'Make America Great Again'

Normally there is a huge bounce back after a short recession. You can see this throughout the last 100 years, with the exception of the Great Depression.

You stupid brain-dead fuckwad, this wasn't a "short recession". For those of us who HAD real jobs in the real economies and didn't hide in mommy's basement, the BUSH DEPRESSION (also know as the Great Recession) was a fucking economic apocolypse.

So once again, we have yet another racist fuckwad arguing that Obama didn't fix what Bush fucked up fast enough. And never holding Bush and the Republicans accountable for fucking it up in the first place.
Unfortunately merely ending the groveling and apologizing is not enough. After four years...yeah, it might have been. But after eight it's going to take a demonstration of greatness, not just a slowing of the weakness.

Not going to be pretty to watch for those whose lives are built on submission.

Right, liberals? Lots and lots of pain.......
An interesting catch phrase or words so coded its meaning is lost on most? When was or wasn't America great? Doesn't that depends on who is making the call. How did an outsider, a person who goes against every policy republicans promote become their candidate of choice. How? The answer is simple, the Republicans created Donald Trump.

You ask how? Why is the complex part. It started long ago, but we can date its real growth with Ronald Reagan, government isn't the solution it is the problem. Add ingredients galore: victimisation, xenophobia, nationalism, misogyny, lost freedoms, demography, corporatism, and the old favorite, racism and the brew is prepared. Something for everyone, add terrorism and immigrants as an update. Don't want to miss anyone. Watch the crowd at a Trump rally, listen to their cheers and their questions. If you want to understand, know a person's hatreds, it is there you'll find the hows.

But why you ask, why make the grand old party the crazy place. Crazy is un-American right? It was an accident, but one easy to understand. Recall all the cliches on foes, on enemies, blame, question their Americanism, question their identity, point fingers at them, it's them who took our jobs, it's them who took our greatness. They don't understand, they only want, they look to government, they don't belong. 'They' can be anyone from the welfare recipient to the corporate donors*. Do all this and some will believe and some will seek a savior. The narrative was set, along came the answer.

* This sentiment is strong among democrats too as Wall Street bashing shows. "It is an indication of a country’s institutional corruption when inside a main party the only alternative to the prevailing crony capitalism is a tycoon with a long history of shady deals." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/23/opinion/campaign-stops/donald-trump-crony-capitalist.html

I agree somewhat in part. Barack Obama and the failing Republican Party made Donald Trump popular. Obama's agenda does not support the culture that sustains the country economically. And the Karl Rove establishment did a very poor job of mitigating the risk Obama's policies pose and now America is paying the price for the gross negligence.


you mean white supremacists and homophobes are upset.
Normally there is a huge bounce back after a short recession. You can see this throughout the last 100 years, with the exception of the Great Depression.

You stupid ....

Yeah, we stopped reading. I'm sure you being a typical leftard, you'll blame bush for everything, even though he hasn't been in office for 7 years.

Moving on to more intelligent posts. (please feel free to say I'm racists now, since we all know you don't have any real arguments.)
An interesting catch phrase or words so coded its meaning is lost on most? When was or wasn't America great? Doesn't that depends on who is making the call. How did an outsider, a person who goes against every policy republicans promote become their candidate of choice. How? The answer is simple, the Republicans created Donald Trump.

You ask how? Why is the complex part. It started long ago, but we can date its real growth with Ronald Reagan, government isn't the solution it is the problem. Add ingredients galore: victimisation, xenophobia, nationalism, misogyny, lost freedoms, demography, corporatism, and the old favorite, racism and the brew is prepared. Something for everyone, add terrorism and immigrants as an update. Don't want to miss anyone. Watch the crowd at a Trump rally, listen to their cheers and their questions. If you want to understand, know a person's hatreds, it is there you'll find the hows.

But why you ask, why make the grand old party the crazy place. Crazy is un-American right? It was an accident, but one easy to understand. Recall all the cliches on foes, on enemies, blame, question their Americanism, question their identity, point fingers at them, it's them who took our jobs, it's them who took our greatness. They don't understand, they only want, they look to government, they don't belong. 'They' can be anyone from the welfare recipient to the corporate donors*. Do all this and some will believe and some will seek a savior. The narrative was set, along came the answer.

* This sentiment is strong among democrats too as Wall Street bashing shows. "It is an indication of a country’s institutional corruption when inside a main party the only alternative to the prevailing crony capitalism is a tycoon with a long history of shady deals." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/23/opinion/campaign-stops/donald-trump-crony-capitalist.html

I agree somewhat in part. Barack Obama and the failing Republican Party made Donald Trump popular. Obama's agenda does not support the culture that sustains the country economically. And the Karl Rove establishment did a very poor job of mitigating the risk Obama's policies pose and now America is paying the price for the gross negligence.


you mean white supremacists and homophobes are upset.

