual partner before engaging in sexual activity.

An adult male, age 19- is just out of high school, generally, having spent the previous four years, we assume, in a high school environment. He certainly should be able to tell whether the girl is 18-19, or a 14-year old Freshman, even better than most adults. He solicited sex from a minor, also a sexual crime in Michigan, by using the internet, and consummated the act with a minor - and got caught. Sorry - no - no pity or concern for this dummy is warranted.

Why, I wonder, do you think the provision in the law which allows young first time offenders to avoid the sexual offender list is in place? From all you've written it would seem you consider that provision to be a mistake and are glad it was ignored. Strange that you complain that others do not understand the relevant laws and yet continuously ignore this portion of the law.
its statutory raping, and not leniency, just not ruining someones life when he had no intent of committing the crime he is accused of.

He should go to jail for a set time as punishment, then let go. that's it.

He should have gotten time served, probation, and a hearty, "YOU DUMBASS!" from the judge.

And then released back into the community, with no information on file that he is a sexual predator, a requirement under Michigan law? So he could surf the internet again, and prey upon another 10-12-13-14-15-16-17 year old innocent females posing with a fake ID, like she is of age? Kids know how to use computer's in the 4th grade, it is a parents responsibility to learn and control how they use social media, and restrict access which is inappropriate for their age.

That is the trouble with your liberalism in America, it releases criminals with a slap on the hand, to return to society to do exactly the same thing that got them into trouble in the first place. You think a sentence of "You Dumbass" is going to stop the guy from having sex? And if he was having trouble locating a sex partner, he is going to go right back onto the internet and do it again.

I really feel sorry for you guys, if you happen to be raising underage teenage daughter's, as your ideas here put them in great danger, and you put value in the idea that the child's parents, who did not have her under control raising her, by allowing her to set up a webpage advertising herself for sexual favors, should have their opinion carry any weight in exonerating the man who raped their 14-year old daughter. The judge should have had social services take the girl into custody removing her from their supervision, and the State's Attorney should have tried them for aiding and abetting a minor in criminal activity and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The judge and the law are protecting the community and the children - you think you know the law better than the judge, and want a sexual predator loose on the streets. Shameful..............

I am entirely confident that if a judge were to give a lesser sentence in similar circumstances you would think that you know the law better than that judge. And again, because of the offender's age and lack of previous criminal record, putting him on the sex offender list is not a requirement, at least according to the article about this case.
I fail to see how anyone could be stupid enough to believe that a person who LIED to another person in order to get them to commit a crime aided and abetted that person in committing a crime.

I'm fairly certain, absent evidence to the contrary, that this kid would have ran like hell had she told him she was 14.

Therefor SHE caused the crime to be committed.


She is underage, the only crime she could be charged with here is juvenile delinquency...........

are you entirely retarded? Being underage isn't relevant. 14 years are often charged as adults in fact.
I fail to see how anyone could be stupid enough to believe that a person who LIED to another person in order to get them to commit a crime aided and abetted that person in committing a crime.

I'm fairly certain, absent evidence to the contrary, that this kid would have ran like hell had she told him she was 14.

Therefor SHE caused the crime to be committed.


She is underage, the only crime she could be charged with here is juvenile delinquency...........

are you entirely retarded? Being underage isn't relevant. 14 years are often charged as adults in fact.

Being underage is the only thing that is relevant in this particular case, because children can not give consent, no matter what they might post on the internet or engage in regarding sexual partners. The adult at 19 is totally responsible, under Michigan law, to determine and insure that his sexual partner, who he solicited through social media, also a crime in Michigan, even if the sexual encounter wasn't carried out, was, in fact, of legal age to consent to sexual activity with an adult, not the other way around. Why you people continue to post in favor of a sexual predator instead of in favor of the judge and the law of Michigan protecting 14-year old's from being duped into sexual encounters by an adult, absolutely stunningly surprising - but - that is American liberalism - no penalty, no harm - no foul, let him walk, so he can destroy another child's life. Now you idiots (apparently name calling is approved of on this message board), can continue to spout your misguided, immature, unnatural, out-of-touch rational regarding adults raping 14-year old girls for another 150 some posts, you are not going to change my mind, I have a law enforcement background, and teaching background, and do not condone such activity, never will, and will continually counter your garbage posts with the facts. A 19-year old adult can't have sex with a 14-year old girl in the State of Michigan, it is rape...............
I fail to see how anyone could be stupid enough to believe that a person who LIED to another person in order to get them to commit a crime aided and abetted that person in committing a crime.

I'm fairly certain, absent evidence to the contrary, that this kid would have ran like hell had she told him she was 14.

Therefor SHE caused the crime to be committed.


