"Make America Great Again"...what do you think it means?

Let's be honest about "Make America Great again"

Itt is code to the Rightwing base to say.....We are not Great since we had a negro running the country"
Not because of his heritage. Because of his proven history of committing treason, by using the power of his office to aid and abet invading foreign criminals. Such a person belongs in front of a firing squad, and not in a judgeship or any other public office.
By that standard tRump should be summarily killed.
When has Mr. Trump used the power of his political position to give aid and comfort to invading foreign criminals? As far as is obvious, he's been doing the opposite, using the power of his office to try to expel these invaders and protect this country from them.

What has your side done about this foreign criminal invasion of our country, other than to side with the invaders?
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I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?

With every leftist meltdown, America is becoming greater place.

To conservatives, making America great again would be accomplished by undoing every progressive victory over conservative opposition over the last 50? 100? years...
To conservatives, making America great again would be accomplished by undoing every progressive victory over conservative opposition over the last 50? 100? years...

As a conservative, I'll heartily agree.

A good starting point would be with FDR, who established quite a few precedents that have allowed the federal government to go wildly out of control, and to expand its claimed powers far beyond what the Constitution was intended to allow of it. Nearly all of what is now non-great about America—every “progressive victory over conservative opposition”—has its roots in that.
To conservatives, making America great again would be accomplished by undoing every progressive victory over conservative opposition over the last 50? 100? years...

As a conservative, I'll heartily agree.

A good starting point would be with FDR, who established quite a few precedents that have allowed the federal government to go wildly out of control, and to expand its claimed powers far beyond what the Constitution was intended to allow of it. Nearly all of what is now non-great about America—every “progressive victory over conservative opposition”—has its roots in that.

The Constitution didn't intend anything. The Founders had no intention of dictatorially ruling America for centuries.
For me MAGA means making America a smoothly functional, productive, thriving society to the best of our American ability.
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
I dunno... What times are you referring to? When was the country better than it is today?
Make America Great Again means exactly what it says.

America Great Again.....after 8 years of decline.

GOD Bless President Donald Trump. :2up:
Perhaps if "Make America great again" was meant in purely economic terms, we could all get behind it. But social issues are the concern. Civil, minority, women's and Gay rights are threatened by reversal to a time when their concerns were ignored.

Nobody is threatening women's or minority rights, unless you define the “right” to kill innocent unborn children in cold blood as being among those “rights”.

As for “gay rights”, it is long past time for government to stop pandering to sick, immoral sexual perverts of all kinds, and start caring more about the interests of decent, law-abiding Americans. When these perverted scum are allowed to teach their filth to children in elementary school, and merchants of various sorts are being compelled by abuse of the law to provide support to sick homosexual mockeries of weddings, then some lines have been crossed that ought never have been allowed to even be approached.

Trump's campaign was kicked off by calling immigrants rapists, murderers, drug dealers. We know this is demonizing ethnic groups for no good purpose.

Not immigrants. Immigrants come here legally, in accordance with the laws and policies that we have in place concerning the presence of foreign nationals within our borders.

Mr. Trump was condemning actual criminals for being criminals. They illegally invade our country, in violation of our laws concerning immigration, and they commit others crimes while here. You make no positive impression on sane people by treasonously taking the side of these invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans.

Trump then went on to say a judge born in Indiana could not rule justly because of his Mexican heritage.

Not because of his heritage. Because of his proven history of committing treason, by using the power of his office to aid and abet invading foreign criminals. Such a person belongs in front of a firing squad, and not in a judgeship or any other public office.
Well, aren't you the open minded?

I'm not here to argue for a woman's right to control her own reproductive system. Let us set that aside.

But your contention that homosexuals are not decent, law abiding Americans is simply not true. Homosexuals are your neighbors, active in your community, your schools and churches, they own and operate businesses and pay taxes, they serve in our military and as first responders. They are your friends. They are members of your family.

To deprive these people of all the rights enjoyed by any other American serves no purpose other than to continue the Conservative tradition of oppressing n of those who do not conform to your lifestyle. Measured by a latitude of morality and a longitude of puritanically ossified culture, you and your fellow Conservatives seek blind conformity. Where is the virtue in this repression? Why does it serve society as an absolute good?

You see only the 'illegal' in undocumented immigrants. You seek to castigate all undocumented immigrants as essentially illegal with the same measure of scorn our society reserves for violent criminals. Other than seeking opportunity, as our nati Nail slogans suggest are available here and nowhere else, undocumented workers have enriched our society far more than the few who are truly violent criminals have detracted from it.

As for that judge you deem treasonous, what treason has he committed? The Donald contends that it is his Mexican heritage that renders him unfair.

More examples of how The Donald seeks to divide us one from another can be found in his incessant tweets and pronouncements about anyone who is not The Donald has myself. He seeks to set up a cult of personality around himself. Unquestioned obedience and loyalty are his stock in trade.

Should we acquiesce and fall in line behind such a boor, or are the American ideals of free speech and political action still alive?

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