"Make America Great Again"?

Ask the democrats. They ARE the only party to ever drop nukes.
Only party in the ENTIRE world.

Well, true, Truman was a democrat and you....as the humanitarian that you surely must be......are siding with the Japanese Emperor.....A worthy (albeit, somewhat anti-American) stance, I must admit.
Ask the democrats. They ARE the only party to ever drop nukes.
Only party in the ENTIRE world.

Well, true, Truman was a democrat and you....as the humanitarian that you surely must be......are siding with the Japanese Emperor.....A worthy (albeit, somewhat anti-American) stance, I must admit.
Just correcting your history. You DO seem to like to RE-write it.
Just correcting your history. You DO seem to like to RE-write it.

Exactly WHERE did I state that republicans are going to drop nukes? (although I am sure that right wingers like you can justify just about anything under the 2nd amendment.)
What does “Make America Great Again” really mean?

I mean, it’s a nice slogan, but words in context have a greater impact than when they are looked at singularly.

  1. So, does the above slogan imply that we are NOT great right now? No longer “great”?
If so, who exactly is better than us and should we then call them great or greater than us?

  1. Further, when EXACTLY were we so great that we’ve now abandoned that particular pedestal?
For that particular question, some time period would be helpful. Was it the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s. 1990s?

  1. Finally, what specifically would it take to make us “great” again?
Would a larger army/navy/air force make us great again? Would a larger personal arsenal of weapons make us great again? Would a return to racial purity make us great again?

It means he can't spell.

The word, the way he means it, is grate.
You are living in a dream world if you think today is the greatest America has ever been
Politicians running for office are always going to improve America.
But can you tell us when America's greatest period was?
No to your questions about expanding our military, owning more weapons, and wanting to make America white only again...

That is not what would make this country great...

Rebuilding the middle class and allowing the average American the chance to succeed in owing their own small business would make America great again, and not being enslaved to Mega Corporations like Wal-Mart...

I agree......but is it the government's role to "allow the average American the chance to succeed"......?

The only responsibility the feds has it to say the hell out of the way. Constitutionally the only function the feds are to have in the daily lives of average Americans is to make sure they get their mail and not invaded by a foreign power.
The only responsibility the feds has it to say the hell out of the way. Constitutionally the only function the feds are to have in the daily lives of average Americans is to make sure they get their mail and not invaded by a foreign power.

Correct......and let folks like George Wallace keep those schools segregated as they should be, right?
The only responsibility the feds has it to say the hell out of the way. Constitutionally the only function the feds are to have in the daily lives of average Americans is to make sure they get their mail and not invaded by a foreign power.

Correct......and let folks like George Wallace keep those schools segregated as they should be, right?

Sure why not, let him come back from the grave he's occupied for nearly 18 years and enforce it. If that happens I won't say a word.

See, you're not the only one that can be absurd.
'"Make America Great Again"?'

It illustrates the dishonesty, arrogance, and stupidity of most on the partisan right, a moronic lie propagated by republicans that 'all is wrong' in the country and Obama is 'at fault.”

America is currently great, we have always been a great Nation – there is no 'again.'
What does “Make America Great Again” really mean?

I mean, it’s a nice slogan, but words in context have a greater impact than when they are looked at singularly.

  1. So, does the above slogan imply that we are NOT great right now? No longer “great”?
If so, who exactly is better than us and should we then call them great or greater than us?

  1. Further, when EXACTLY were we so great that we’ve now abandoned that particular pedestal?
For that particular question, some time period would be helpful. Was it the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s. 1990s?

  1. Finally, what specifically would it take to make us “great” again?
Would a larger army/navy/air force make us great again? Would a larger personal arsenal of weapons make us great again? Would a return to racial purity make us great again?
maybe republicans would want us to drop some nukes ?That would make us great again?
Ask the democrats. They ARE the only party to ever drop nukes.
Only party in the ENTIRE world.

and we saved 1000's of American lives BUT of course in your BLIND Fury you couldn't mention that
What does “Make America Great Again” really mean?

I mean, it’s a nice slogan, but words in context have a greater impact than when they are looked at singularly.

  1. So, does the above slogan imply that we are NOT great right now? No longer “great”?
If so, who exactly is better than us and should we then call them great or greater than us?

  1. Further, when EXACTLY were we so great that we’ve now abandoned that particular pedestal?
For that particular question, some time period would be helpful. Was it the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s. 1990s?