She is underage, the only crime she could be charged with here is juvenile delinquency...........

are you entirely retarded? Being underage isn't relevant. 14 years are often charged as adults in fact.

Being underage is the only thing that is relevant in this particular case, because children can not give consent, no matter what they might post on the internet or engage in regarding sexual partners. The adult at 19 is totally responsible, under Michigan law, to determine and insure that his sexual partner, who he solicited through social media, also a crime in Michigan, even if the sexual encounter wasn't carried out, was, in fact, of legal age to consent to sexual activity with an adult, not the other way around. Why you people continue to post in favor of a sexual predator instead of in favor of the judge and the law of Michigan protecting 14-year old's from being duped into sexual encounters by an adult, absolutely stunningly surprising - but - that is American liberalism - no penalty, no harm - no foul, let him walk, so he can destroy another child's life. Now you idiots (apparently name calling is approved of on this message board), can continue to spout your misguided, immature, unnatural, out-of-touch rational regarding adults raping 14-year old girls for another 150 some posts, you are not going to change my mind, I have a law enforcement background, and teaching background, and do not condone such activity, never will, and will continually counter your garbage posts with the facts. A 19-year old adult can't have sex with a 14-year old girl in the State of Michigan, it is rape...............

Do you honestly think you are arguing with a bunch of liberals here? That everyone who disagrees with you on this particular subject is a liberal? Are you a person who views everyone that disagrees with you as a liberal?

I also wonder that your law enforcement and teaching backgrounds have left you so ill prepared to comprehend the difference between condoning something and considering the penalty for something too harsh. Or perhaps you understand perfectly well but are simply intentionally misrepresenting the stated opinions of other posters to try and bolster your point....
I fail to see how anyone could be stupid enough to believe that a person who LIED to another person in order to get them to commit a crime aided and abetted that person in committing a crime.

I'm fairly certain, absent evidence to the contrary, that this kid would have ran like hell had she told him she was 14.

Therefor SHE caused the crime to be committed.


She is underage, the only crime she could be charged with here is juvenile delinquency...........

are you entirely retarded? Being underage isn't relevant. 14 years are often charged as adults in fact.

Being underage is the only thing that is relevant in this particular case, because children can not give consent, no matter what they might post on the internet or engage in regarding sexual partners. The adult at 19 is totally responsible, under Michigan law, to determine and insure that his sexual partner, who he solicited through social media, also a crime in Michigan, even if the sexual encounter wasn't carried out, was, in fact, of legal age to consent to sexual activity with an adult, not the other way around. Why you people continue to post in favor of a sexual predator instead of in favor of the judge and the law of Michigan protecting 14-year old's from being duped into sexual encounters by an adult, absolutely stunningly surprising - but - that is American liberalism - no penalty, no harm - no foul, let him walk, so he can destroy another child's life. Now you idiots (apparently name calling is approved of on this message board), can continue to spout your misguided, immature, unnatural, out-of-touch rational regarding adults raping 14-year old girls for another 150 some posts, you are not going to change my mind, I have a law enforcement background, and teaching background, and do not condone such activity, never will, and will continually counter your garbage posts with the facts. A 19-year old adult can't have sex with a 14-year old girl in the State of Michigan, it is rape...............

Do you honestly think you are arguing with a bunch of liberals here? That everyone who disagrees with you on this particular subject is a liberal? Are you a person who views everyone that disagrees with you as a liberal?

I also wonder that your law enforcement and teaching backgrounds have left you so ill prepared to comprehend the difference between condoning something and considering the penalty for something too harsh. Or perhaps you understand perfectly well but are simply intentionally misrepresenting the stated opinions of other posters to try and bolster your point....