White hating, godless commies are upset too. See how useful that was? Just tossing back in your face the same crap you spewed out?
An interesting catch phrase or words so coded its meaning is lost on most? When was or wasn't America great? Doesn't that depends on who is making the call. How did an outsider, a person who goes against every policy republicans promote become their candidate of choice. How? The answer is simple, the Republicans created Donald Trump.

You ask how? Why is the complex part. It started long ago, but we can date its real growth with Ronald Reagan, government isn't the solution it is the problem. Add ingredients galore: victimisation, xenophobia, nationalism, misogyny, lost freedoms, demography, corporatism, and the old favorite, racism and the brew is prepared. Something for everyone, add terrorism and immigrants as an update. Don't want to miss anyone. Watch the crowd at a Trump rally, listen to their cheers and their questions. If you want to understand, know a person's hatreds, it is there you'll find the hows.

But why you ask, why make the grand old party the crazy place. Crazy is un-American right? It was an accident, but one easy to understand. Recall all the cliches on foes, on enemies, blame, question their Americanism, question their identity, point fingers at them, it's them who took our jobs, it's them who took our greatness. They don't understand, they only want, they look to government, they don't belong. 'They' can be anyone from the welfare recipient to the corporate donors*. Do all this and some will believe and some will seek a savior. The narrative was set, along came the answer.

* This sentiment is strong among democrats too as Wall Street bashing shows. "It is an indication of a country’s institutional corruption when inside a main party the only alternative to the prevailing crony capitalism is a tycoon with a long history of shady deals." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/23/opinion/campaign-stops/donald-trump-crony-capitalist.html

I agree somewhat in part. Barack Obama and the failing Republican Party made Donald Trump popular. Obama's agenda does not support the culture that sustains the country economically. And the Karl Rove establishment did a very poor job of mitigating the risk Obama's policies pose and now America is paying the price for the gross negligence.


you mean white supremacists and homophobes are upset.

How so?

Yeah, we stopped reading. I'm sure you being a typical leftard, you'll blame bush for everything, even though he hasn't been in office for 7 years.

Moving on to more intelligent posts. (please feel free to say I'm racists now, since we all know you don't have any real arguments.)

The problem is, you were the sort who voted for Romney because you hated Obama so much. You didn't care he belonged to a whacky cult and made his fortune screwing dumb ass crackers like you out of jobs.

Yes, I do blame Bush for his wars and his recessions. Why don't you?
The most I ever earned was under Bush. I have not done nearly as well under Obama. Must be his fault then.

No shit? What happened? You graduated high school and got a job during the Bush years?

Then after Bush collapsed the economy, you lost your job and had to replace it with a job paying less.

Don't feel alone. That happened to lots of people.
i stopped reading there.

I get it, man. It's hard for you to admit your racism. I'm sure some of your best friends are darkies.

Why are you such a jerk?

Because I have no tolerance for stupid white people who vote to fuck over working people, including themselves.

Because you are too stupid to realize that the illegal alien you hate so much for doing a job you wouldn't want to do is not your enemy. The rich guy who hires him is, but you keep voting for his interests.

So now you got a rich guy who has screwed over thousands of working people, probably more than Romney did, and you lap that sh it up because he says the racist shit you'd never be able to say in public.
YAY !!!!!!!
Lets go slaughter some injuns(Mezkins-Pakistasnis look the same too) and sell ALL of the buffalo hides to Italy !
You're using historical data pre-Obama. He did fundamentally change America in such a way there is no precedent or other data that could be used in your assessment. I think that Obama is worse than Hitler, Nixon and Clinton combined. The damage to America by Obama is unprecedented.

and again, what do you base that on, other than your own freaking out that there's a negro in the White House?

I think the last 8 years have been rough economically because the crash of 2008 was as bad as it was. That's really not on Obama. Should he have done more? Maybe. Would the GOP have let him? They said they would block him at every turn and they've tried.

But the idea that America is somehow "different" is silly. The real problem is, we are exactly the same as we were pre-Crash. The real problem with Obama is that he hasn't been a transformative figure in ways either the right or the left has claimed.
The republicans gave Obama everything he wanted. He owns the failing economy.
Yep. No obstruction on the part of the pubes that's for sure. They gave him everything he asked for.


I used to think you idiots just typed this shit in to try to get a rise out of sane people, but I have come to the conclusion that you morons actually believe this shit you type in.

What exactly did Obama push, that he didn't get?

Gun control

Much higher taxes

Single payer healthcare

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