  1. Finally, what specifically would it take to make us “great” again?
Would a larger army/navy/air force make us great again? Would a larger personal arsenal of weapons make us great again? Would a return to racial purity make us great again?
How come when Colin kappernick says America isn't great they say leave but when trump says it they vote for him?
What does “Make America Great Again” really mean?

I mean, it’s a nice slogan, but words in context have a greater impact than when they are looked at singularly.

  1. So, does the above slogan imply that we are NOT great right now? No longer “great”?
If so, who exactly is better than us and should we then call them great or greater than us?

  1. Further, when EXACTLY were we so great that we’ve now abandoned that particular pedestal?
For that particular question, some time period would be helpful. Was it the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s. 1990s?

  1. Finally, what specifically would it take to make us “great” again?
Would a larger army/navy/air force make us great again? Would a larger personal arsenal of weapons make us great again? Would a return to racial purity make us great again?
How come when Colin kappernick says America isn't great they say leave but when trump says it they vote for him?

His muslim girlfriend turned him against America....Trump has it right on immigration

Here’s What The Media Isn’t Telling You About Kaepernick’s Devout Muslim Girlfriend

It has been revealed that Colin Kaepernick’s girlfriend Nessa Diab was a large factor in his decision to refuse to stand for the national anthem.


We’re now hearing that it was actually his girlfriend Nessa’s idea for Colin to protest. Colin and his girlfriend, Nessa Diab, an MTV DJ, are still planning an Islamic-style wedding.”

Throughout social media outlets Diab has also expressed support for the communist government of Cuba. One Instagram post had a picture of Fidel Castro with a saying that said,

Here’s What The Media Isn’t Telling You About Kaepernick’s Devout Muslim Girlfriend | I'm an American
What does “Make America Great Again” really mean?

I mean, it’s a nice slogan, but words in context have a greater impact than when they are looked at singularly.

  1. So, does the above slogan imply that we are NOT great right now? No longer “great”?
If so, who exactly is better than us and should we then call them great or greater than us?

  1. Further, when EXACTLY were we so great that we’ve now abandoned that particular pedestal?
For that particular question, some time period would be helpful. Was it the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s. 1990s?

  1. Finally, what specifically would it take to make us “great” again?
Would a larger army/navy/air force make us great again? Would a larger personal arsenal of weapons make us great again? Would a return to racial purity make us great again?
How come when Colin kappernick says America isn't great they say leave but when trump says it they vote for him?

His muslim girlfriend turned him against America....Trump has it right on immigration

Here’s What The Media Isn’t Telling You About Kaepernick’s Devout Muslim Girlfriend

It has been revealed that Colin Kaepernick’s girlfriend Nessa Diab was a large factor in his decision to refuse to stand for the national anthem.


We’re now hearing that it was actually his girlfriend Nessa’s idea for Colin to protest. Colin and his girlfriend, Nessa Diab, an MTV DJ, are still planning an Islamic-style wedding.”

Throughout social media outlets Diab has also expressed support for the communist government of Cuba. One Instagram post had a picture of Fidel Castro with a saying that said,

Here’s What The Media Isn’t Telling You About Kaepernick’s Devout Muslim Girlfriend | I'm an American
He wants to be the next Mohammad Ali?
What does the Hillary comment:"we will make corporations pay for every tax break" really mean? Nobody expects Hillary to ruin every corporation ( or do they?) but it It goes back to the difference between hypocrite left wing anarchists and Americans who really want to make America great again.
What does “Make America Great Again” really mean?

I mean, it’s a nice slogan, but words in context have a greater impact than when they are looked at singularly.

  1. So, does the above slogan imply that we are NOT great right now? No longer “great”?
If so, who exactly is better than us and should we then call them great or greater than us?

  1. Further, when EXACTLY were we so great that we’ve now abandoned that particular pedestal?
For that particular question, some time period would be helpful. Was it the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s. 1990s?

  1. Finally, what specifically would it take to make us “great” again?
Would a larger army/navy/air force make us great again? Would a larger personal arsenal of weapons make us great again? Would a return to racial purity make us great again?

1. Yes.

2. IMO, the crux of the matter is that each generation could reasonable look forward to the next generation having it better then them, and it did. That is no longer true. IMO, middle class americans have it WORSE now than my parents did. And I don't see anyway that things will be better for my child. We are in decline.

3. Change things so that we can reasonable look forward for things to improve for our children when they are grown.

Oh, and for you .

How is cutting the shit out of infrastructure, science, r&d, education and public investment going to make America great again? Honest question...

Deporting illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs, will allow the Law of Supply and Demand to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

When we look forward and see positive trends and hope instead of what we see now, that will be a Great American to live in.

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