I am discussion facts with people who are espousing liberal philosophy regarding the criminal justice system, something liberals destroyed beginning way back in 1966 with the the Supreme Court decisions regarding advice of rights; rehabilitation vs retribution (which is what you are championing here) - a system that has proven to be unworkable and detrimental to American society ever since it was foisted on us by liberals and coddling of criminals, at the expense of raping underage children. As for my law enforcement background - it gave me a solid insight into interrogation and investigative techniques, allowing me to observe first hand, the dismantling of citizen rights and replacing those rights with criminal's rights. As for my teaching background, it is High School - which means I deal with teenagers almost daily, and have absolutely no trouble determining the age of high school freshmen, and also the age and attitudes they display usually, and those of 18-19 year old boys. In fact, it is absolutely surprising that the 19 year old involved in this case didn't immediately determine the age of that girl as around a 14-year old Freshman, since he probably was so recently separated from the High School environment. I don't consider the penalty too harsh, and have confidence that judge was protecting society's underage children from rape and statutory rape and solicitation for sexual favors via electronic, social media, also a crime in Michigan. Do any of you live in Michigan? Have any of you raised daughter's? Do you consider a 19 year old having sexual encounters with 14 year old's acceptable? Apparently you do - I don't, and happen to be sickened at your crocodile tears shed over the perpetrator of the crime, instead of the underage victim of the rape. If we ignore the consent laws regarding underage children in this country, we will have a flurry of sexual rapes and liberal excuses that excuse the criminal adult from culpability for his actions. I don't condone rape of underage children, no matter what moniker you guys put on it...........apparently you do. You have a problem with the judge's decision, move to Michigan, and take political action to overturn his decision's. I believe you will find the judge more capable in evaluating what occurred, and what was an appropriate punishment for that crime, than your Geraldo Riveria; Judge Judy television back seat legal skills from watching those shows. I have been in the field, still remain in the field, have extended experience in the field - and disagree with you, and will always disagree with you.................
yes really. If they are on the list I want to know he/she did something really bad, not being 19 and having sex with someone he thought was 17 and was actually 14, or someone who got caught for "exposure" because they were drunk and took a piss on a wall.

Rapists, people who actually WANT to have sex with 14 year olds, pedophiles, flashers, etc, those are the people who should be on the list.

Then go to your state legislature and change the law. At the moment, indecent exposure and statutory rape ARE sex offenses. I'm not seeing a good reason why they shouldn't be.
Always black and white with you. No adults shouldn't get a free pass, but the circumstances of the event should be taken into consideration. If a young girl looks older, holds herself out as of age and a reasonable person would believe she was of age, then it should be a defense. Now it's very unlikely a 14 yr old girl could pass for 17, so if it was unreasonable to a normal person then the defense may not be utilized.

Circumstances were taken into consideration. He could have gotten two years in prison. The judge gave him probation and put him on the list.

Legally, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Is this sinking through that thick skull yet? Yet again, for the REALLY slow kid: she did this literally DOZENS (probably hundreds) of times over the course of THREE YEARS. She interacted with many people, including being pulled over by the police. Not ONE of them ever so much as raised an eyebrow!

Ditchy, you need to chill, seriously.
its statutory raping, and not leniency, just not ruining someones life when he had no intent of committing the crime he is accused of.

He should go to jail for a set time as punishment, then let go. that's it.

He should have gotten time served, probation, and a hearty, "YOU DUMBASS!" from the judge.

Oh, I would think 3 months in county lockup would do him some good. That and some regular old probation and community service after. He still broke the law, and breaking a statutory law is not excused by deception (although it can be mitigated).
its statutory raping, and not leniency, just not ruining someones life when he had no intent of committing the crime he is accused of.

He should go to jail for a set time as punishment, then let go. that's it.

He should have gotten time served, probation, and a hearty, "YOU DUMBASS!" from the judge.

And then released back into the community, with no information on file that he is a sexual predator, a requirement under Michigan law? So he could surf the internet again, and prey upon another 10-12-13-14-15-16-17 year old innocent females posing with a fake ID, like she is of age? Kids know how to use computer's in the 4th grade, it is a parents responsibility to learn and control how they use social media, and restrict access which is inappropriate for their age.

That is the trouble with your liberalism in America, it releases criminals with a slap on the hand, to return to society to do exactly the same thing that got them into trouble in the first place. You think a sentence of "You Dumbass" is going to stop the guy from having sex? And if he was having trouble locating a sex partner, he is going to go right back onto the internet and do it again.

I really feel sorry for you guys, if you happen to be raising underage teenage daughter's, as your ideas here put them in great danger, and you put value in the idea that the child's parents, who did not have her under control raising her, by allowing her to set up a webpage advertising herself for sexual favors, should have their opinion carry any weight in exonerating the man who raped their 14-year old daughter. The judge should have had social services take the girl into custody removing her from their supervision, and the State's Attorney should have tried them for aiding and abetting a minor in criminal activity and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The judge and the law are protecting the community and the children - you think you know the law better than the judge, and want a sexual predator loose on the streets. Shameful..............

I think 3 months in the slammer learned the guy. Again, he had no intent of sleeping with a 14 year old.
yes really. If they are on the list I want to know he/she did something really bad, not being 19 and having sex with someone he thought was 17 and was actually 14, or someone who got caught for "exposure" because they were drunk and took a piss on a wall.

Rapists, people who actually WANT to have sex with 14 year olds, pedophiles, flashers, etc, those are the people who should be on the list.

Then go to your state legislature and change the law. At the moment, indecent exposure and statutory rape ARE sex offenses. I'm not seeing a good reason why they shouldn't be.

Pissing on a wall is not indecent exposure. It's public urination.

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