"Make America Great Again"?

What does “Make America Great Again” really mean?

I mean, it’s a nice slogan, but words in context have a greater impact than when they are looked at singularly.

  1. So, does the above slogan imply that we are NOT great right now? No longer “great”?
If so, who exactly is better than us and should we then call them great or greater than us?

  1. Further, when EXACTLY were we so great that we’ve now abandoned that particular pedestal?
For that particular question, some time period would be helpful. Was it the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s. 1990s?

  1. Finally, what specifically would it take to make us “great” again?
Would a larger army/navy/air force make us great again? Would a larger personal arsenal of weapons make us great again? Would a return to racial purity make us great again?
How come when Colin kappernick says America isn't great they say leave but when trump says it they vote for him?

Dear sealybobo
Answer: Because Trump really is willing to put his own effort behind the intent in his words.
He isn't just complaining and expecting other people to change. He wants to jump in and lead that change.

His shortcoming --> Then why alienate and demonize Cruz and his supporters, and other leaders that it will take to fulfill the goal. All that's missing is he needs to cheerlead and unify and uplift others, instead of putting them down which is dividing America instead of making us greater to reach our fullest potential that requires 100% cooperation and teamwork. He needs to get on that train that will get us to the station.

The key may be the Latino leadership and workers unions and community.
If the working people and leadership unite behind plans to rebuild the economy and businesses by organizing and moving production back locally to the states and especially along the border for sustainable development, then we can get all these leaders and candidates on the same unified plans and quit wasting resources on bullying and infighting.

The push may have to come from the people, where we get the government we deserve. So it depends what we ask for. Do we want localized sustainable production and health care based on turning prisons into medical facilities, schools and educational programs?

Or do we want to keep funding "fear based" politics that pays for contracts and bureaucratic jobs for people not serving anyone but their own career agenda? What do we want from our leaders in govt? It's our time to turn the tables on govt, take charge, and tell them what we want if we are going to hire them as "general contractors" overseeing the work on reforms.
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